Chapter Forty Two: The Date Part 1

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Ted's Apartment 6:15PM

"So you want a date Tam? It seems like a simple enough request … the problem is I have no idea where to take you." Teddy said to himself as her used the search engine on his computer to look for something different to do with Tamera. He wanted to do something that they hadn't done together before. The task of finding something to do was harder than he'd thought it would be. Tamera and him had already done the typical things together, like go out to dinner and to the movies. He was sure she wanted something more than that. He had less than an hour to decide on something and he was drawing blanks. "Shit," he murmured to himself. There was only one thing he could think of and he hoped to God she didn't take it the wrong way. He called a couple of places and made the arrangements before calling Tam.

"Hey, I thought you'd forgotten about me," she teased.

"I could never do that. I was calling because I'm going to be picking you up a little latter maybe around 7:30 and I need you to wear something a little dressy okay … well very dressy actually."

"Dressy? I'm intrigued Mr. Grey, where are we going?" She giggled.

"It's a surprise. Now I have to go change, be ready by 7:30," he ordered.

"Yes Sir!" She said like she was in the army and she laughed again.

"You're really happy about this aren't you?" He asked as he headed into his bedroom. He put his phone on speaker so that he could put together his own outfit. He decided on his grey button down top paired with his black blazer with white stripes. Tamera always seemed to like him in that outfit.

"Yeah, I just want to see what a real date with you feels like. If feels like every time I think we're going to spend a night alone together there's someone knocking on the door."

"I hope that I've found something to do that you'll like. I didn't realize how many things we'd already done together. It was difficult finding something new to do." He confessed and he pulled his shirt off and started to change.

"It won't matter to me what we do as long as we're alone."

"We will be I promise, now go ahead and change I'll be there in a few minutes." Both parties stayed on the phone waiting for the other to say goodbye. "Tam?"


"Hang up!" He ordered.

"Why don't you hang up?" She fussed. "Saying goodbye is always a little depressing and I haven't talked to you all day. I really did think you'd forgotten." Tamera confessed and Teddy scoffed.

"What am I a senior citizen? I made you a promise and I intend to keep you happy, Ms. Black. I care about far too much to not give the relationship my all."

"I like when you say things like that Teddy." Teddy could imagine her beautiful blush and could hear the smile in her voice.

"You what I'd like? For to get dressed! I've made reservations and I don't want to be late. I'll see you a later babe."

"Kay bye," he could hear the sadness in her voice. Now that he thought about it she always seemed a little down when their phone conversations would come to an end. It was weird that he'd just noticed that now. He didn't have time to dwell on that though. He had a special night planned and he had a couple more calls to make to ensure it would be perfect.

Teddy was nothing if he wasn't punctual. He knocked on Tamera's door at exactly 7:30PM. She opened door quickly she was already in her coat and ready to go.

"Hey," she said with the excitement in her eyes reflecting in her voice. "So are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" She asked and Teddy shook his head. Instead he handed her a long stemmed red rose.

"You look lovely," Teddy said as he intentionally made his voice a couple of octaves lower so that Tamera would give him that look. The look that said to him yes Teddy, you affect my panties and only you make me feel that way. She'd felt a little silly in the dress she was wearing it was one of the dresses her mother had designed and marketed under her name. It was burgundy and skin tight. The one thing Tam did like about this dress was that unlike the others it came down to her knee and the fabric that was used was warm and comfortable.

"Thanks," she mumbles and she broke eye contact and looked away from him. She could feel her face as it started to heat. He offered her his hand and she took it just like she always did. Once in the car they drove for about an half hour before reaching their destination. It was a hotel and Tamera was hella confused.

"What are we doing here?" She said dryly. She thought she had some idea. She had been waiting for Teddy to make his move. She didn't think would be tonight nor did she think he had the gall to do it in such a blunt fashion.

"It's not what you think, trust me," he chuckled as he got out of the car and opened Tam's door for her. He gave the valet the keys to the Mercedes and they went inside. The Tipton was a new hotel chain that had just come to Seattle, it was all the rave and Teddy was told that they had some of the best food in town. He felt that Tam deserved the best and then some, that's why they were there. Tamera looked around at all of the architecture. Teddy didn't know but Tamera's dad had the contract to build the Tipton hotels in all of Washington and she just so happened to have not been in this one yet. She was always impressed to see her father's work up close and personal. Her daddy was a really smart and powerful man to have a part in something so large and magnificent.

"It's beautiful," Tamera whispered. "Thank you for bringing me Teddy." Teddy smiled he was surprised at how much Tamera saying those words had affected him.

"I heard the food here is amazing and that they put on a performance while they serve the food," Teddy explained and Tamera acted as if she hadn't heard about it before. He led her to their seats and he helped her out of her coat. Teddy took the time to admire his girlfriend's body. Yes, he was most definitely the luckiest man in the room. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed another man looked at Tam, and he made sure that his look sent the appropriate message. His look said, keep your eyes the fuck off my woman and focus on your own. Tam was oblivious to the small bit of territorial behavior that Teddy had displayed. She looked around the room and then watched the band perform. They were really good. Teddy took his seat and smiled at Tamera. She looked amazing by candle light.

"So far so good Grey, I may have to keep you afterall," she teased.

"Tammy, let's face your stuck with me whether you like it or not," Teddy said as he reached for one of her hands which she happily surrendered.

"Well, right now, I really really like it." Teddy kissed the back of her hand as he stared into her eyes.

"And the night has just begun, wait until you see what else I have planned!"

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