Chapter Thirty Two: Officially Yours

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Tamera's Apartment: 12:00AM

Teddy sat in his Audi as he stared at Tamera front door. He took a deep breath as he grabbed his overnight bag from the passenger's seat and locked the door behind him. He pulled out the emergency key that Tamera had given him to her apartment. All of her lights were off, he'd figured she'd be asleep he'd have to wake her. He actually thought that may work in his favor, Tamera was blunt when she was sleepy. All he needed was a yes or no. He needed to talk to her before he lost the nerve. He brought his bag in hopes that she'd let him spend the night, not because he was expecting anything, he just wanted to be close to her. He steadied his nerves once more before heading down the hallway to her room. He cracked her door open and heard her little sobs and whimpers. She was turned towards her window and he could faintly hear music so he assumed she was wearing headphones. She was crying. He figured it had something to do with him. He had no idea as to what. This was another reason why he'd rather not date Tamera, he didn't want to be the reason for her hurt, but he was too used to getting what he wanted to stop now. Ted crept to the foot of her bed and shook her foot under the covers. Tamera jumped to attention.

"SHIT! What the … are you crazy Teddy? You scared me half to death!" She held her chest. "I thought you a thief rapist or something." Tamera adjusted herself to the sitting position and tried to hide some of her tissues. She'd had an unnecessarily rough night and she only had herself to blame. She spent the rest of her night pouting over the fact that Teddy didn't leave with her and she'd wanted him to. She wanted to make sure they were really okay and she took him staying with his family as a sign that they weren't. However, he was there with her now and it seemed all of her tears were wasted. "What are you doing here?" She croaked as she watched his blue eyes. Only the moonlight lit her room and Teddy's features look all the more alluring and beautiful.

"I'm just sitting here wondering why you're crying." He sat on the other side of the bed and used his thumb to once again wipe her tears. She gave him a little smile.

"I'm okay Teddy. I may be a little crazy, but I'm fine really. How was the rest of the night with your family?" She was trying to change the subject, she didn't want to tell him that in the few times that she'd become that possessive over him.

"Weird. Annoying, I really regret staying," Teddy was honest. "I need to talk to you Tamera," he blurted out quickly and the forceful tone of his voice. Tamera stomach quickly filled with dread.

"Okay," she mumbled. "What's on your mind?"

"You. I can't do this anymore Tam," he looked at her with saddened eyes and Tamera felt her heartbreak.

"What? What can't you do?" More tears streamed down her face as she prepared to hear him end their friendship. She thought it was a shitty move to do something like this at such a late hour.

"I can't continue on pretending that I'm not feeling what I am," Teddy continued even though Tam was crying he needed to say his piece. He needed her to hear him. "Tamera you are the most important person in my life. In most cases you're the only one that matters, that's why I always want you around. I was fooling myself pretending that our friendship is normal. This thing we have going is so much more Tammy can't you see that?" Tamera swallowed back the emotion in her throat. "Tam, I guess I'm trying to … explain. I'm used to getting my way, you know that, and lately all I've wanted is you, all of you, your mind, your body, and lately your heart. I want you to be mine, because I can't see myself with anyone else."

"You say that now," Tamera started to protest.

"I say that always. You're the only consistent thing in my life. Everything is different with you Tam and it always been that way." Tamera could not believe Teddy was saying all this. He was pouring his heart out in the middle of the night in her bedroom … her mind began to go to work.

"You want sex don't you? You're lying to me to get what you want!" She exclaimed and frowned at him. "That's a pretty fucked up thing to do Teddy. I expected a whole hell of a lot more from you!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Teddy was indignant. "I tell you all of that and you think I'm spitting game? First off I could've had you several times over at this point, second I'm not a sex addict, and thirdly Tamera I want … I want a relationship and all that it entails." Tamera stared at Teddy in disbelief and he sat there in front of her waiting for any sort of a response. "Unless, that's not what you want." Teddy was starting to back paddle. This was not the reaction that he'd wanted he wanted her to jump into his arms and tell him that she felt the same way but she looked horrified and terrified by his confession.

"No Teddy, I … lately I've been feeling the same way. I haven't been able to think of anything else but my feelings for you. I'm just scared." Her voice was tiny, she spoke quietly because she felt so exposed and vulnerable.

"Scared of what baby?" He scooted closer to her as her tears began to flow again.

"You'll hurt me Teddy … you'll have your fill on me and then you'll leave. I'm terrified of that." Teddy nodded he understood and he began to relax. He was elated that she felt the same way all he had to do is convince her that to trust her. He always said she didn't trust him and this again was proof of just that.

"I will never have my fill of you. I have always thought you were beautiful, from the first moment I saw you in those tomboy clothes I thought you had the most gorgeous eyes I'd ever seen, and the fullest alluring lips." He rubbed his nose against hers. Tamera closed her eyes, her whole body began to radiate heat just at the mere utterance of his words. "Tamera, you've been my angel my innocent one … so pure, so fragile, and sexy."

"Angels aren't sexy Ted," she corrected him practically panting as she did so. Ted scooted even closer to her and ran his fingers down arms.

"In my mind you are," he chuckled a little a licked his lips. He reached out and placed a coupled of her curly strands behind her ear. "Tam?"

"Kiss me Teddy," she answered before he could even ask the question. "Kiss me." He placed his lips on hers and they were as soft as he envisioned. She tasted like heaven even though he could taste the salt from her tears there was also a sweetness that lingered from her raspberry lip gloss. Teddy slowly leaned her back so that her head was resting on the pillow. He deepened the kiss allowing his tongue to venture inside and capture more of her. She moaned her approval and the hands began to wander and explore. After a moment Teddy pulled away and looked at Tamera, her eyes were hooded and full of desire and wonder.

"I don't think you answered my question Miss Black," he teased and she arched her eyebrow at him.

"And what question is that Teddy?"

"You wanna make this official?" He murmured even after making out with her Teddy was a little unnerved as he asked her the question.

"Yeah I'm officially yours!" She giggled, pulled him closer to her by his collar, and kissed him once more. The two sealed their fate two, three, a million times over as the twilight disappeared and they entered a new day.

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