Epilogue: Only Time Will Tell

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Tam's Letter


I hate myself for what I'm about to do to us. Never in my life did I imagine myself running from you. You have been the one thing in my life that's good and perfect. And as I write this now I'm wondering if I'm making a terrible mistake.

But I can't stay with you. Your mom doesn't think that we make a good couple. I knew that she had been acting differently toward me and now I know why. I overheard her talking to Kate and it was really clear that she wants better for you. That I'm not good enough. I never felt so crushed. I just thought that Ana liked me. She wanted to work with me so I assumed that she did. I guess I was wrong.

But it's not her fault after being with you I know how amazing you are and you deserve someone just as amazing as you. I hope you find her Teddy. I just can't be around to watch.

So … this is it. My goodbye to you the one thing I never thought I'd say. I love you Teddy but we just don't work.


Your Tam

PS: Don't come after me it will only make things worse than they have to be.

Ted sat in the bathroom for two hours he couldn't remember a time in his life where he felt so empty. He was haunted by memories of hazel eyes, sweet smiles, and reddened caramel. He felt betrayed by Tam he'd trusted her most of his life, she knew all of his secrets, and when the going got tough she left him. He didn't know what to do with himself, he knew that he could go after her make and talk to her, but why should he have to. She should've stayed here with him and trusted him. He would've talked to his mom and they would've gotten things sorted out. He ran his hands through his copper hair. If she wanted space fine she could have it, but they were far from over as far as he was concerned they would never be over. He couldn't let her walk out of his life completely and he refused to hate her. She was just hurt and rightfully so. Ted needed to get away from his mom because he was afraid that he'd say something that he'd regret later. He couldn't believe that after all this time she had concerns about Tam's presence in his life. He scoffed and all of a sudden he felt moisture roll down his cheek.

"Shit! I don't do this!" He got off the floor and wiped his face. He needed to rejoin the land of the living. He entered his room Christian and Isaac were engrossed in what looked to be a serious discussion.

"Son?" Christian looked at his son and approached to study him even further. After a moment he did something very unexpected, he wrapped Ted in a very tight hug and Ted clung to his dad but refused to shed another tear. "I don't know how to help you. Tell me what you need." The answer to that was simple but his dad wasn't a magician he could turn back the hands of time and bring Tam back.

"What can we both do?" Isaac stepped forward. "I've already told your father that I was okay with having Tamera closely followed. Her anxiety and depression issues have me a little worried. Her mom always dismissed them and I'm afraid that although Imani loves Tam, she won't watch over her properly. Christian also mentioned that he thought we should stay here in case she changed her mind and came back, but I seriously doubt she will.

"Okay," Teddy said dryly. "I plan to give Tam her space that's what she said she needed. You do what you need to do, but I don't want to know what she's doing or where she's located … unless something serious has happened. I don't want to think about her if she's not with me." Ted wasn't being malicious he just didn't want to hurt. "I'm not staying for Christmas. I'm too tired to pack right now but tomorrow I will be going home. I'd rather be at home than around here … I'm not okay enough to be sociable." Christian nodded he understood completely and he would allow him his solitude.

"I understand. I'm not going to get too involved in this Theodore, but I want to tell you I don't think you should give up on her. If you want her you will have to fight for her." Christian said as he placed his hand on Ted's shoulder. "Deal with the pain and the hurt, gain clarity and then make a plan for when she comes home." Isaac and Christian left Ted in his room with his thoughts.

"And we need to make some plans too," Christian said and Isaac nodded.

"I agree, but before we put anything in motion YOU need to talk to your wife. I don't want my child to be hurt again." Christian nodded that was one of the things he had grown to like about Isaac he was just as protective over his family as Christian was. He had actually spoken with his own surveillance team to have Tam followed and agreed that it was okay for Christian to use some of his resources as well.

"Agreed, I want what's best for both of them. Tam's like family and probably will end up being family soon enough." Christian was a realist about the situation and he knew his wife to be that way too … normally. She was always telling him that he needed Dr. Flynn this time he thought maybe she needed him too. "So how long do you think Tam will be gone?"

"I don't know Baby Girl's really fickle only time will tell. I just hope she comes back soon."

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