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So Close

So apparently even in the Wizarding world hearing voices is a bad sign. So we pretty much agreed to keep silence until who knows when. Smoky yawns letting out a small squeak, "okay time for bed I'll see you three tomorrow, bye"

We say our goodnights to each other going our separate ways or in my case my separate way. Tonight seemed brighter than it usually is here in Hogwarts and that's when it hits me, "Full moon!" I whisper-shout running down to the dungeons. I say the password pushing the doors open and up the dorms.

"For tonight Smoky you're staying here okay? Tomorrow's transfiguration so I'm going to need you there" he hoots trying to follow me to the doorway as I tightly held the handle of my violin case, "I'll give you extra owl bites if you listen to me" his eyes sparkle quickly fluttering to the bedpost fluffing up, " see you later"

^Time Skip^

I love the night time here in Hogwarts only because it's very luminous on the lake. Good old Whomping Willow tree it sways side to side not really going with the rhythm of the wind blowing. I place my case on the base of the tree trunk opening up its locks.

I pick up my violin thinking about a simple song I can play. I notice the bushes rustling I squint at it be sure it's what I was hoping to be with tonight and it was. The same werewolf that nearly killed me last year.

It stumbles towards me laying down on its side looking up at me. "I've been practicing this song for a while so I hope you like it" it growls sitting up waiting patiently.


After playing the song I hear a whimper. The werewolf stands but crouches to my height shuffling to me, "don't worry I will be back next full moon" I scratch under its chin getting a small bark from the beast.

I pack my violin petting the tree a few leaves drop fluttering around me and the werewolf. "bye bye" quietly running down the school grounds I manage to get past the new prefects snickering at them as they turn a corner.

Down the dungeons, I go looking around the corner making sure it's clear. I smiled finding no one by the large doors. I hug my case skipping to the door without worry.

"Well well well...Ms. (L/n) is at it once more"

"God dang it Percy I was so close"

I turn around smiling nervously at the tall ginger, "so close yet so far, wasn't it little one?"

He stuffs his hands in his uniform getting closer to me. I puff my checks now looking up, "I have a feeling you purposely wait in the dungeons just to bust me in the act of sneaking in"

"You have a different reaction every time pretty much entertains me. Also, it's past the curfew we agreed on"

"How am I supposed to know that Percy? I don't have a watch on me"

"Then I consider you get one, love"

I have to admit the way Percy said love just blew me away. I clench my violin case closer to my chest not realizing I'm slowly leaning forward.

"It worries me that you stay out late at these hours just to play a song for a werewolf. Not to mention there's an issue running around"

"I forgot about that...wait then why are you still out? I could have sworn that Dumbledore had ordered the prefects in early"

"Like what I said before I was worried about you"

Percy places his right hand on my cheek laying his forehead on mine. I freeze not knowing what to do his other hand makes contact with my other cheek bringing me closer, "don't do anything irrational, okay?"

I nod dazed by how close he was, his cologne was intoxicating making my knees weak. Our noses touch startling me he hushes me rubbing his nose on mine. I close my eyes taking in the warm he was radiating as well.

And it was gone. The warmth and the delicate touch. Gone. I open my eyes feeling somewhat sad that it was gone so soon. He stands up from his hunching position smirking down at me. "Go inside now love"

He turns leaving me in a blushing mess by the large doors, "I shall now cry tonight" I nod whispering the password to the large doors. Going up the stairs I hug my case once more before placing it down beside my bed. My roommates still snoring away completely oblivious to my late night actions.

Smoky still sitting in the same spot as before bounced on the bed trying to get my full attention. I lay down not bothering to change out of my outfit and snuggled in the cold bed sheets.

Smoky sits by my pillow fluffing up," Percy is such a tease" I smiled wondering if he would have done what I thought would have happened.


Next Morning

I yawn loudly getting a few stares from my classmates. Harry stares at me tilting his head," You look like you didn't get enough sleep" he whispers.

Ron nods writing down what Professor Snape wrote on the chalkboard. I make sure Snape wasn't looking as I turn to Harry, "You can say I had a few thoughts going through my head" I smiled remembering my moment with Percy.

"A good nights sleep is important (Y/n)" Hermione whispered next to me I nod mindlessly writing down notes, "Are you worried about the issue with Mrs.Norris?" She questions.

"Uh yeah, I'm worried about the cat...poor kitty"

Snape takes a seat by his desk telling us to work on the potion with our partners as he would judge on how much we were paying attention. Which was something I wasn't doing very much of, " what potion is it that we're doing?"

"Cure for Boils, a quick review of last year"

"Oh that's easy then I'll get the ingredients"

I get up walking over to the large shelves getting all the ingredients that are needed for the potion. Walking back to Hermione I carefully place down the stuff getting comfortable on my chair, " Alright let's get this over with"

Finishing up the potion we stir the potion releasing a foul scent, "ugh! It smells so bad! Professor, we're finished"

Professor Snape glances at the potion humming at it while picking up the spoon to watch it slowly drip down," as expected (L/n)...Granger 5 points to your Houses" he places the spoon back on the cauldron leaving me and Hermione high-fiving each other.

Harry Potter Various x Reader {Year 2}✔Where stories live. Discover now