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Craig's POV

I sighed and slumped into my seat. "I should be the one doing that.." I muttered to myself. Butters was the only one who seemed to hear me. He moved from Stan's grip next to me. "Now why are you saying that Craig?" I sighed "really? You haven't catches on?" "Well yeah but I thought you'd might be coming to terms.." I shrugged and sighed. "I am, it still hurts though" "but it.. it was your decision.." he muttered. "Yes. People have made that as clear as possible" I mumbled back. "Made what clear?" Clyde asked turning his head. "Nothing!" Butters piped out. Stan, Kyle and Clyde gave us a look. "Babe.." stan said pulling butters towards him. Butters started frantically looking everywhere but at Stan. Stan stared him in the eyes, practically burning holes through the poor guys head. "Leopold" "Stanley." "Leo." Butters gripped on stans jacket. He sighed and gave in "we all made it clear that it was Craig's fault he lost Tweek!" He whisper yelled to him. The guys mouthed an 'oh' I was sinking so far into my seat I was practically on floor. Butters patted my shoulder. "It's okay lil' buddy you'll find someone" I gave him a small smile and shifted my attention back to my falling body.

After about 10 minutes of slowly falling to the floor, I quickly sat up when Tweek was sitting in front of me. He smiled and turned his attention to a rambling Kyle. I didn't even hear him, man i must be out of it. Because when Kyle rambles the whole town can hear him. I rolled my eyes and laid my head on my propped up hand. "But still he's an asshole! Telling MY boy to clean up after HIS FATASS! No! It's bullshit and I swear I'm going to punch him!" "Than do it dude, he got bigger but he's still as wimpy as ever" Stan said. "I can't because every time he makes a remark around us David holds me back and won't let me beat the shit out of him!" "Than do it when you're by yourself" Clyde said. "I know I've tried but he's 'not home' when I go over there." Kyle muttered.  "Well I can go over then text you to come." Kenny said. Dude what, when the fuck did he get there."What if he actually isn't home and he's going somewhere though?" Kyle asked. "You could just follow him home" Tweek said. "Yeah I thinks that's what I'll do" Kyle responded. I rolled my eyes and shut my eyes thinking of anything else. Yeah I hated Cartman too but every time we tell him to buzz off he just comes back because he thinks we're just kidding.

I got pulled out of my thinking when I heard Tweek. "If you're tired Craig you can go home, you don't have to stay if you don't want too" I smiled and waved him off. "But I want to stay" He smiled and nodded getting up to serve some girls that walked in. I sighed and fiddled with my phone. I felt a tap while scrolling through Twitter. I looked up to see two girls smiling at me. "Yeah?" "Oh, um my friend was wondering if she could get your number?" The brunette piped, gesturing towards the girl next to her. I smiled and got up walking over to the counter. I got a piece of paper and pen writing 'I'm gay'. When I finished I gave it to them with a smirk. They giggled and smiled. "Oh. Cmon please she thinks your hot. I leaned on the counter. "Do you not know how to read?" "I promise she's really fun" before I could respond Tweek came up to us giving them their order. "Yeah and I'm gay, hint hint" she payed and smiled. "Well you never know for sure until you try-" I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I have tried, but it's Adam and Steve for me" she gave me a confused look "but you don't look gay?" I scoffed and Tweek spit out his coffee. "Ok this is my ex and I'm in love with him." Tweek flushed and turned away sipping at his coffee. "Oh alright, at least give him a kiss to prove it so my friend doesn't feel bad?" I beamed. I'd take any excuse to kiss Tweek. I nodded and pecked Tweeks lips making him even more flustered. He flicked me off and turned his back towards me. I smiled and turned towards the girls. The brunette mouthed a 'thank you' before they walked out. "Sorry, also you have hella weird customers" I said patting Tweeks back. He snickered and turned back towards me. "It's okay, for the girls sake" he smiled. I gulped and hesitantly nodded "Y-Yeah, for the girl.." Tweek sighed and patted my shoulder. "I'm sorry Craig, but when you broke up with me I gave up the last bit of hope I had.." I gently punched him. "Excuse me! But you shouldn't be apologizing if anyone it should be me because I took so fucking long to realize how I fucking felt and I'm such a huge fucking idiot!" Tweek hugged me. "Hey look dude, it's okay, we're okay, okay? Calm down.." I huffed but muttered an 'okay'. He pulled back and smiled "go sit down man, I'm gonna make myself a coffee" I nodded and waltzed back sitting across from Clyde.

30 dreadful minutes passed and still no sign of Tweek. I got up a little mad but moreover concerned and made my way over to the back. Tweek was there curled up in a ball, shivering with a spilt cup of coffee about a foot away. I rushed over to him and sat him up. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him, rubbing his shoulders. He looked up at me with puffy eyes and tear streaks on his cheeks. "What's wrong dude?" He sighed and looked away pulling at his hair. "Ev- Everything" I took his hand from his hair and put my hat on him. "Okay pull on my hat, and what do you mean?" He pulled on my hat and turned looking me in my eyes. "-GAH- My feelings are all over the place! I like you! I like kenny! -ACK- I don't know what to do dude, I want to be with both of you but I don't know I'm lost and freaking out! Oh Jesus!" He yelped through his twitches and sobs. "Deep breaths honey, think of guinea pigs and birds; we'll sort this out, just try to breath." He nodded and did just that making him feel at ease just a little bit.

"I'm going to get Kenny, Okay? We're going to figure this out, okay?"

Song: The Sticks by Mother Mother
Ooooh boy what's gon go down
Good shit is gonna go down
sorry this is so late too btw, I'll try to get the next chapter out by tomorrow, so keep an eye out!
Also sorry this is really rushed🤟🤟

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