Chapter Twenty Six: White Rose

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Market Fresh: 3:30PM

"Don't think I'm just going to let you weasel out of talking about it," Gina said as Tam busied herself picking out the ingredients for tonight's dinner. She'd decided on turkey burgers, something easy and low key, a burger paired with homemade sweet potato fries. That sounded like a winner. She was ignoring her cousin's questions and had done so all through lunch.

"I need some red onions come on let's go to produce," Tamera said as she pushed the cart in that direction.

"Tam, I saw him grab you! You didn't seem to mind either." Tam huffed out a groan. She was seriously debating ditching her cousin at the grocery store.

"Ted's always spanking or doing something weird, it doesn't mean anything is going on," Tamera said dryly, she gave the onion in her hand way too much attention.

"And since when does he start hugging you before you leave places. He was all up in your stuff." Tam shot a look her cousin's way and Gina just smirked. "You might as well cave. You can look at me like that all day if you want to; you know I'm not going to drop it."

"What are you after exactly? I don't know why he did it? I can't read his mind. We are friends, close friends, sometimes we get touchy."

"Like that? Well don't let me get any friends like that Ben will want to kill them!" Gina chuckled. "Since we're on the subject, why aren't you two together anyway?"

"I knew that you were going to eventually ask me that question," Tamera groaned.

"Well yeah, I mean it's been on the tip of my tongue since I seen you two together. You two seem really in sync; it would make sense for you two to feel something." Gina hunched her shoulder and then through some bacon into Tam's cart.

"It's just not like that, Ted doesn't do relationships, and even if he did … I'm sure … I'm sure it wouldn't last long. Teddy changes his mind so abruptly when it comes to women," Tamera explained.

"Well you've been in his life for a long time and the way he grabbed your little booty Miss Tam Tam, lets me know that he's more than aware you're a woman." Tamera rolled her eyes.

"I really don't want to talk about this," Tam murmured. Her thoughts have been circling around how she was beginning to feel about Ted. She knew it was dangerous and that she was probably going to get hurt in one way or another.

"Why? What's so secretive about it that it can't be discussed?" Tam decided that was time to start ignoring her cousin again. She was being way too familiar. Gina was like a sister to her in a lot of ways but Tamera for the most part was a private person and some things were just not up for discussion. The only person that knows everything about her is Ted. Teddy was the person that she leaned on the most in this world and if this damned attraction took him away from her she wasn't sure how she was going to be able to handle it. Tamera knew that there were just some things in life that she didn't want to mess with, but the moment Teddy touched her she kind of knew that things would never be the same.

"Tam," said as she brought her cousin out of her inner workings of her mind. They were out in the parking lot now and Tam was loading the groceries in the car. "What's so secretive about your relationship with Teddy?"

"There's nothing secretive! This isn't any of your business! I wish you'd just let it drop!" Tamera found herself getting worked up and then she felt tears. TEARS! They were running down her face. Gina couldn't believe that Tam had started crying, the girl never cried. She quickly gathered her cousin in her arms and she Tam sobbed as silently as possible. Gina didn't ask any other questions but she had her proof. Tam was in love with Ted, and Gina knew even if Tam didn't.

After Tamera got herself together the girl's returned to Tam's apartment. Gina had weaseled her way into staying for dinner. Tamera didn't like the idea at first but then realized this would be a good opportunity to just act normal with Ted again. It Gina was in her space she knew that the Tension wouldn't build between them and then maybe Tamera could come to some conclusions. She had told Ted that she could deal with the awkward but it was obvious that she couldn't. She didn't know what she was going to do. Tamera concentrated on fixing the burgers while her cousin sat her table. It'd been a while since Tamera had actually eaten at her dining room table. She usually utilized it for studying purposes.

"So, the tables ready. Is there anything else you want me to do?" Tamera shook her head.

"I've got everything under control. Didn't you say you were going to call Ben?"

"Oh shit yeah, he told me to send him directions to your place too. I hope you have an extra burger for him." Tamera frowned at her cousin and Gina gave her best you know you love me in spite of myself grin. Gina strolled to the back of the apartment to make her call and that when the door unlocked and Teddy came in.

"Hey," Tamera said as she looked over her shoulder and gave him a small smile. She was flipping the burgers and she didn't want them to burn.

"Hey yourself," Teddy said as he wrapped one of his arms around her waist from behind. "Smells good. I'm hungry Tamera." Tam took a deep breath she knew he used that tone of voice and her full name on purpose. Ted kept his arm around her and then presented her with a single long stem white rose. "For you," he murmured before he kissed her shoulder. Tam smiled at the flower and took it in her hand.

"It's beautiful Teddy. Can you watch the burgers while a find a vase?" Ted took the spatula away from her and she reached up in the cabinet and found a clear vase to put it in. "Oh Gina and Ben are staying for dinner."

"What?" Ted snapped and then calmed himself. "Why?" He took the burgers off the heat and made his way into the over to Tam who was now sitting her pretty little rose on her coffee table.

"I don't know, she's family, and sometimes they barge in." She chuckled and he rolled his eyes at her. He got close to her once more and wrapped his arms around her. She stood upright and gave Teddy a nervous shy smile

"I think its crazy you don't know how lovely you are, the way you look just now makes me want so many things from you Tammy." Tamera could hear the playful pout in his voice.

"Shudaup!" She knew that she had to be blushing by now.

"It's true, you should just kick your cousin out and then we can …" Gina cleared her throat and interrupted Ted and Tammy's little moment. Ted tried not to show his annoyance of Gina's presence he offered her a small grin.

"Hello Gina," he forced out.

"Hello Theodore," she cooed. "What what were you two standing all close discussing?" She plopped down on the couch and put her feet on the coffee table. It jostled Tam's pretty little rose and almost made the vase tip over.

"Be careful Gina damn!" Tam picked up the vase and put it on her kitchen counter. Teddy smiled at how protected she the little rose. She looked at the little thing with so admiration and love. Teddy studied her and realized that he wanted her to look at him that way. He wanted her to care that much; he wanted to be alone with her. He wondered how long this dinner was going to last, he glanced over to Gina who was sitting on the couch tinkering with her phone.

"Oh Yay Benny's here! I'm gonna go grab him!" Gina ran out the door and Teddy laughed at her.

"You're cousin is a trip!" Tam nodded as she took the wine out of her fridge and put it on ice.

"Yeah she clings; I've been trying to get rid of her since lunch!" Both of them laughed and Tamera went over to the couch and sat with Ted.

"I love my rose Teddy," Tam said as she sat beside him. Tamera inched closer to him and gently led his face to her lips and she place a soft gently kiss on his cheek.

"Don't do that Tam," he whispered and then tilted his head so that he could rub his nose against hers. Teddy smoothed her hand along the side of his face. There was nervousness in the pit of her stomach and undeniable pull, for better or for worse … she need this. Just as it looked like a new first was experienced between the two. Gina and opened the door and the moment was over and vanished into the night.

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