Fifty Three: The Letter

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On The Porch

Phoebe sat on the steps as she stared daggers at Tam's letter to her brother. She had the worst luck she was now stuck with the responsibility of ruining everyone's holiday because of everything went down. She held her head as she tried to figure out the cleanest way to make well of this mess. Only a few minutes passed before she heard the door creak open and her dad came outside. He surveyed area and at his daughter who was now looking at him with watery grey eyes that shined almost like silver. She handed him the letter before he could ask her any questions. Christian read over the letter and he actually felt his heart sank. He closed his eyes and looked down at his daughter.

"So those were headlights we all saw," he said quietly. Phoebe nodded and now she was crying.

"I tried, I tried really hard to make her see reason. I can't believe she felt all this … I can't believe she couldn't see that we all cared about her. I keep thinking about Teddy this is going to kill him. I literally can't remember him being without her and now she's gone. I can't be the one to rip his heart out. Apparently she couldn't either that's why she stuck him with this cop-out of a letter." Christian sat down with his daughter and wrapped his arms around her while she cried.

"I'll handle it from here Pheebs. This going to be rough on everyone and very awkward, come one we might as well get let the truth be known." He offered his daughter a hand up and she graciously took it. They entered the house and everyone was chatting among themselves and barely noticed they'd come back in. Christian motioned for Isaac to follow him and they all headed upstairs to where Ana and Teddy were located.

"Mom, you should really go I'll be fine and if you think that someone should stay here with me I'm sure Tam would do it," Ted said and he struggled to keep his façade alive. He just wanted to have a night alone with Tam. He wanted to chill with her by the fire-place and see if it could lead to something a little naughty. He had a romantic night all planned out and all he needed was for everybody to just leave. Christian knocked gently on the door and then entered the room. Isaac was behind him with his focus engrossed on the letter that Christian had handed him. As soon as Christian came in the room both Ana and Ted knew something was up.

"What's wrong?" Ana said as she got up and studied her husband's expression. "Christian, are you okay?"

"We have a problem Tamera has left. Ted she left this for you." Isaac handed Ted read the letter hurriedly and his blue eyes became wild with hurt and anger. He threw the letter down and picked up his phone. He didn't want some damned letter he wanted her to look him in the eyes and talk to him at the very least she could answer the phone. The phone rang and rang until it finally went to voice-mail. Ted hung up and tried again he was determined to get a hold of her regardless of what her letter said. He called her ten times consecutively until he rang out of steam his anger fizzled but the hurt remained and was paired with an unbearable loneliness. He listened to Tam voice before the beep, he forgot about all the people around him as he spoke.

"Tam, all of your worries about us not working are not confirmed by some stupid statement you overheard. You aren't dating my mother, you are dating me. Tamera you have to come back I … I don't know how to do any of this without you. Please baby, I lo – I love you baby." He whispered and a tear ran down his cheek. "I'm in love you so you can't leave me Tam!" He held the phone to his ear until the automated operator asked him if he wanted to send the message. He did he hoped that Tam would hear how he felt and come running back but a good part of him knew better. He would've run after her but had no idea where she was going. He took a minute to give it some thought, while he heard the others in the background discussing the contents of the letter. He decided to get himself a ticket Seattle maybe that's where she was going. She'd written for him not to go after her because he wouldn't find her and if he did she wouldn't talk to him. She said she needed space and time to herself. Ted was infuriated he hadn't done anything wrong but he had to suffer because how his mother feels. He looked at his mother and she went to approach him and he held his hand for her to stop.

"I'm getting on a plane tonight. I have to try and find her to make this right." He didn't ask his mother why she said all those things because to him it really didn't matter. He needed Tamera to understand, although he loved his mother very much he could give a flip flopping fuck whether or not she thought Tam was right for him romantically because what she thought and what he knew were two very different things. He had loved Tamera since the first time he looked into her gold hazel eyes and be damned if anyone drove a wedge between them.

"I'm coming with you," Isaac said. "I'll arrange for everyone else to be out of your hair by tomorrow. It worries me when Tam acts impulsively like this due to her anxiety issues," he explained and then his phone buzzed. He eyes became alarmed when he looked at the number.

"Hey … she did … yeah I try not to meddle … she's coming to you … okay … okay and I'll let him know. Oh, Imani … Merry Christmas and thank you for letting me know." Issac rubbed his face and then looked Ted.

"Well, she's not headed to Seattle. She's going to spend the holidays with her mom. I'd say if Tam is going to that extreme to get away from everyone you may want to give her some time to think with a rational head. Plus you don't want to mess with my ex-wife when it comes to her child she will rip you a new one on sight. She hates to see that girl in tears," Isaac mused. "I'm sure that after a few days Tam will realize that she that she's overacting. For the record, think you are good for my daughter without you I'm afraid she'd be … very uh, uptight, I think is a good word for it."

"I think Tam has been good for Teddy too, just not," Ana started.

"Mom, I think you've said enough," Ted snapped. "Look, I need some space. I just need," Ted grabbed his phone and went into his adjoining bathroom. He was going to call Tam again. He just needed to know that he did everything in his power to reach out her and tomorrow he'd get on a plane and everything would be okay. Tam answered on the third ring.

"Tam," Ted breathed her name and was relieved that she'd answered.

"Hey," she voice was hoarse from all of her crying. "Did you get the letter?'

"Yes, and I know it was wrong. I get what she said hurt baby, but she's not me and you know how I feel about you. I was thinking about coming to New York tomorrow and we could talk about everything."

"No, NO Teddy you don't get it!" Ted could hear the emotion in Tamera voice she'd begun to cry again. "We were just fooling ourselves. I mean if our families don't want us together how would it work. Teddy you're so amazing and you're capable of doing so much better to me and … God this hurts to say. I love you but," she couldn't finish her statement because she was so worked up.

"I need you to trust me Tamera, trust that I won't let anything happen to us. Trust that I love you more than anything," Ted pleaded with her and it only made her cry harder.

"I can't, I can't … I'm sorry Teddy. I just need to disappear … and don't call because I won't answer." She hung up the phone. Both Ted and Tam were in tears although million miles apart they both suffered from the same heartache that was fueled by foul words, insecurities, and fears. Now Ted really felt like he needed to vomit. He should have let her stay at home then all of this wouldn't be happening. He was hurting and the one person he used to lean on was the one who had caused it. He was lost in a sea of night and there was no one who could save him the darkness.


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