Chapter Forty Seven: For the LUV of Pancakes

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Teddy's Apartment: 10:15AM

"Dad?" Teddy moved closer to his dad and realized that he had headphones in. Christian noticed that he son was now in front of him wearing on his jeans and looking pretty confused. He took his headphones out thankful that the activity that he walked in on had finished. He was going to much more careful about coming to Teddy's apartment unannounced from now on because it was disturbing as all hell to hear him fucking. Christian didn't know why he didn't think that Teddy would be alone. I guess it's from the previous years of him never having company that stayed the night, except for Tamera. Christian assumed that Tamera was the girl in the room now it's just that things were most definitely different.

"Hey son," he put the paper down on the coffee table. It was rare the Christian Grey was uncomfortable but this was most definitely one of those times. "I was coming to pick you up and take you back to the house so that we could all ride to the airport together. I figured we could have breakfast there."

"Yeah, I was going to make breakfast here actually," Ted mumbled and tried hard not to look embarrassed. "I could swing over there in about an hour or so." Christian nodded, and in hindsight he didn't know why he hadn't just left when he realized his son was otherwise physically engaged.

"Okay and I didn't mean to hear … or anything. I should left and contact texted you or something." Christian ran his hand through his hair and Teddy simply nodded. He wasn't going to talk about it; it was bad enough it had to happen in the first place.

"Teddy, did you want to join …," Tamera came out and in her little robe and nothing on underneath it. She was so glad she'd decided to use the robe her initial thought was to come out naked. She was now face to face with Teddy and Christian. She felt her face become flushed and she wanted to die.

"Mr. Grey, I didn't hear you come in?" She crossed her arms almost the shield herself and took a couple of steps back.

"Yeah, he just got here. He was in the neighborhood and stopped by to ask me a question. Did you need me?" Teddy said just to fuck with Tam a little. She narrowed her eyes at him and gave him an "I'm going to kill you!" glare.

"No, it's not important I'm just going to freshen up and get outta here," Tamera turned on her heel and was about to make a beeline for the bathroom.

"What about breakfast?" Teddy asked.

"I'll just pick something up on my way back to my apartment," she said before closing the door to the bathroom with a thud. Teddy burst into laughter the whole scenario was comical. Christian chuckled too.

"You just mortified my girlfriend," Teddy whispered. "She's not stupid she knows you heard us. That's the perfect to start this trip."

"You'll have to tell I apologize," Christian sympathized. "It doesn't affect the way I view her. I'm shocked that she was here really. I don't why but I'm shocked just the same."

"I'm actually shocked that I'm here. Normally we end up at Tamera's place but she wanted to stay here last night." Teddy looked back toward the bathroom door. "Can we grab breakfast at a restaurant or something? I need to talk to you about something." Christian nodded.

"Great hang on one sec, I'm going to tell her I'm leaving." Teddy strode to the back of the apartment and into the bathroom without knocking. Christian just hoped he didn't hear an encore of what he'd heard earlier. He was thankful when Teddy came out just as quickly as he went in. The men headed out the door to Christian's door. He was observed the fact that Teddy was comfortable leaving Tamera in his space.


Both men devoured their meals it was something about pancakes and orange juice that just screamed breakfast. Teddy was drinking his second cup of coffee. "Tam will probably be gone when we head back to my place to pick up my luggage."

"Oh, I was going to get Taylor to do that. Did you not want him to?" Christian asked. He already contacted him but he could always cancel. Teddy heard a ping on his cell.

Tam: Taylor's got ur bags. U should have everything you need

Ted: U in one of those bags?

"Tam just told me he picked everything up already. The poor girl has one surprise after another this morning," Teddy snickered.

"I do feel horrible," Christian laughed.

"You should … but it's a non issue. I'll make sure she gets over it. I've been talking to Isaac about this and I want to run it by you too." Teddy moved his coffee to the side and intertwined his fingers together.

"Okay shoot," Christian said his son had his complete attention.

"Do you think it's too soon for Tamera and me to move in together?"

"Under normal circumstances yes, you've only been dating for a little while, but you two have known each other for years. I would make sense for you to want to be closer. Isaac and I aren't the ones you need to be talking to about this. How does Tamera feel about it?" Christian asked.

"She feels it's too soon but … she sees where I'm coming from. I'm not saying it's not fast I'm just saying it makes since for our situation. Since Tam and I got together we haven't slept alone. This will actually be the first night she isn't in my bed and I'm not happy about it. I'm just tired of moving my clothes from one apartment from the other. She agrees it kind of stupid so I've been looking around for different places." Christian frowned at his son.

"I don't get where the question comes in? It seems you have the situation under control. What is it you want from me?" Christian asked. "It's certainly not approval." He scoffed and Ted smirked.

"Nah, that's not what I'm after. I think its confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. There's more … since I can't really find anything that fits what we both really like in a house. I've been working with Isaac to put together blueprints of a house that I want to build for Tam and me." Christian's eyes bugged out of his head.

"Uh, that's a little different than buying an apartment together son. That's kind of a permanent thing to do."

"Tam's a permanent in my life. I see no real reason to wait and waste money leasing something. I've never … I've never felt so whole before. I don't see any other woman giving me this feeling."

"You love her," Christian said and Ted eyes widened but he didn't deny that his father was right. He'd already gone down that road and it didn't work well. "I get that but I don't know Tamera may not go for it. I wouldn't surprise her with that's for sure." Teddy nodded as he took everything his father said in.

"Thanks dad that's exactly what I needed help with. So maybe I'll tell her about the plans once the holidays are over and until the house is finished we could decide which apartment to stay in." Teddy said and Christian could see that he's mind was still at work.

"Well, now that we have that situated you ready to head home and then to the airport?" Ted nodded and the two head home to the rest of the family. By tonight they'd be in Aspen thousands miles away from Seattle. Ted looked at his phone again. He'd missed a text from Tam.

Tam: I gonna miss you 2 but it's only one night I'll see you soon

He smiled at his phone and then he swallowed hard.

Ted: I luv u

Ted wrote this and let it linger on his screen. His finger was hovered over the send button. This wasn't the way to tell her but he knew he felt.

Ted: I'll video chat u when we get there later babe

Tam: Save travels boo

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