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Tweeks POV

I was walking by myself to lunch to sit with Stan's gang. Kenny had gotten lunch detention for throwing balled up shitty drawing around the class. One of the drawings got opened up and shoved around causing the whole class to snicker. God he's an idiot. I thought while smiling to myself.

I was about to greet the guys until someone dragged me elsewhere. Before I knew it I was seated next to Craig with the other guys.
"S-s-so nice to see you a-again Tweek" jimmy said. I smiled and said a quick 'you too' "Aw my Tweeks back, why don't you stay instead of this asshole" Clyde said pointing at Craig. I snickered and rolled my eyes. "Hey fuck you dude" Craig said flicking him off. "Okay so is no one gonna say how Craig just brought him here against his will?" Token spoke up. "O-oh Yeah, n-no offense Craig but you did break u-u-up with him y-y-you can't be j-jealous" craig stiffened and shot Jimmy a glare. "Piss off we're just friends, friends can't sit with each other or what?!" "Chill dude it was just a joke" Token said. "Whatever" Craig huffed flicking them off. "Typical" I said snickering. The guys snickered catching on. "What's that supposed to mean?" Craig spat. "Nothing... just that you know, you're acting like an emo chick on her period.." I murmured. Token and Clyde started wheezing while jimmy gave me a thumbs up. Craig gasped "I can't believe you stooped with these assholes!" I laughed "oh don't be such a baby dude" I said rolling my eyes. He just sighed and muttered a 'fine'.

A couple minutes later, Clyde was talking to me about Kenny. Asking if he holds my hand everywhere and what we do on our 'alone time' "Don't be gross dude, me and Kenny haven't done anything besides kisses geez" I told Clyde. He stuck out his tongue. "Lame dude, you have to punch your v-card someday!" He retorted. I snickered and shrugged. "Jesus! What ever happened for waiting on that special moment." I spat. "It's just lust dude what's the big deal" Clyde said. "Well for you considering you're a flirt" Clyde gave me puppy dog eyes. "Hey! At least I don't completely whore myself out!" We all started laughing. "W-w-wow" jimmy said.

All of a sudden I heard 'ooo's' and an arm was put around my shoulders. "Hey hey bean" kenny said. I smiled and leaned into him "hey ken, we were just talking about you" he grinned "Yeah, people just can't get enough of me" he said flipping his bangs. I smiled and playfully pushed him. "Awww that's so fucking cute you guys!" Clyde said staring at us. "Yeah, you guys are like the cutest couple now, people really adore you Tweek" Token said with a chuckle. "Especially the g-g-girls, you can be our gay puppy d-dude" jimmy said. (Real O'Neal's reference) Craig just grunted. "And what about Thomas?" He asked. "Well you guys are cute too Craig, he's a nice guy" Token said. "Anyways! What do you guys do when you're alone? Tweek said you guys do all sorts of dirty shit!" Clyde said with excitement. "-Gah!- I did not you liar!" "It's okay Tweekers, we can spill all our dirty shit in the open" kenny said. "Liiiiiiike" All the guys we're on the edge of their seats. "Ok this one time in Tweeks room, we were on the bed and" the guys look with anticipation and worry. "We fell asleep and I drooled all over myself." Kenny said. "Oh thank god" Token and Craig's said. "What! Lame!" Clyde yelled causing a couple people to look over. "I-If only you were a p-p-photographer.. you could have b-been slobber-azi" jimmy said laughing. I shook my head but snickered along.

Lunch had ended and we all went our separate ways. Well except for Kenny and I. "I just don't know how you enjoy English so much, it's lame" I snickered "Ken, all the subjects are lame too you." "True but still." I just rolled my eyes as we approached our class. I gave Ken a quick peck and he took our stuff inside so I could go to the bathroom. I went inside and made my way over to a urinal. Once I finished my business I washed my hands and was about to head out until someone yanked me back. "-GAH!- who's there! Oh god please don't kill me!" "Shh Shh Tweek Chill our it's just me!" I heard Craig whisper yell to me. I sighed and felt a little safer, but still on edge. "Why'd you do that?!" I whispered back to him. "Just wanted to talk to you.." he shrugged. "About?" "I dunno man, I just wanted to talk, we're never alone anymore, you're either off with McCormick or we're all in a group.." I sighed "Well I mean.. we were only ever alone because people thought we were in a relationship.." "We were" "Craig don't" I warned. "I don't see why you get so touchy over this, you're the one who ended it.. not like it mattered who you were hurting.. now all of a sudden you're hurt when I'm happy? Jesus!" He sighed and took my hand. "I'm sorry Tweek.. it's just you're still my close friend and I don't want you getting hurt.." "right. That's exactly what it is Craig. Look if this is so important we can talk about it after school somewhere private where there's not a kid taking a shit and ease-dropping." I huffed out. "Now, I have a boyfriend to get back too." I said turning on my heel and out the restroom. I shook my head and sighed. The fuck is his deal dude. I just shrugged it off and went back to class, sitting next to Kenny. He gave me a concerned look "What's wrong babe?" I just smiled. "Nothing, I'm fine Ken" "Tweek." He said sitting up. I sighed and sunk into my seat. "It's Craig, he's confusing me and it's making me frustrated" kenny kneeled down next to me and gave me a look. "Not like that, I don't like him like that Ken, it's just, he keeps bringing our old fake relationship and is acting hurt when he has nothing to hurt about.." kenny sighed and brushed my hand with his thumb. "You don't think he's.. jealous do you?" I shrugged "maybe.. but he shouldn't be, he has a nice boyfriend and we're friends still.." "well whatever it is, he needs to get his act together because I am not holding back if he kisses you out of no where!" Kenny yelled. "Yeah kick his ass for ya boy!" Some one yelled. The whole class started snickering. "Excuse me Ken! But I am perfectly capable of kicking his ass myself!" I yelled back. "He's a keeper Kenneth!" Someone else yelled. "You guys can just kick whoever's ass together you know!" Wendy yelled. I smiled and pecked Kenny's cheek.

"That sounds great"

I'm so fucking cold omfg, blankets don't do shit what the fuck! Anywhooo I hope you enjoyed a shitty rushed chapter🤟

💙Song: Raccoon by It Looks Sad💙

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