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Kenny's POV

I grunted as Craig left. He pisses me off. What fucking right does he have! I jumped when Tweek rubbed my back. I looked up at him, he had a concerned look. "What's wrong dude?" I shook my head and laid on his shoulder. "I just don't know how you're so good to people, if I were you I would've punched so many people." He snickered and rolled his eyes. "I dunno, why bother if it'll just cause more conflict yknow" I nodded and sighed. "Yeah I guess" he just smiled. "Do you and Karen wanna stay over?" I peeked up and nodded. "Yeah! I'll go get her! Wait here bean!" He just laughed at my excitement and said "okay"

I smiled and jumped out the door. I started walking back to my house. As I was walking I saw Tucker and some kid- I smirked and got Tuckers attention. "Ay!" "Fuck of McCormick"
"Eat a dick Tucker! And tell your little sister Karen's going to Tweeks if she wants to get away from you!" He flicked me off and I walked off snickering. I approached my house and knocked. "Kenny!" I heard Karen yell. I smiled and hugged her as she opened the door. "Where's pop and mom" "our I don't know, I woke up and it was just me and Kevin, but Kevin left out with some friends." I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Well we're leaving too" "where?" "To your other brothers house" she squealed and jumped up getting clothes in a backpack. "Does that mean you're dating him?" She yelled to me. I flushed and snickered. "No, well not yet at least." I heard her groan. "Kenny! You have to cuff him before someone else does!" I snickered and rolled my eyes. "I will don't worry!" She came up to me smiling. "Okay good! So that means tonight Kenneth!" I sunk into my parka. "You know maybe we should just hang here you know.." "NOPE! You're gonna ask him Kenny!" I groaned and muttered a 'fine'

Once we had our stuff together, I let Karen jump on my back and I started walking towards Tweeks place. "So what were you doing home? I honestly forgot you'd might be at school when I was already here" she giggled. "I didn't feel too hot this morning so mom let me stay home." I smirked "did you really feel sick?" "Of course not!" She said laughing. I snickered and shook my head. "Yo cockmick!" I snapped my head towards Tucker. "Fuck you want" He came up with me, holding hands with that kid. "Ask him honey" I cringed and Karen made gagging noise. I snickered and shifted my attention towards the kid. "Oh um, we wanted to -fuck!- know if you and your boyfriend wanna go on a double -shit!- date? To lose the awkward tension and stuff.." I smirked, it's a perfect way to piss of Craig. "You know what, me and my bean would love too! If you want we can ask him and talk about it as his place, we're heading over there right now!" I said enthusiastically. Karen squealed and giggled.
"Fine. Let's go." Craig said through gritted teeth. I smiled and we all set off towards Tweeks.

We all stood in front of Tweeks. Karen had knocked. We waited a couple minutes then the door opened. Karen had jumped on Tweek. "Hi Tweek!" She said hugging him. He laughed hugging her. "Hi Karen!" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Hi bean" "hey Ken" He said smiling. He then shifted his attention towards Craig and the kid. I could feel his heart stop. He looked at me with concern and confusion. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it with a reassuring smile. He calmed down and welcomed them in. "Hi Thomas, Craig.. please come in.." he said moving out of the way. "I'll be in my room Tweek! And don't let them get to you cuz you're the best!" Karen said giving Tweek a hug. He smiled and nodded. I took Tweeks hand and we all sat in the living room. "Ahem, well coffee bean, they were wondering if we wanted to go on a double date with them." Instead of getting anxious he blushed. He looked up at me and smiled. "I.. we'd love too!" He exclaimed. The Thomas kid smiled and started talking about time and date n shit, while Craig was lost. He was confused and shocked. It was fucking hilarious. "Okay so Friday night at 7! Great!" Tweek said while leaning into me. I smiled and rested my hand on his hip, giving him a squeeze to piss of Tucker but moreover because I knew it would tickle Tweek. "Ken, not now" he said laughing nervously. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Oh, I'm sorry love" I caught a glimpse of the other two. Thomas was smiling but Craig looked heated, he wanted to kill me. I smiled and got up. "I'm gonna go get Karen brb" Tweek nodded with a smile. I walked upstairs into the guest room we made for Karen and Ruby because it was empty and a drag before. "Hey, you want us to do your hair? I'm bored and I don't think these other losers are gonna leave anytime soon." She peeked up from her phone. "Yeah! Let's go" she said with a smile. I smiled back and we walked downstairs with a brush and rubber bands. "Tweek! Can you do my hair?" Tweek smiled and nodded. I handed him the brush and leaned in his shoulder, watching him comb her hair. "Anyways, where do you guys wanna go?" Tweek asked. Thomas smiled "starks pond? Ice skating then we can go out for food after.." Tweek smiled "Yeah, maybe me and Ken can carve our initials! Luckily for you both our names start with a T" Tweek said. I snickered and ruffled Tweeks hair. "Your pettiness is showing" I whispered. He looked at me with a grin. "Shut up 'boyfriend'" I smiled and pecked his cheek.

"Well we should really be going." Craig said through gritted teeth. "So soon?" I asked with a smirk. "He flicked me off and stormed out, Thomas trailing after waving us goodbye. I let out all my laughter and hugged Tweek.

Song: Welcome to L.A. by Oliver Tree🌲

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