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It Begins Here

As if summer couldn't have gotten any worse. Malfoy's father invited us over for the last week of summer. To have a "good" start of the year. But in my opinion, I think it's going to be horrendous.

I walked out of one of the many guest rooms my nightdress swaying side to side as I rubbed my eyes yawning exhaustedly. "Good morning love" I groaned turning around. I see Draco walking out of his room his famous irritating smirk on his face eyeing me up and down"Can't I have a nice peaceful morning without you interfering with it"

Over the summer Draco has been painfully obvious showing how much he wants my attention delivering expensive gifts, sending love letters, even come and "visit" me spending countless hours talking about how Harry is really the bad guy. Even poor Smoky can't stand this boy and his sickening affection towards me.

what the adults think is cute I call it annoying."Please, if anything you're glad to see me...I know I am" his eyes wander over me looking up and down.

I roll my eyes crossing my arms,"Don't be like that love admit it you like me back" "I'll admit that I'd rather be somewhere else than here" I huffed walking away arms wrapped around my waist causing me to stop."Draco I swear to Salazar if you don't move those wimpy arms I will break them to the point where not even the healing spells will fix them" he quickly removed his hands shoving them in his pockets.

"now if you excuse me I have a day to start" I walked off to the bathroom changing into my day clothes. I stayed in the bathroom staring at the mirror." just a couple more days and everything will be back to normal, normal classes, normal friends" I sighed patting my face 'you can do this!!'

I walked out looking down the hall and to the left. Clear. Quietly closing the door I shuffled backward as I turned I bumped into a tall stature. Looking up I see a familiar beard and smile," trying to hide from Malfoys son are we?" Dad chuckled patting my head," depends are you going to rat me out like mum did?" He shakes his head signaling that I follow him. I follow him to his and mums room, mum sat on her bed a letter in her hands." whats that for?" "It's the school letter they already sent you the list you'll need for the school year" I felt my whole body lighten up,"Really?!" "shhh! We don't want Malfoy hearing any of this" I shut my mouth nodding,"are we going this week then?" They shake their heads making me question why"we're going to stay here for a while and you are going to stay with the Weasleys" Mum smiled walking over to me,"don't think I didn't notice those letters you've been receiving"

"Yes!" I whispered little mumbles caught our attention,"awe~ is my little man finally awake?" Dad cooed bringing out Mark. I walked over to them grabbing Mark,"hey there little bro, guess who's not staying here?~" he nudged his little hand on my face giggling."close enough"

{Next Day}

"So I've told Mr.Malfoy that you'll be doing shopping with some friends of mine" mum grasp my shoulder whispering in my ear," okay then I'll be on my way" I got up from the dinner table excusing myself I can feel Draco's eyes on me as I left. I quickly got to the fireplace getting some floo powder in my hands,"(Y/n) where are you going?" I turn to see Draco with a confused face." somewhere don't worry your head off you'll see me in school" I groan out,"(L/n) Manor" I whispered making sure Draco couldn't hear me.

I was never fond of traveling in floo powder but when the time comes to it then one must know how it works,"Ahuva! Are you awake yet?" I go up the stairs seeing if he's there cleaning something. Instead, I hear jumping in my room," Ahuva are you jumping on my bed know you can hurt—yourself..hey?"

Jumping on my bed wasn't Ahuva instead it was a poorly cared House-elf his rigid clothes seemed to be just a pillowcase with a hole for his arms and head,"Hello there are you the new elf mum told me about? Oh! You must be hungry" I smiled reaching out to the elf as he shifted away."Ms. (Y/n) (L/n) such an honor to be in your presence I am Dobby the House-elf I have come to warn you of grave danger" he skidded near me his skinny figure worried me,"alright then we can discuss this over tea and sandwiches"

His bulgy eyes began to tear up,"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you or something-" " offend Dobby?! I've heard many great things about you, but never has Dobby been offered to eat with a witch or wizard" he balls out almost shout in tears,"you must not have met many good magical families then" I crouch down going eye-level to the elf,"no I-oh no Dobby almost spoke of ill of his family" he jumped over to the bed grabbing a lamp. Then without warning, he beat his head repeatedly with the bottom part of the lamp,"whoah-hey what are you doing?!"

I yanked the lamp out of his hands,"I'm sorry Dobby had to punish himself he almost spoke ill about his family" I pull Dobby out on the hall so he doesn't find anything else to beat himself. "let's just get tea and sandwiches"

{minutes later}

"so what warning did you have for me Dobby?" Dobby clobbers down the sandwich grabbing another,"(Y/n) (L/n) cannot go back to Hogwarts" "I'm sorry...say that again" I leaned forward in my seat Dobby stood up on the couch,"(Y/n) (L/n) cannot go back to Hogwarts" he repeated. I blinked a few times getting up,"what do you mean I can't go back?" Dobby fiddles with his bandaged fingers," There is a plot...a plot to make the most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year"

"I'm sorry Dobby but I can't just stop going to Hogwarts, it's like my second home where I get to see my friends and meet random people" he sighs thinking of something," promise Dobby that you won't go to Hogwarts" I pursed my lips into a straight line,"fine but I'm not happy with this Dobby" he sadly smiles snapping his fingers he slowly fades away leaving me alone with a couple of House-elves,"yeah right, I'm not staying; I'm going to school" I ran upstairs opening my chest,"if what Dobby says is true then in for some adventure" packing everything I turn to Smoky as he sleeps in his cage comfortably on the stand."Smoky come on buddy we got to go" I whispered fluffing his feathers on his chest. He hoots opening his eyes he flutters out of his cage onto my shoulder,"we're going to the Wesley's Burrow" he hoots once more falling asleep again. Tying the cage down I stepped into the elevator thinking of how to surprise Ron. The doors opened Ahuva stood there at the bottom his arms crossed over his chest," and where do you think you're going didn't you just get a warning of staying away from Hogwarts?" "Ahuva I have to go please understand" Ahuva sighs looking up at me,"be careful, okay" I nod hugging Ahuva going over to the fireplace. Looking over at the House-elves I wave goodbye grabbing floo powder," Weasleys Burrow"

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