✖︎ Kennys Route ✖︎

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Soooo let's reverse all the way back to when Craig had his hand up our baby's shirt

Kenny's POV

I was talking with Butterball and his lameass boyfriend. "Stanley. When I leave you better take control of your alcohol yourself." "I'll be fine babe I promise" "Are you positive?" "I promise Leo" I smirked to myself knowing Stan was probably gonna get slapped into the 3000s tomorrow. They started saying goodbyes and all their mushy shit. So I turned to Tweek to see if he was still there listening in on this. Fortunately for me, he had disappeared. I grumbled and got up looking around the room for him. I groaned and started looking around the house trying to find my bean. I hope he's not with Craig, because I'm tipsy and ready to fight.

I made my way into the kitchen and immediately lost my shit. I stomped up to Craig, who was all up on him. "The fuck? You think you can take advantage of him so quickly? What's your damage dude!" I growled at him. The girls and other people in the room started their 'oos' They better get ready to yell my name cuz I'm going to snap this twink in two. "Me? Look at you getting pissy over something that doesn't belong to you!" He snapped. "Something? Excuse you that something is my best friend and he has fucking emotions prick he's not a fucking object don't you even start with that shit" I snapped back. "I didn't fucking mean it like that, why don't you just back the fuck up and let us be dude!" "Uh? Because I'm not letting a prick like you take advantage of him any longer! Haven't you done enough?! Shit!" "Fuck off dude I've been with him, Sorry you fell for a guy who already had someone!" "Dont you dare start that shit Tucker because if you really loved him you wouldn't have left him! Or said 'if he needs comfort he can come if not then oh well' who the fuck says that shit!" He was took back, and ready to fight but our heads snapped towards Tweek the second we heard him start his sentence. "..you said that?" He asked with tears in his eyes. "God.. Craig.. fuck! I'm such a fucking idiot!" He yelled before storming off.

"Tweek!" The girls and I yelled. I waved them off, about to run after him. But I was yanked back and faced with a pissed off Craig. "I'll fucking kill you McCormick!" He screeched, taking a swing at me. I quickly ducked and pushed him back. He came at me with full force again, hitting the side of my head; making me double over in pain. He took his chance and pushed me to the ground and locked me in. I grunted and jolted my right leg up, kneeing him in the balls. I pushed him off, and made sure to punch him in the face before running off to find Tweek.

I walked outside to see Tweek being held by Kyle and Cartman. I was extremely confused because Cartman was comforting him and there was a shirtless passed out guy in the middle of the yard. I walked up to the guys with a worried look. Kyle was rubbing his back, while Cartman talked to him. "Tweek, dude, I'm gonna be honest with you, Craig is a dick-" "shut up fatboy! Look Tweek, if he perceives you as an object.. maybe you should look into your other options or talk about it when he's not drunk" "y-yeah but" Tweek sniffled "my mom a-always told me, a d-drunk mans words a-are what h-he really thinks.." he said between hiccups. "You're overthinking it Tweek.." Kyle responded "you haven't thought like that since we were kids bean.. look at what he's done to you.. what I've done to you.. I'm so sorry I just got.. so caught up in this stupid shit I forgot that it's not a competition.. we took you for granted.." I said kneeling down in front of him. "Y-You didn't do anything Ken.. it was that jerk!" He said looking me. I wiped his tears away and frowned. "But I let that jerk hurt you again.. plus it is my fault for even bringing it up or starting a fight in the first place" "no.. I'm glad you t-told me Ken.." I furrowed my eyebrows "because then I would've gotten in a relationship with the w-wrong person.. I shouldn't go back to someone I once loved, I should s-stay with someone I do love" he said putting his hand on mine. "Yeah guys, plus I don't want to go on triple dates with Craig" Kyle spoke up. "It's enough dealing with this one" he said pointing at the shirtless guy. Tweek let out a small giggle "Yeah, that'd be pretty awkward for you guys, huh?" "For us? Dude for you, you'd be nudging Craig on trying to get him to talk, and he'd be unresponsive and stuff" Kyle said making him smile "Yeah" he sighed out.

Tweek started cheering up, but was full with dread when Craig walked out. "We're not finished McCormick." Tweek immediately stood up and walked up to him. He yanked him by his collar and made him level with himself. "I think we are. My future boyfriend and I have better places to be than starting drama because you think I'm a fucking tool." Tweek spat letting go. He huffed and grabbed his wrist before Tweek could walk back. "Tweek.. I'm sorry honey I didn't mean it like that, I messed up.." I stood up, ready to kick ass. Even though I'm sure Tweek has it under control, he's scary when he's pissed.. Tweek turned his head to him with emotion literally steaming out his ears. "Craig." He started, jerking his hand back. "You messed up?" He said turning completely around. "Because I fucking think.." yeah, the dude is gonna kill him. "That you've been messing up throughout our WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING 'FAKE RELATIONSHIP" Tweek yanked Craig by his collar and brought him close to him, as if they were about to kiss. "But you know what, BABE." Tweek started lifting his clenched hand above "YOUR. FUCKING. LOSS." He screamed before punching the shit outta Tucker. He knelt down besides Craig "now, if you want to be friends and make amends when your not being a dick, you know where to find me. Babe." Tweek spat before getting back up. He turned back to us with a huge ass grin. He grabbed my hand and pecked my cheek. "Let's go home?" He asked. "..y-yeah, sure yeah okay.." I said. "You okay?" He turned to me with a smile.

"I'm fuckin' peachy Ken"

Hope you guys enjoyed lol, I'm gonna make a follow-up chapter tho! Because Ken deserves it🧡

Also, all of you who voted for poly, don't worry I'm still writing it.

Till then lovelies

Song: 4EVER by Clairo

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