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Weasleys Burrow

The feeling of being thrashed around and spun everywhere almost made me regret eating those sandwiches. Finally stopping I wave my hand around trying to clear out the dust that spread around me as I landed on my feet.

I pat my shoulder being sure Smoky was still there and he was, just slightly dusty and sneezing uncontrollably." bless you" I walk out of the fireplace cleaning my face from the soot that stuck to my face. The Burrow seemed eerily quiet, which was rare in this case the house usually had someone talking about something or noise coming from the kitchen." They probably went out" I left my luggage by the couch and went to the kitchen seeing if they have the kettle out--which they did. I prepared myself tea.

(or any other beverage you like to make)

After it was done I sat on the couch thinking what I should do while I wait. Smoky flutters around the room hooting and screeching every now and then. The fireplace made a disturbing sound and dropped what I could see was three people." shouldn't have gone in at the same time" the dusty air cleared up revealing Ron, Fred, and George." hey guys"

I took a sip waving at the guys,"(Y/n)!" all three of them jumped on the couch flattening me and dropping my drink,"hey! Do you know how much effort it took to make that?" "bet it didn't take much" "when did you get here?" Fred and George spoke at the same time. "just now really, where did you guys go?" just as I said that the rest of the family walk in from the fireplace,"oh dear I hope you didn't stay here too long" I shake my head grinning,"not at all Mrs.Weasley I just got here"

She walks up to me her arms wide open to give me a grand hug," just call me Molly" I hug back nodding," its a good thing we went out to get some things, (M/n) told me your favorite food and that's exactly what I'm going to make" "oh thank you Molly" Mr. Weasley walks up to me grabbing my hand in a firm grip," so (Y/n) anything muggle you and your family have been doing" I shake my head laughing at the muggle fanatic man." No besides playing instruments that's all we've been doing" he chuckles nodding his head,"yes, yes well I must be going have some work to catch up on" he strolls out of the living room to the front door closing it behind him," to be honest when I was told you were coming here to stay for the rest of summer I was excited that another girl was going to be in the same house as me" Ginny walks up to me giving me a hug," it goes the same with me sometimes at my house but I manage to get through with it" I smile hugging back. Percy marched up to me trying his best to be serious but couldn't last long sighing deeply," I don't want you walking around past curfew do you understand" I hum thinking about it,"nah and you know what I'll do it again on the first day back to school"

Percy pat my head walking away from me and up the stairs Fred and George ran up to me on either side of me grinning wildly." Why do I feel like you guys want to do something dangerous"" that's everyday dear, but we do request a game if you don't mind playing" I shrug listening to what they had to say," how about a little game of quidditch winner gets to tell the losers what to do for the rest of the day" George said throwing his arm over my shoulder," course we don't have the same equipment but it's something" Fred said standing in front of me," sure why not got to practice my new position some time right?" They cheered running up stairs asking if anyone else would like to play which only ended up to just being Ron. Ginny asked to play but was denied by her mother," come on mum she'll be fine" " no and that's my final answer"

We race outside getting ready Percy walked out book in hand," I'm only here because I know little one's going to kick your arses" Fred and George gasped slapping their hands on their chests as if they were shoot in the heart," even our own brother thinks we'll lose" Fred told George.

"So here are the teams me and George and you and Ron are together okay?" Fred said writing on a sheet of paper handing it to Ginny. "This is too easy" Ron commented," don't count you eggs before they hatch your brothers are rough on the field I should know this" I said to Ron his broom looked dramatically old compared to mines and Fred and Georges also being old but are still in good shape," ready?" Ron nods we float up I grabbed a stick ready to swing the ball which was the beater" Ron all you have to do is throw the ball into the hoops I'll be your wall, okay?" He nods ready to go forward," GO!" Percy threw the ball in the middle sprinting back to his seat. Ron caught the ball trying his best to dodge the attacks George was throwing," and goodbye pesky fly!" Angling the ball perfectly I knocked George out of line swinging around in the air," Hey that's not fair!" George shouts punching the air with his fists. Ron threw the ball in the makeshift hoop hollering in victory.

20 minutes later

"That can't be right we threw more balls in the hoops than you did!!" Fred and George shout in sync. The score stopped at 23 to 54 clearly showing a clear victory for me and Ron." Nope you just didn't pay attention to what's happening around you" Percy laughed dropping the paper on his chair going inside," dinner must be ready, now why don't you boys go and help your mum set up the plates" I smiled rubbing my stomach they growled going inside." That was fun hope we can do it again" Ron spoke up rubbing his arm a pink tint crawled onto his some how dirt covered face.

"Of course that was the most fun I've had since the last time I played with dad and his team for the first time" he laughs as his face began to turn more red," are you okay? You're turning into a tomato" he touched his cheek flinching from the heat his cheeks provided." It's nothing I'm fine l-lets go inside and eat"

"Ight!" I skipped behind Ron getting pulled behind I turned around facing Ginny," (Y/n) um can you teach me how to play Quidditch like you? I would ask my brothers but you know them" I nod grabbing her hands I smiled grinning ear to ear," oo~ I can bring you over to my house and play on our field! It would be great. It can be our own girl time!!"

Ginny smiled nodding her head off,"well then your mother has made a delicious meal for us. Shall we enjoy it before your brothers scorch it down their throats?","yeah!" I placed my broom right beside the door letting Ginny walk in first. I closed the door asking for their bathroom to wash up,"upstairs to the left dearie"

Just as I made it up the stairs I can hear talking behind a door,"what if mum catches us?! I don't want to be grounded for the rest of our summer" "it'll be quick come on you know how to drive Fred. Please! It's all I'm asking for!" Recognizing those voices I knock on the door hearing the voices hush,"who is it?!","your guest and whatever you boys are planning to do it better not be dangerous" the door got yanked open revealing Ron. He pulled me in placing his finger on his lips,"it's not dangerous. Only if the muggles see us flying to London. We're going to save Harry and bring him here I haven't been getting his letters over the summer and I'm worried about him" some part of me wanted to feel bad for the boy in front of me but then again he's planning to fly to London how can I let this happen,"I know what you're thinking and no you don't have to come, but can you make sure our mum doesn't get suspicious. Please" I sighed groaning at the boy pleading me on his knees,"fine, come on dinners ready"

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