Chapter Forty Three: The Date part 2

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The Tipton 8:20PM

"Ladies and Gentlemen I hope you're hungry?" One of the members from the band said as the lights dimmed and some of the waiters came out with sparklers and silver trays and the band beat took an upbeat tempo. Tamera started to bounce in her seat and clap her hands. The show was pretty amazing and she was awe that nobody had dropped any of the dishes. Teddy only watched some of the performance; he was more entertained by the look on Tamera's face. She was so happy; there was something about her eyes when she was happy. Show lasted about twenty minutes and everyone was served during that time. Cristal was poured it was a fabulous affair. Dinner was deliciously prepared prime rib, roasted red potatoes, and French cut green beans.

Tamera took a bit of the food, the meat was so tender. Teddy had really out done himself. "Thanks again Teddy, this place is really nice." Teddy smiled and he grabbed one of the rolls from the middle of the basket between them.

"I'm glad you like it. I have a bit of a confession; I'm in unknown territory Tam. I'm not sure what to say or act."

"Me either," she chuckled. "Oh, your mom and me had a talk yesterday and made me feel a little better about things. For some reason at first I felt like she wasn't happy with the two of us dating. The fact that she actually reached out to me and gave me some advice … I don't it felt good." Teddy frowned a little his mom loved Tam he didn't understand why Tamera would think that she'd have a problem with the two of them being together.

"My mom loves you Tam," Teddy countered as he took a sip of champagne.

"She loves my work ethic and my GPA. I don't know if she loves me as your girlfriend. I can appreciate that at least she's trying," Tamera shrugged.

"I think you're just imagining things. Besides, I love you as my woman and that's all that matters," he teased and Tamera rolled her eyes.

"You may be right … but I doubt it," Tamera smirked because she knew her statement was going to piss him off. He glared at her but then gave her his panty dropping smile. She immediately went to mush she grabbed her glass and took and couple of swigs from it.

"I don't want to talk about my folks tonight Tam. I want to talk about how you're feeling right now." Tamera narrowed her eyes at him and he snickered. "Don't look like that … we're supposed to be an item it's okay it we talk a little dirty don't you think. I mean I already know everything about you, I really want to know what turns you on and capitalize on it."

"Sounds like you wanna take advantage of me Teddy," she chuckled.

"In every way," Teddy said below his breath and his tone resonated between Tam's thighs.

"Ooookay," Tam breathed she was getting really turned on but that's not what she wanted tonight to be about. "You know you say you know everything about me Teddy and to your credit you no more than anybody else on this planet but … I don't think you know everything about me." Teddy smirked he knew what she was trying to do.

"You're right Tammy; I don't know everything about you. For instance I don't know what color panties your wearing right now and I really want to know that," Teddy chuckled at the desperate look on Tam's face. "Okay, okay I'll stop. How about we dance?" Teddy got up and led Tammy onto the dance floor. The band was playing smooth jazz and only a few other couples were on the floor. As Teddy swayed Tammy in his arms she rested her head on his shoulder and began to hum to the melody. Teddy held his woman, with her body flushed to his and her delicious floral scent.

"This is really nice. I love dancing with you Teddy," Tam said and kissed the nape of his neck. Teddy ran his hand along the Tam's spine.

"It's most definitely in my top ten on my list of things to do with you."

"Oh really there's a list, now that's intriguing!" Tammy giggled she pulled away from Teddy enough so she could look in his eyes.

"Yeah, and I'd say doing this would easily be number four on this list," Teddy said with humor dancing in his eyes. "One being the best and ten being my least favorite."

"Okay so you know I have to be number one." Teddy gave it some thought.

"Just talking to you … I that's number one. If I couldn't talk to you everyday I'm sure I would be a real tool to be around." Tam was really touched by his answer she thought he was going to say something vulgar. "Now number two … is something we haven't done yet, but hopefully we'll do that soon."

"Awww, just when I was about to say that was so romantic you go and show your kinky, freaky side." The couple laughed together and then the song ended and they returned to their table.

"Oh baby my kinky side isn't going anywhere and I'm pretty sure you'd miss my kinky side if it were to completely disappear."

"I think … I think you're right. Without you're kinky side I wouldn't have become acquainted with my own kinky side," Tamera giggled nervously and then picked up the dessert menu.

"Now tapping into that is probably number three on the list. Each time we do something together I swear you amaze me. Like when you were grinding on me that night, I was completely and totally surprised," Teddy smirked.

"Was it a good or bad surprise?" Tamera asked nervously as she looked in Teddy's eyes that vibe between the two of them made the air around them thick.

"What do you think Tam? Seriously anytime touch me my body now it's so different than before. I'm learning what certain looks mean and the way you move your body when you're turned on. My favorite new thing I've learned about you is the way you blush when I look at you. I really love that." Oh boy, Teddy knew how to lay it on thick. Tamera drained her glass.

"Oh goodness," Tam gasped and squirmed a little.

"That worked for you huh?" Teddy dazzled her with his smile again. "That should make the next part of the evening so much easier."

"Really, there's more?"

"Yeah there's so much more, babe." He grabbed her hand and waved to the waiter for the check.

"And here's the keys to your suite Mr. Grey," the waiter handed Teddy the little piece of plastic and then walked away. Tam arched her eyebrow and Teddy twirled her key between her fingers.

"You got a room?"

"Yeah … you ready to go up?" Tamera had a really nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was scared that Teddy had misunderstood what she meant by a date, but a major part of her wanted to be in that room.

"Uh, yeah … okay."

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