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Tweeks POV

I walked back downstairs and joined kenny, Stan and Clyde sitting in the living room. I smirked and looked at each of them "so how are you guys feeling on such a beautiful day?" I asked. "Wow bitch" Kenny said. "Bout to get worse" Stan muttered. Clyde stood up and sat next to me cuddling my arm. "My head hurts and I feel sick and I just want to be held because everything hurts!" Clyde said with a couple tears streaming down his face. I smiled and patted his head. "You'll be okay sweetie" he looked up at me with watery puppy eyes "you promise?" I nodded "I promise" he smiled and wiped his tears on his jacket. "Okay" He said getting himself comfortable. Craig then came running downstairs. He pushed Clyde off me and sat where he was. "Hey! Mom was taking care of me!" Clyde whined. "Well dad doesn't give a shit" Craig said. I sighed and patted the empty space next to me. Clyde immediately jumped in between me and Kenny. He laid his head on Kens lap, and his legs over Craig and I.

I rolled my eyes and got out my phone, I had three new messages from Butters saying he was parking in the front of my house. I smiled; I felt a little bad but Butters had a right to know so..
"So butters is o-" I got cut off by the door opening. "Hey Leo" I said. He smiled and walked over to us with a grin. "Hey fellas, Stanley." He said in a bitter sweet voice. "Oooo someone's in trouble." Kenny whispered to us. Butters walked up to Stan and sat on his lap, he pecked his cheek and smiled. We all sat there in silence waiting for something to happen. "Stan, baby, sweetie, lovey dovey, honey" Butters started. "Y-Yes babe?" Butters stood up and walked upstairs. We exchanged worried and sorrowful looks with each other. Butters came back a second later with a hand full of shaving cream. He rose his hands and brought it down quicker than we could blink. We heard a loud slap making us wince "OOOO" we all said in unison. Yep, Leo was pissed. "Stan what the heck did I tell you?! I told you not to get drunk or drink too much because you were going to get sick and humiliate yourself and you could've hurt yourself!" Butters yelled at him. Stan, Kenny, and Clyde winced, holding their heads. "Babe babe babe, I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I know I just got ahead of myself, I'm sorry I love you please don't be mad." Butters calmed down and sighed. "Fine, I accept your apology, but don't think you'll get into these plants mister!" He said sitting back down in Stans lap. "Dude have fun with your blue balls" Clyde said. Stan muttered a 'fuck you dude' before burying his head in butters neck.

It was later on in the day, I was at work with a flirty Craig helping me with the guys ordering and ordering. Well, specifically Clyde. "Dude you're going to throw up if you keep eating" I mumbled. "Psh, why do you think I keep going to the bathroom" I scrunched my nose and sighed. "Jesus dude" he shrugged and continued eating his muffin. I shot up from leaning on my hand when I heard the bell from the door ring. "Hey blondie" my heart dropped as I faced that same creep from the other night. Craig immediately perked up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Order. Pay. Leave." He spat staring the guy down. "Oh so now your dating him. "Yes..?" I said with hesitation. That made him smirk and he leaned over the counter. "My offer still stands babe" "Sir, look, I can barely stand because this guy pounded the twitching out of me. So please order or leave." I'm getting fed up with being nice to weird people like him. I heard a squeak and looked behind me to see Craig on the floor with a red face. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the guy. "Really? He did?" I rubbed my eyes and sighed. "Order. Or leave." I spat. "And what if I don't?" I bit down on my tongue. "Then I'll have to kick you out" I said through gritted teeth. He smirked and took me by my shirt bringing me close to him. "Yeah? I'd love to see you try babe." I smiled and pushed him off. I jumped over the counter and took a hold of his wrist dragging him out. "Dudes if we don't stop him that guy might die" I heard Stan say "yeah well he got himself in the mess, he shouldn't have tested Tweek" kenny said. I turned to them with a grin "oh please if I were to murder him I'd do it at night guys" they started laughing and coming with idea on how I would do it. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

We made it outside and I pushed him against the wall in the alley. "What the fuck do you want from me" "a date, a life with, a relationship" I sighed "I have a boy I am in love with and I wouldn't change that for the world so if you could kindly fuck off and let us be that'd be great thanks" I said letting go of him. He took the chance and pinned me against the wall. "He doesn't deserve you honey" "oh and you do?" "Yes actually" I started getting frustrated. I was about to kick him in the balls until he was pulled back by Craig. I smiled and brought him down to kiss him. "I want to tell you something Craig.. but first, it's my turn." Craig smiled and backed away. I pounced on the guy and locked him between my hips. I punched him a couple times before getting up and stomp on his, you know. He screeched in pain and huddled up in a little ball. "Now. Don't fuck with me, okay?" He nodded frantically while clutching himself for dear life. I snickered and walked over to Craig. "Anyways, I wanted to ask you something Craig" "I'm all ears honey" I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Boyfriends again?" He perked up and kissed me. "Boyfriends" I grinned and squeezed him. "We just couldn't stay apart huh" he rolled his eyes and we started walking back to the shop.

We made it inside to see the guys around Clyde. He was stuffing multiple muffins in his mouth while the guys chanted around him. Craig and I started laughing, but before Clyde could stuff one more muffin, all of them shot out and he raced to the restroom. I rolled my eyes and walked behind the counter. "You guys are dumb" I sighed out with a smile.

Aha hi! So this was the ending most people wanted. Sorry it's not like super cute and shit but I hope you still like it!
Next up I'll be writing Kenny's ending, then the poly one.
So keep and eye out👀👀
Anyways, I do hope you guys have been enjoying this book, thank you for so many reads you lovelies!

Song: Idle Town by Conan Gray

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