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Let's Go Back

(Y/n) pov:

I grabbed my head whining in pain. My head throbbed whispering negative thoughts. What the heck happened?! I turned to Ginny and Harry then to the Chamber. Man, it's like I'm seeing this for the first time...because it is.

Harry hugged me from behind crying against my back. I turned around hugging him back still confused but happy it's over. "I thought of so many bad things about you I'm so sorry I let the comments of what Malfoy said when we were in your common room get into my head thinking you were lying to us"

"Comments? What'd he say?"

"He said that he wouldn't be surprised if you were to be the heir since you disappear every now and then. And after hearing what Voldemort's memory said about you being the future heir I thought that you've betrayed our trust to be masked"

I pat Harry's back letting him cry it out, I had a feeling someone was watching me yet it had to be him. At some point, I was going to tell them about my doings at full moons but later maybe 5th year but thanks to Malfoy I have to come clean to Harry and the others.

"There's a reason I do that but I can't tell you guys yet not here at least"

He just nods wiping away the tears on his puffy face. Harry motioned us to follow him I pat my sides looking for my wand.

"Wait where's my wand?"

"It's right here!"

Ginny picks it up from the murky water handing it to me I thanked her, cleaning it on my already dirty soaked clothes. We followed Harry through the volt taking one last glance at the statue I had a feeling this wasn't going to be the last of this place. I jumped out tripping over some rocks on the ground, "Ron should have a hole big enough for us to pass through by now"

My body felt broken like my bones we're crunched up and reassembled. I grabbed onto Harry's shoulder waddling slowly next to him, "You okay?"

"Yeah just broken...and itchy for some reason. Honestly, I just want to sleep at this point"

We find the hole Ron dug out letting Ginny go through first, then me, and last Harry. Ron hugged Ginny apologizing for letting this happen to her especially in her first year. Ron noticed me after hugging Ginny to death punching my arm hard with tears in his eyes, "Who was it?! Tell me it wasn't you who kidnapped Ginny!"

"First of all"

I punched Ron back glaring at him, "Don't ever punch me again and second no I didn't, I was kidnapped just like her and...I don't remember much all I remember is being stuck in a bubble and I woke up to Ginny staring down at me"

"What's wrong with your face?"

"I beg your pardon? I just got kidnapped, was stuck in a Basilisks mouth for who knows how long, I think I was brainwashed or something and lost a part of my memory and you're asking me what's wrong with my face!?"

"Nononono you have these black veins growing on your face"

I touched my face feeling bumpy lines pulsing near my eyes. I cringed at the feeling and stopped touching them, Ron, on the other hand, touched one describing it to be firm and warm going on about them being also squishy somehow. I just let him repeatedly touch it hoping he'll catch on my angry looks... He didn't, "Alright! I get it they're disgusting, stop it!!"

"Whoa calm down look let's get out of here and go to the Hospital Wing"

Harry placed his hand on my shoulder pushing Ron away from me. I nod waiting to see how we're going to get out.

"Hey (Y/n) weird question didn't you have a scar on your neck?"

Ginny points at her neck giving me a confused expression. I raised an eyebrow nodding, "Yeah why?"

"Well it's not there anymore"

Harry and Ron looked at my neck confirming the scar being gone. My eyes widen in shock, It couldn't have just disappeared it's a permanent mark. Maybe being in the bubble did something to me, I'll have to ask Dumbledore about it.

"Ugh, what happened? Oh, new people!"

Professor Lockhart rose up from the rubble I didn't notice he was under. I thought he was just a coward--wait did he say, new people?

"Um, how much did we miss?"

Harry scratched his head looking off to the side Ron doing the same, "Yeah so stuff happened when we got to this point and he used Ron's wand to cast a spell to make us forget everything and you know how Ron's wand is broken...yeah it backfired causing the cave to collapse and now he doesn't remember anything not even who he is"

Harry explained looking at the clueless Professor. Well, surely they can fix this, right? Fawkes screeches at us perching himself on Gilderoy's shoulders flapping his wings. I quickly grab onto one of Gilderoy's hands flying up.

Fawkes flies out of the cave carrying all of us with ease. Gilderoy shouted in glee saying it's like magic. I laughed lightly at the confused yet excited man he smiled at Fawkes.

We landed outside of the school where Dumbledore waited he smiled at us asking if we're okay. We nod maybe just a little broken after tonight.

The sun was starting to rise waking up the little creatures around us. Dumbledore ordered Ginny to go to the Hospital Wing with Professor Lockhart and for Ron, Harry and I to follow him to his office.

We followed reaching his office standing in front of his desk. He sat down fixing his stuff looking at each of us, "You three realize plus Hermione, of course, you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules. There is sufficient evidence on all four of you to have you all expelled"

I feel like I've missed a huge part in this but yeah even if I was kidnapped I can't really say I'm clean compared to these two. We just nodded waiting to hear the dreadful words.

"Therefore, it is only fitting that you four receive Special Awards for Services to the School"


I let out a happy sigh thanking Merlin for not dropping the bomb on all four of us. Dumbledore smiled at us searching on his table picking up a letter standing up.

"Now Mr.Weasley, if you would. Have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban I believe we want our gamekeeper back"

I stood by Harry watching Ron go, Dumbledore turned to us thanking Harry for showing real loyalty saying that nothing but that could have called Fawkes. He also goes on about sensing off between both of us. Nothing can get past this man is there?

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