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Weasel Problem

Ever have those moments where you just want to punch the living soul out of a person you hate the most?

Yeah, that's me right now rolled my eyes at Malfoy as he "insulted" Harry. "Leave him alone" Ginny threatened him. I was amazed she was able to do that. He lets out a short laugh pointing at her, "Well you look at that Potter, you got yourself a girlfriend"

"Better than that pug-faced brat that follows you around like a lost puppy" he growls but takes a deep breath, " (Y/n) what are you doing here? Getting fame like Potter here?"

"What does it look like I'm doing here, Malfoy? Getting my books for the new year of course" I lift my books showing him the obvious of my presence of being in a bookshop. He just smiles taking a few steps towards me, his right-hand caresses my face curling around a loose strand.

"Have I ever told you-you look beautiful when you're mad"

"Then you're going to find me gorgeous when I beat the crap out of you, Malfoy" I hand my books to Ron getting ready to beat the living hell out of him. Sadly that wasn't going to happen today I see Mr.Malfoy making his way towards us. He makes a face then masking it with a plain face," Leave us alone Malfoy, don't you have others to torment?"

Ron glares at Malfoy ready to attack him, Malfoy growls about to fight him but was stopped but his father,"Now now Draco, play nice. (L/n) fancy seeing you here, getting your books I presume?" I nod staying quiet.

He moves my hair to the side grazing his index finger over the scar on my neck."Absolutely amazing--Mr.Potter Lucius Malfoy we meet at last" he lets go grabbing Harry's hand, "please excuse me, but your scar is legend. Almost as legend as the person who gave it to you"

"Voldemort killed my parents. He was nothing more than a murderer" he spits out glare at him pulling himself off him,"You must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish" Mr.Malfoy smirked tilting his head slightly.

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." Hermione cuts in Smoky hoots shaking on my neck.'My poor baby owl...he needs more love'

I pat his head turning to Ron I grab my books about to tell Mr.Malfoy to leave us alone. Sadly that chance isn't happening today as Mr.Weasley jumps in telling us to hurry outside.

"Well, well, well. Weasley senior."


"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime. But judging by the star of this, I'd say not. What's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?"

"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy"

"Clearly...Associating with Muggles." He drops Ginny's book back in her caldron inching closer to Mr.Weasley's face," and I didn't think your family couldn't sink no lower. I'll see you at work."

He leaves the store giving dirty looks to everyone. His eyes landed on me nodding a goodbye. Draco marches up to Harry giving him a dirty look,"see you at school, (Y/n) we're still on for that date"

He leaves smirking trailing behind his father. Ron grabs my shoulder turning me around facing him. His whole face red in anger,"you're going on a date with Malfoy?!"

"I'd rather kiss a trolls armpit than to have a date with Malfoy"

~The next day~

Throwing all my stuff on a trolley I followed the behind the family literally minutes before the train leaves."10:58, come on. The train will be leaving at any moment. Fred, George, Percy, you first." The three brothers run to the wall between 9 and 10 disappearing without a trace.

"Ladies next" I hold onto Smoky's cage running to the wall the jello feeling running through it made me want to throw up. Making it to the other side the train whistle blew loudly. Ginny runs out of the wall looking dazzed along with her parents rushing us to the train.

Throwing in our stuff Ginny bid her parents goodbye rushing in the closing doors. We looked at each other huffing laughing at our tired state," and that's why Ginny we wake up early to catch the train or else we're sweaty in exhaustion."

"Yeah, maybe next year we'll manage" I take out Smoky from his cage as he sat on my head,"do you think Ron and Harry made it?" Ginny says looking at me with worry,"I'm sure the guys are somewhere on the train no worries let's go look for Hermione I'm sure they are with her"

It didn't take long to find Hermione, alas, the boys weren't with her. We joined in her compartment asking if she's seen the boys anywhere. She shakes her head saying they're probably on the far front,"I guess that makes sense since we didn't see them anywhere here"

We changed into our Hogwarts robes and then talked for a good hour before the woman with the candy trolley rolled in asking if we wanted any,"Can I have four Chocolate Frogs and two Cauldron Cakes, do you guys want anything? I'll pay"

"Are you sure?" Ginny and Hermione spoke at the same time I nod motioning them to grab something.

Ginny grabs three boxes of Jelly Slugs and Hermione grabbed two Cauldron Cakes. I paid the lady closing the door as she left asking the next compartment.

"Thanks (Y/n)"

"Yeah thanks, you didn't need to do that"

"I didn't but I did. Now let's eat these treats and enjoy the rest of the ride to Hogwarts"


Ginny was taken away with the other first year's. As for Hermione and I, we were taken to the carriages that were lined up ready for the students to squeeze in.

Smoky hoots sitting in the cup holder glancing between me and Hermione. Unlike the others, we got a carriage to ourselves,"Hope the guys are okay" she said looking out the window with worry,"I'm sure they're fine Hermione. If anything we should be worried about the safety of the people they're with"

She giggles nodding at my words the carriage stopped opening up. I grab Smoky and made my way out, Hermione sighed smiling towards me.

"Welcome home, (Y/n)"

"Welcome home, Hermione"

The one Professor that every student either despises or is afraid of stood by the entrance gate glaring at everyone that passed by him. Hermione switches spots with me having a nervous behavior once we got closer.

"(L/n) as a second year you should have known that you must have your witch or wizard hat on during the sorting ceremony," Snape said with his usual nonchalant voice. I wanted to smack myself for that.

I knew I was forgetting something but noooo I wasn't smart enough to realize the obvious,"I have my hat Professor's just my luggage"

He sighs telling me to hurry and grab it. I wished I knew the spell of how to teleport because it would have been helpful right now.

Smoky screeches flapping his wings on my shoulder,"Smoky fly to the dormitory and grab my hat, I'll meet you halfway"

He hoots heading off I quickly head toward the direction but Smoky was already back in two seconds flash,"you my friend, are a fast flyer"

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