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Hey so just for the fuck of it, I'm going to give Creek one more chapter. I'll do the same with the other two routes tho so don't worry, also they won't be short and crappy. /at least I hope not/
Anyways, enjoy guys!👏

Craig's POV

I was walking Tweek home from work. It was around 7:30, and boy was he tired. He kept falling asleep on me while we were walking. We soon arrived at Tweeks house, he fumbled with the keys but got it. I stopped him before walking inside. "Go get some sleep babe, don't forget to shower, ok?" I said kissing his forehead. "You're not staying?" He said a little disappointed. I gave him a half smile. "I have to go get clothes dude, when you get out of the shower text me if you still want me to come over, Okay?" He smiled and nodded. "I will so don't fall asleep on me!" He said sticking his tongue out. I smiled and pecked his cheek. "I'll see ya later honey!" I said walking away from the house.

I was halfway to my house, "thank god, walking is so tiring" I said with a chuckle. "Then why don't you drive?" A voice said. I jumped and swung my head to my left to see Thomas. "Oh, hey dude, and because I like walking with Twee and holding his hand." I said. "Damn got over me fast, huh?" He said with a sigh. "Well I mean, I was never over Tweek to begin with" "Yeah but I could've helped" I furrowed my brows. "Um dude, I thought you were chill, aren't you dating that brimmy kid?" "No I left him" "Why?" I asked getting kinda weirded out. "For you" "what?" "Lets be together Craig! We can own a house together and adopt kids and move far away!" I stopped there confused as fuck, then he started laughing and wheezing. "I'm just fucking with you dude, I was -shit fuck- walking Brimmy home and I saw you" I sighed of relief "dude you scared me, I thought you were about to pull some stalker shit or something" I said "nah, I'm not the other -balls- Thomas's from other books" "hey! Fuck off they're reading this" he shrugged "-fuck- who gives a fuck? -asshole- anyways, I'll see you -shit- later dude, say hi to Tweek for me!" I smiled and waved him off as I made it to my house.

I ran upstairs and raided my room for clothes. I then hopped in the shower and raced out faster than Cartman eating food. I raced back to my room and threw on some shoes, I grabbed my bag on my way out and walked back downstairs. "You're going to Tweeks, right?" I heard Tricia say. "Yeah" "as friends?" She asked. "As boyfriends" I heard a squeal from my dad. I rolled my eyes and ignored my family yelling after me as I walked out.

I was back at Tweeks, I was laying on his stomach as he played with my hair. We were watching a shitty horror movie and cracking up lame jokes about the characters. "Bet dude she's gonna trip" I said making Tweek snicker "Yeah then get dragged away" I smiled "yeah watch she's gonna scream for her boyfriend too" he rolled his eyes again as we continued watching. Just what we said happened "told you" "who said I doubted you loser.. oh! Dude this dumbass is going back for her, see this is why you're better off being gay" Tweek said "how do you know this wouldn't happen to a gay couple?" I asked "they don't make movies about it do they?" "You gotta point but doesn't mean it doesn't happen" "Yeah but I bet it isn't as much as heteros, god, make a horror movie with gay people you cowards!" "Psh there's scary movies with gay people" "uhh yeah low budget ones Craig!" I muttered up a shrug "true"

We ended up falling asleep tangled in each other's arms that night. No big deal, right? Just two gay boys being gay no biggie. But it is a biggie to me, because this time instead of it being on accident and waking up flustered and confused. We did it purposely and I know damn well when we wake up I'm going to get morning kisses.

Hi! Hello yeah sorry I've been gone a while, was slacking and dealing with stuff but ayyy ya boy is back w/ fluff~
I just wanted to add a chap for these cuties, but ima get to work w/ Kens part rn! And I guarantee it won't be short like this.
Anyways, later lovelies!🤟

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