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Craig's POV

Tweek rushed out leaving me there dumbfounded. I grunted and pulled my hat down over my eyes. "FUCK!" I shrieked. "Yo calm down dude" I heard Clyde. "Clyde..?" "Yeah dude" fucking great out of everyone it's fucking Clyde in the stall. After a minute he walked out and washed his hands. "So what's this all about?" He asked slinging an arm around me. "I don't know" I muttered. "Dude just admit it, you're jealous, me and the guys all noticed, we're worried about you" He said. I sighed and shook my head. "Why would I be jealous, I'm in a good relationship and everything, I just don't like kenny that has to be it." Clyde sighed and patted my shoulder "well whatever it is you gotta figure it out, good luck talking with Tweek later, call if anything, and don't be a dick Craig" Clyde said walking out. I groaned and followed after him.

I was getting out of my 6th period. One more till I have to talk to Tweek. I sighed and pulled out my phone texting Thomas as I made my way into my next class.

"Hey honey, why aren't you here today?"

"Oh I just got a fever, I'll be okay tho"

"Aw lame, can I see you after school?"

"Of course!❤️"

"Great! See you then hon"

I smiled to myself and put my phone up. Yeah see, I like Thomas! I can't be jealous of Tweek and Kenny. Why else would I break up with Tweek. I don't have feelings for him, I'm just pissy because Thomas isn't here today. That makes so much more sense oh my god! I sighed happily content with myself. Well until Kenny walked in. He gave me a glare before walking off to sit with Stan and Kyle. I just flicked him off and sunk into my chair. "I cant wait for this class to end.." I muttered to myself.

Everyone was shuffling out of the class, me being the last one. I know I don't have to do this, but I want too, I don't want Tweek mad at me. I sighed and hung around the lockers at the end of the hall waiting for Kenny to leave Tweek. Eventually he gave Tweek a kiss and walked off. I gagged and made my way over once the coast was clear. "Hey Tweek." I said scaring him. "Ack!- oh.. oh hey Craig.." he said catching his breath. "Sorry, anyways can we finish our talk.." he sighed and nodded. "Well I have work today so if this is so important we can talk on the way there.." I nodded as we started walking.

"Okay, first of all, I'm not jealous I just don't trust Kenny and it scares me sometimes knowing how pervy he is." Tweek nodded "That's understandable but Kenny always tells me he won't rush things, he knows what consent is Craig, but even at that he just flirts he doesn't brush my thighs in class." I grumbled. "Still, you don't know if he's lying" "oh just like you didn't know I was lying? You're not really good with signs Craig" "Point is, I don't trust him, but I am not jealous"
Tweek stopped and turned to me "okay but I do, he's been there for me when you couldn't be, and honestly Craig I think you're jealous" he sighed walking again. I furrowed my brows and caught up with him." How?!" He groaned as we made it to the shop. "Craig what are you doing right now, tell me, please." He said unlocking the door. "Talking to you" I said as we walked inside. "What else did you do to get to talk to me today?" I froze and everything dawned on me. "Well?" He said flipping the sign on the door. "I.. I followed to the bathroom.. and walked you here.." he smirked and put in his apron. "And how do you feel when I'm around Kenny?" He asked. "I.. I get mad and frustrated, my blood boils.. but that's just because I don't like him!" "No Craig sweetie.." he said making his way behind the counter. I flushed at the nickname and gave him a quizzed look. "That's called jealousy" My breath hitched and I bit my tongue. "N-No.. I can't be I like my boyfriend!" He leaned over the counter. "Like, or love?" I sat down at a table "fuck."
He just snickered. "What's so funny!" He shrugged "just that you know now how I felt. Knowing the guy I fell in love with didn't love me back, it hurts a lot doesn't it." He smiled sweetly at me. "That's so fucking sinister Tweek what the fuck!" I yelled at him. "Oh shush, that's just karma honey, too bad I'm in love with someone else though" I walked up to him and took ahold of my shoulders. "You're a fucking asshole.." I spat. "Excus-" I cut him off and kissed him. I pulled away and whispered in his ear. "But I love you.." All of a sudden I felt him start shaking, then something wet fell on my jacket. "Tweek..?" He pushed me away and slammed his fist on the table. "You're so fucking selfish!" He shrieked at me. Fuck fuck fuuuuck. "Tweek shh, calm down.." I said running behind the counter and hugging him. I rubbed his back and shook us side to side letting him cry into my shoulder. "It's okay" I cooed.

After a while he calmed down, he was lying on my chest fiddling with his fingers. "I'm sorry.." he muttered. "No Tweek, I'm sorry, you're right I am being selfish.. I can't help it if I feel things for you.. but if Kenny really makes you happy then I want you to stay with him" as soon as I said that it felt like a knife pierced my entire body. "Okay.." he whispered. He got up and dusted himself off. I should get to work. He helped me up and I went to the front of the counter. "Do you need any help." "It's fine Craig, kenny is going to come by later anyways because I have a night shift" he said his back turned the me. "Okay, I'll come by later to check up on you" "Wait no cr-" I walked out when he was midway through his sentence with a grin on my face. I huffed and made my way to Thomas's house.

Once I was there I knocked on the door. His mom opened the door and greeted me letting me in. "Thomas is just upstairs sweetie, he's a little sick so be careful" she said with a smile. I smiled back and walked up to Thomas's room. I knocked while opening the door. I came in and there was a kid in there. "Oh uh, hey honey.." he snapped his head towards me and smiled. "Oh hey Craig, what're you doing here?" "I texted you remember?" "Oh I just figured you weren't coming because it's already 5:30" I shrugged "yeah sorry I was helping out a friend. "Well I should get home before dinner anyways, later Tommy" the kid said with a wink before walking out. I cringed and looked at Thomas. "Who was that.." I asked. "Oh, my friend Brimmy.." "cooool" I said sitting where the Brimmy kid was. "Hey Craig.. I actually wanted to talk to you about us" I smirked and nodded. I knew it. "I think-" "we should break up?" I said cutting him off. "..yeah" I nodded in agreement. "Yeah.. I think it's for the best too, plus you and that Brimmy kid looked cute or something" he smiled and nodded. "Yeah I kinda like him.." he said scratching his neck. "That's suck a relief, I have a major crush on this guy too" "Yeah I know, Tweek right?" He said with a grin. I nodded and flushed. "Too bad for me though." I muttered. He rubbed my back. "I'm sure he feels the same, maybe he's just repressing it because you dumped him." I cringed. "Ouch dude when people say it out loud I sound like a dick." He snickered "Well.." I gasped and playfully punched him. "Rude dude!" We laughed and I got up. "Well I told him I'd be checking up on him because he has night shift, so if you and Brinmmmmy wanna come by just text me!" He smiled and nodded. "Will do dude, but be careful with His boyfriend haha" I grinned and nodded. "No shit" I said walking out. I left the house and started my walk back to the coffee shop.

"Thank god it's Friday"

(Don't over analyze the dates Okay? Okay great!)
Song: Video Games by Lana Del Ray
🤟My actual fucking Queen omf💙💙💙

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