Chapter Ten: The Party: Part One

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The Club 8:30PM

"Whoa, look at the crowd surrounding the entry! You pull quite the crowd Theodore Grey." Tamera leaned over Ted so she could gaze out of the window of the limo and watched as Teddy's family members walked to red carpet. The camera lights flashed she found the whole scene too glamorous for words. Teddy watched Tamera as she stared at the scene with wide hazel eyes and her mouth partially open. He was more amused with her than the event to come. The limo moved slowly and aligned itself at the start of the carpet, both Ted and Tam heard as the car door opened and the driver exited the limo.

"Ted, I think they are expected you to be alone. Maybe I should wait a moment and let the magazines get there picture." She looked back at Ted who issued her a look that let her know that wasn't about to happen. "Or not," she mumbled.

"Most definitely not," he said without considering what she was saying. "Tam, ditch the jacket will you? The whole point of the dress is to attraction attention … stop covering up."

"But …" she stared to protest and then stopped herself. She said she wouldn't bicker with him, not tonight, but tomorrow there would be no hold barred. The driver opened the door closest to Ted and he slid out. He offered Tamera his hand and after she abandoned her tuxedo jacket she slid out of the limo behind him.

The camera lights were blinding. Ted was used to being photographed, Tamera no so much, she came from quiet money, no lime light, just luxury. Her parents strived hard for that much privacy. Even though her mother had been a force to be reckoned with in the fashion industry for the past ten years paparazzi still had to fight to get pictures of her one and only offspring. Apparently tonight was to be there lucky night Tam was out in all of her glory. She smiled for the cameras but she felt very exposed. She found herself clenching Ted's hand for dear life. Ted looked down at their united hands and then back at her stressed out face; he knew she wasn't aware that she was hurting him. He quickly yet discretely unclasped their hands and then wrapped his arms around her waist instead. He led her into the building moving slow enough and stopping occasionally for different photographers. Once inside Tamera took and deep nerve cleansing breath.

"That was freaking terrifying!" Tam placed her hand on her chest and felt the rapid beat of her heart racing.

"I'm about to open the door are you read for more Black?" Ted asked with humor in his voice as he chuckled at his over dramatic little friend. Tam shook her head, she was sure she couldn't go through that again.

"Ted, you may have to do this without me." She tried to take another deep breath, but she just started shaking. She didn't want to ruin this for Teddy but she was having an intense anxiety attack. "Go in without me I'll be there in a minute.

"Tam?" Teddy stood in front of her as she tried to get herself together. She tried to remind herself that nobody was there to see her. This was all about Teddy; she would be safely tucked behind Ted's celebrity. She could get through this.

"Tam, open your eyes." She hadn't even realized she'd closed them. Powder blue eyes invasively stared at her with worry. "We could blow this thing off if you're not up to this. I'm not real concerned about the party to start with." He placed both of his hands on her shoulders and his thumbs moved along her skin.

"But what about your family?" Tam forced herself to say while still attempting to regulate her breathing.

"I could text my mom and explain what's going on." He pulled out his phone and Tamera put her hand over it.

"I can't let you do that Ted, but it's really sweet that you offered." She gave Teddy a little smile and he mirrored her expression, but he was still worried about her. He partly hoped she say yes to blowing this thing off. He much rather just toast his milestone birthday and then go about his business.

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