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Tweeks POV

I was leaning behind the counter tapping my fingers away. Absolutely bored out of my mind. Craig left about 20 minutes ago and honestly I wish anybody, even if it was him was here to talk to me. I sighed and closed my eyes to daydream of a better setting. Midway through petting a bunny I felt something cold on my lips. I opened my eyes, and to my relief it was just Kenny. I smiled and pulled him into a hug. "Dude I'm so fucking boooored" I groaned. He snickered and pulled me up and over the counter. "Well I'm here to save you my bean!" I smiled and raised an eyebrow, snickering sitting myself on the counter. Kenny grinned and rested his arms on my shoulders. "Well I have an idea" he whispered in my ear causing a wave of chills. I smirked "like?" "Liiiiike this" he moved his hands to the counter and kissed me. I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around his neck kissing back.

Just as things were getting heated the door opened and we immediately jumped away from each other. Kenny awkwardly stood at the table while I fell on the other side of the counter.
"-GAH!- FUCK!" I screeched hitting my head. I heard Kenny run to the back. He started cradling my head whispering 'I'm so sorry' and 'are you okay' I smiled and got up. "I'm fine, I think.." he sighed and kissed my head. He walked back to the front and I looked over the counter to see who saw us being idiots.

It was Craig and Clyde. Clyde was grinning and Craig looked unimpressed, with a pinch of frustration. I smiled and waved. "Hey guys"
Clyde ran up to the counter. "Duuuude holy shit that's the first time I've seen you two yknow" he whispered rubbing his hands together. I furrowed my brows "dude stop being pervy" I scoffed at him. He smiled and walked over to Kenny, probably to ask for details. Craig then walked over to me. "Hey, sorry Clyde followed me on my way here" I shrugged and smiled. "It's okay, it was boring here anyways" Craig smirked and lifted an eyebrow. "Oh was it? I cou-" "oh you know what I mean!" I said getting flustered. He just smiled at me. "So what happened I thought you were hanging with Thomas?" I asked leaning on the counter. He shrugged "Yeah well we didn't really work out." I made a concerned expression "What happened?" "He had a crush on a guy, and I have a crush on, Well you know" he said turning red. "Well better than him getting mad, not like he seems like the type to." "Yeah, either way I probably wouldn't care" "why not?" He smiled "Well I only care about my guinea pig and.." he trailed off staring me in the eyes. I felt my cheeks grow hot and I quickly turned my head in embarrassment. "And what" I muttered. He snickered "just a guy, he has messy blonde hair, kinda pale, loves multi-colored bandaids, he's pretty fucking cute, and he has a really weird boyfriend.." I snickered and playfully punched his shoulder. "He sounds like a doll" I said with a wink; making him blush even more in the process.

I got up and stretched, walking over to Kenny and Clyde. I sat next to Kenny and Craig next to Clyde. "Hey bean, I was just telling Clyde all the details about what we were doing." Kenny said with a smug grin. I leaned my head on his shoulder and looked over at Clyde who looked pissy. I grinned "what's wrong Clyde?" He gave me a look. "You guys NEVER tell me what you do!" All of us started laughing, making Clyde even more pissed than before. "Well I mean, would you tell us all the details if you were with someone?" Craig asked. "Uh yes" Clyde said rolling his eyes. "Okay Okay Fine what do you want to know." I said. "What were you two doing?" "We we're making out" "That's it?" "That's it Clyde." I said with a smug smile. "Why the fuck won't you guys fuck!" "Why do you want us to fuck so bad? Don't you have a computer?" Kenny said making Clyde gasp "I would not jack to you two! I want you to fuck because I think you guys should fuck" Clyde said as if it was a normal thing. "You're so weird dude" Craig said snickering. Clyde huffed and folded his arms. Our snickers got cut off by a door opening. "Hey guys" kenny said. Butters, Stan and Kyle walked in smiling. "Sup" Stan said. They came over and sat at a table next to us. "Why're you guys out so late?" Clyde asked. "I picked Butters up because his parents are dicks, and Kyle because he's my best friend then we started walking around.." stan said. "Than we saw you idiots in here so decided to stop by since it's Friday night and we have nothing better to do" Kenny furrowed his brows "what happened this time..?" He asked. "Oh geez, well my dad started yelling at me and throwing things and my mom was just watching and yknow.." kenny sighed. "Do they like, ever not be dicks?" He muttered. Butters smiled and shrugged. "Well my dad is what he eats.." butters mumbled making us all break into grins.

A few hours passed. All the guys were still here, just talking and cracking jokes. I was behind the counter with Kenny sitting on it next to me. Business started to pick up the later it grew. I sighed "anyone wanna coffee? I'm really ducking bored.." "I'll take one bean" kenny smiled pecking my head. "Make that two" Craig added. "Do you have coco?! I want some!" Clyde yelled. I smiled and got to work on the drinks. I made two French vanillas. I drew a heart in Kenny's, and attempted a guinea pig. It came out better than expected. I smiled and gave Kenny his which earned me a kiss. I gave Clyde and Craig there's. Clyde immediately screeched because the idiot tried chugging it making all of us laugh. "Thanks Tweek, it's hella cute" Craig smiled at me with a thumbs up. I smiled back and shrugged. "I tried" I walked back behind the counter and plopped my head on Kenny's shoulder. "Is it any good" I asked him. He turned slightly with a grin. "It's the best sweetie" I nodded and pecked his cheek. "Thank you"

I picked myself up as a customer came in. He smiled sending chills down my back. Not because it was hot, because it was creepy. "Hello sir, what can I get for you?" I asked with a gentle smile. "Hi, let me get a flat white" I nodded and made his coffee as quickly as possible, because I was astatic to get business that wasn't my friends. When I finished up I gave him his order. "Thank you" I nodded and gave him the price. "Actually I think I want something else" "of course, what'll it be?" He smirked "I'd like a cute blondes number" I flinched "Excuse me?" I said laughing nervously. "Well I'm single, I can take care of you, get you out of this little mountain town" I smiled and shook my head "I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend." "Oh yeah? What's he look like" "he's blonde, wearing orange, oh! And he's sitting right next to you." Kenny butted in with a pissed off look. "And he doesn't appreciate you flirting with his boyfriend" the man snickered. "Really, please, you're just saying that because I'm coming off as 'creepy'. Plus he could really do better than you, no offense." the man smirked. Kenny jumped off "do you want me to prove it to you? Plus I'm hella hotter than an old bag like you" "by all means prove it, and I'm not old I'm barely 29" kenny rolled his eyes and jumped over the counter. He grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. Knowing Kenny though he turned it into a mini makeout session. When he pulled away I was burning with embarrassment. "That enough for ya?" Kenny asked smirking. The man scoffed. "Whatever.." he paid for his drink and slid a piece of paper to me. "If ya ever need a real man just give me a call" he winked and walked out. Kenny hugged me and ran out after him. I tried stopping him but to no avail. He came waltzing back in with blood on his knuckles. "Yo I got him" I shook my head and snickered.

"Jesus christ dude" I said with a smile.

Hello hope you enjoyed this shitty update! I'll try to update daily if I can ever get my shit together. Till then!🤟

Song:Off to the races by Lana Del Ray

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