Chapter Twelve: The Party - Part Three

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The Stage (The Final Toast): 11:45PM

Another round of champagne was served. It was now for the last toasts of the night. Ana and Christian stood together and the crowd immediately hushed. A spotlight searched for and found Teddy; he was standing with Kate, Elliot, and Tamera.

"Teddy, I'm so proud of the man you've become. I don't think that a mother could've asked for a more animated and lively baby. You were independent, intelligent, and you stole my heart from the very moment you were placed in my arms. I love you very, very much. I don't think I could emphasize it enough … here's to you sweetie." More awws and cheers roared through the audience. Ana then handed the microphone to her husband and the crowd hushed once more.

"I thought that it would be easy standing up here and sharing a story about my son, but as I look at you I keep thinking … how crazy it is that my son is a man now. You remind me of myself in so many ways, I see my good side, and my not so good side. You and I now share the most intense conversations and I think you've been put on this Earth to challenge your old man," Christian chuckled as he remembered some of the recent debates he'd had with his son and how both of them long for the desire to be right. Many of their conversations ended in Google searches. He also saw his temper in his son; Theodore clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes just like he did when he was pissed. "And I do feel for the little woman will have to put up with you … she'll have to be pretty special and a lot like the woman to my left." Christian wrapped his arm around Ana who looked up at her husband, bit her lip, and flushed crimson. The crowd chuckled at Christian last statement, but Theodore wasn't amused he knew who his father was referring to he looked over to Tamera who found Christian's speech true and comical. She knew taking care of Teddy was a full time job and then some. "Okay everyone, it's the last toast of the night everyone raise your glasses. Here's to Theodore Raymond Grey, Happy 21st Birthday son. Make the night as memorable as possible!"

"CHEERS!" After the eruption of noise died down Kate took the stage to explain the rest of the night's events.

"Okay everyone, the theme of Teddy's party is grown and sexy, so we've split the rest of the night into the two themes. On this floor bottles will continue to flow and a live band will take the stage for a "grown" vibe and for the sassy sexy individuals on the floor above us DJ Cutta is setting up to chop and screw the rest of your evening! So pick your passion, and oh, please be responsible, don't drink and drive. We've rented out two floors at the neighboring hotel please just grab a voucher at the entry and enjoy a stay in one of their suites. I do believe that's it! Thank you for dining with us and enjoy the rest of the party!" Tamera watched as Phoebe, Ava, and Blane quickly exited the room Gina was quick on their heels. She love Cutta, like loved him, so much so she'd probably marry him if she could. Tam went to look up at Teddy and she found he was already staring at her peculiarly. She gave him a little curious smile.

"So do you want to be grown or sexy Teddy?" Tamera snickered and Ted placed his forefingers on his mouth and chin as if perplexed by her question.

"I don't know about you Miss Black, but I'm already both grown and sexy." Tamera laughed outright at Ted's comment. The band soon started to play it was current music set to jazz. It was nice and relaxed which was more of the vibe he was after. He decided that he wanted another glass of champagne before he went and enjoyed the excitement upstairs. Ted never realized how fruity and delicious white wine was, it was no wonder that his parents partook in it with most of their meals. He went to the bar and grabbed another two glassed and handed Tamera another glass and she glared at him.

"It would be rude for you to make me drink alone," he explained with a devilish smirk on his face. He scanned the room looking to and empty booth once he found one, he took Tamera's hand and led her to it.

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