Chapter Thirty Eight: Jealousy and Exhaustion

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Tamera's Room: 9:20PM

Theodore looked up a Tamera's ceiling while her head lay peacefully on his chest he could hear her snoring lately. He toyed with Tamera's hair as he played with his phone. He was going through his email and waiting for Tamera to wake up. He was going to have make sure he got his turn before she fell asleep next time. He didn't have the heart to wake her; she really did look like an angel while she was sleeping. The fact that an angel could find peace in his arms … he was grateful for that. He kissed the top of her head and then heard his phone begin to buzz.


"Son, we're waiting for you downstairs." He wanted to ask what was taking him so long but he was afraid of the answer. They'd been gone for over a half hour. If he was in his son's shoes he knew what he'd be doing. He was glad that the kids had gone upstairs it gave, him and Ana a chance to really pick Isaac's brain about everything. They'd agreed that they would all go to Aspen for Christmas and that Christian and Ana would visit his house for Thanksgiving.

"Okay, we'll be down in a minute." Ted turned and whispered in her ear. "Time to wake up."

"Noooo, five more minutes." Tamera grumbled and wrapped her arms around Teddy.

"We don't have time Tam, my parents are waiting downstairs babe." He sat up and she rolled over to her other side.

"Come on Tammy, are you going to let a little orgasm put you down for the count. You need to work on you stamina, what happens when …" Ted stopped himself. He promised himself that he wouldn't talk sex with Tamera until they'd been dating for a while. He was serious about her knowing that he wanted more than just the physical stuff.

"What," she turned and looked at him. "What's going to happen when what?"

"Looks like you're awake. Come on, get dressed we've gotta go!" He hopped out of bed and headed toward the door. He'd left his clothes in one of the guest rooms.

"What's going to happen when what?" Tamera repeated. "You know I hate when you do that. Don't start something that you're not going to finish Ted!" She was now sitting upright in the bed with her arms crossed.

"What' going to happen when we fuck, that's what I was going to say. I can make you feel so much more that what I do with just my fingers and my mouth … but I'm afraid that you'll go comatose." He burst into laughter and she narrowed her eyes at him but couldn't fight the grin on her face.

"Don't worry I'll adjust I'm sure … and by the way I had a really long night last night so I'm a little exhausted anyway Mr. Grey!" She snapped and threw a pillow his way that he easily caught.

"You're going to have to come better than that Ms. Black." He threw it back at her and the pillow popped her in the face.

"I thought you said I come pretty good?" Tam's voice dropped an octane and the seductive look in her eyes was bewitching and alarming at the same time.

"You come amazingly." He crawled back onto the bed and placed a little kiss on her lips.

"Now get up babe, time to go!"

Tamera and Ted came downstairs and Christian, Ana, Isaac, and Jeremiah were still talking. "Yeah, that Ben character worries me," Jeremiah said.

"Yeah, I saw that too," Christian said as he wrapped his arm around Ana.

"Yeah, it's very dangerous," Isaac agreed. "I wanted to talk to the boy but he's not my problem!" Isaac chuckled.

"Not until hits on your daughter," Jeremiah fussed and Teddy's radar went up.

"Ben's not interested in me Uncle Jerry. He's head over heels with Gina," Tamera gave her confused look and Jerry chuckled.

"He stares at you Baby girl. You gotta watch that I don't want a drift between you and Gina." Tamera rolled her eyes. She remembered the past when Gina used to act so evil towards her. It came out in later years that she was a little jealous. Tamera couldn't understand why Gina was so jealous. Gina was beautiful and she was so confident. If anything Tam was always jealous of how Gina seemed not to care what people thought of her. The two cousins were past all of that now, but it was weird that her dad Ben was looking at her. She'd never noticed anything like that from him.

"There won't be any drifting, Tam is taken and I'll make sure to let Ben know as soon as I see him again," Teddy blurted out. He had the same thought when he first met DJ Cutta; he thought that he was more interested in Tamera. Tamera had convinced him otherwise.

"She's taken huh?" Mamma Margaret entered the area and sat down beside her son.

"Yeah, MammaM Ted has been my boyfriend for literally hours," Tamera chuckled. She yawned yet again, damn she was starting to think Teddy was right, she had no energy and no stamina. Ted reached for her hand and pulled her arm around his waist.

"Yeah, and right now Tam is pretty exhausted. We should probably head out before she falls asleep standing up."

"Why is she so tired?" Ana asked as she stood up and looked at the poor girl as she yawned for like the sixth time. "Is she sick?"

"No, no I'm not sick. It's just Teddy came over really late last night and decided to confess his undying love for me so I didn't really get a chance to sleep." Tamera giggled.

"Thanks for making me sound really corny Tam," Teddy rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"Oh no problem boo, think of it as payback for the exhaustion I've suffered today." She sighed and then looked at Ana. Ted's mother was studying her so hard it was so invasive that it made her want to distance herself from Teddy. She thought their embrace was offending her or something. She went to back away but Teddy only held her tighter, she'd expected that he'd do that … and she loved him for it. "But … I would gladly be this tired again … last night was the most wonderful and romantic night of my life," she whispered.

"Mine too baby, mine too," he kissed the top of her head.

"I guess that's our cue to head toward the door," Christian grabbed Ana's hand as they headed toward the door.

"Thank you for inviting us Isaac we had a lovely time! We'll talk more about what we were discussing Monday, Trisha will get in touch with Shea to set a time," Ana said and Isaac nodded.

"Will do Mrs. Grey will be in touch. Christian, basketball Friday?"

"You know it I have to redeem myself from last time."

Tamera and the Greys loaded into Christian's car. Teddy was really shocked with how today had gone. It was not what he'd expected … he had a lot of things running through his head. One of which was Mr. DJ Cutta. He was going to find a way to make Tam and his status very clear to Benjamin. Now that he had Tam he didn't want anybody jeopardizing their happiness.

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