Chapter Sixteen: A Ring

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Part II - November

Chapter Sixteen: A Ring

Grey Enterprises: 11:45AM

Teddy was scheduled to have lunch with his father. It'd been a long time since they'd gotten together and just to shoot the shit. Ted sat in his Mercedes in the front of the building waiting for his father to come out. It wasn't until he pulled up that he realized that his would be the first time his dad saw his car in person. When Teddy and Tamera went to the house only his mom and Phoebe were the only ones there. Phoebe had squealed like a little pig. Ana thought it was nice, but thought the gift way too lavish and told Tamera just that. Tam shrugged it off, and told Ana just like she'd told her son, it wasn't just for him. Plus, she earned her money and had the right to do with what she wished, she didn't tell Ana that it was just how she felt about the situation.

Christian came out of the building and started looking for his son's car, well his son's other car, the gray Audi that he'd had since he was seventeen. After a moment Teddy got out of his car and waved to his dad. Christian was noticeably impressed; Tamera had really good taste in cars. "This is one hell of a birthday gift son."

"I know, and it's a dream to drive. My other car's fun too but this is on a whole new level of sexy. So you ready to go?" Christian nodded and hopped into the car and Ted followed suit. He started the engine and it roared.

"Play Tam's Playlist," Teddy commanded of the car and Christian smirked but said nothing. "She updates her music more frequently than I do and we listen to the same stuff." Teddy gave by way of explanation; he knew how his father's mind worked.

"Okay," Christian mouthed in response. Teddy rolled his eyes in frustration he knew that his father still believe what he did months ago he was stuck in his way, but Tam and he had moved on from that moment.

"You know that you almost ruined my relation, I mean friendship with Tam! I should be pissed with you." Ted said as he pulled into the parking lot of a five star Mongolian Restaurant.

"Really?" Christian asked dryly. He was tired of his son's denial, but he knew Ted was going to beat him up about this until he realized what was right in front of his face and then he'd have the chance to say he told him so.

"Yeah, on my birthday I was … let's just say I wasn't myself. I never felt so agitated and uncomfortable around Tam. Thank God when we went to New York everything went back to normal." Teddy said as he got out of the car.

Ted and Christian asked for a booth in the back and looked at the menu. "I love this place you get to create different bowls and you get as many bowls as you like. Tam put me on to it." Teddy almost regretted telling his dad that but it was the truth and he wasn't a liar. "You like it trust me." The waiter came and quickly took their order and reminded them if they try their first dish and they don't like it they have the opportunity to change some of the ingredients and try something different. The cooks worked in the middle of the restaurant and cooked their meal and cooked it in a very festive manner. Ted watched for a moment and then Christian pulled him back into a conversation.

"So how was New York? You never emailed me anything about it, no pictures or anything. I just know you said that Ava, Phoebe, and Tamera's cousin came towards the end of your trip." As Christian finished his statement the waiter brought out their drinks and quickly vanished again.

"Oh yeah, Tamera decided that her presence in the ads wouldn't be enough so she enlisted their help. I however think she just didn't want to model the lingerie." Ted shrugged his shoulders and briefly thought about Tam's expression when her mom told her that there was an intimate's portion of her new line too.

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