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Narrators pov:

Voldemort smirked watching the Basilisk chase after Harry. He laughed walking up to the bubble that held (Y/n) in. Since he cast the spell he was able to see (Y/n) struggle inside with her cheeks puffed out holding her breath.

She banged against the bubble with one hand and the other pinching her nose. Voldemort placed his hand on the bubble he watched her let out her last breath dropping down to the bottom of the bubble.

He hears the distant screech of the bird once more. He shouts in bitterness as the Phoenix pecked out the Basilisk's eyes.

"No! No matter it can still hear you!"

Voldemort turns to the bubble waiting for the moment to happen. He casts another bubble spell holding it in his hands with just one touch the bubble began to fill up with gold liquid. He smiled pulling the bubble away sighing happily at the liquid.

Harry ran out of the tunnel running back to (Y/n) and Ginny he looks at Voldemort holding the golden liquid.

"What are you holding?"

"The essences of mine but now infused with (Y/n)'s essence that made her was supposed to come out grey but her purity essence turned it golden"

Harry tried grabbing the bubble but stopped when the Basilisk shot out of the water screaming. It swayed searching for Harry. The bubble trembled once catching our attention. Even the basilisk stopped trying to listen.

The bubble trembled again, a pair of white glowing eyes open in the bubble. Voldemort smiled laughing, "It's done! She's officially mine to command"

Harry looked at the bubble, it ripped from the bottom spilling out the black liquid. An arm shoots out from under it then another. (Y/n) crawled out coughing her uniform was soaked she lowered her head breathing heavily.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"


She looked up at him her eyes were pure white black veins pulsed on the corners of her eyes. She reached out dropping to her stomach, "(Y/n) don't worry we'll get out of here soon!"

"Not if she doesn't let you"


Voldemort waved Harry's wand forcing (Y/n) to stand. She cried holding her head quivering yelling to stop, "Let the anger fuel you my dear and do what you were born to do!"

(Y/n) yelled dropping to her hands growling. The veins grew and she lost control she lets out a growl staring at Harry. Harry looked at (Y/n) a little frightened at the animalistic behavior.

"(Y/n) what are you doing?"

"Exactly what she's ordered to do, she's no longer human but a beast to command. Now end this boy's life!"

(Y/n) growled but stopped for a few seconds and turned to Voldemort. "What are you looking at?! Go and end this boy's life!"

Harry watched (Y/n) growl more almost barking at Voldemort. Harry smirked at Voldemort as he began to back away from (Y/n), "You failed to realize that (Y/n) is a person you do not want to anger her loyalty remains with us even in this form. (Y/n) if you can hear me that bubble contains your essences!"

(Y/n) looks at the bubble and lets out an animalistic roar charging at Voldemort. He tells the Basilisk to kill Harry as he runs into the tunnels. Harry barely dodges the monster looking around to fight it with. A sword appears from the hat catching Harry's eyes.

He pulls out the sword running up to the statue it came out of, climbing up to be at its head level. He climbs the statue almost falling a couple of times he reaches the top swiping the sword at it.

He falls back dropping the sword. Harry manages to grab the sword in time striking the beast from inside the mouth and through its head but was struck with one of the fangs of the beast.

The basilisk screamed swiveling down slamming against the wet ground bleeding out. Voldemort came back running slightly beaten up with (Y/n) still chasing him. Voldemort cast a spell at (Y/n) tying her to the ground. She fell still growling at Voldemort.


Harry slowly walked up to Ginny dropping the Basilisk fang he yanked out of his arm. "No matter it was one way or another that you'd die, Harry Potter, how does it feel? The venom of the Basilisk works fast, soon you'll die with poor Ginny here and (Y/n) she'll soon be in my command"

Harry reached for Ginny's hand looking up at Voldemort as he spoke, "Funny the damage a silly little book can do in the hands of a silly little girl"

Harry grabs the book flipping it open Voldemort asked what he's doing and instead of saying anything, he stabs the page creating a hole in Voldemort the memory of him screaming in pain. He drops the bubble as it bounced in the water.

Harry pulls out the fang stabbing the next one Voldemort continued to scream more as his body started to light up. Harry closed the book stabbing the cover ink pooled out leaking to water as Voldemort's memory exploded into dust.

Just as he did Ginny woke up looking around breathing heavily. She turned seeing Harry when he said her name. She confessed to Harry everything that's happened saying that it was all her fault but didn't mean to.

"Harry, you're hurt"

"Don't worry. Ginny grabs the bubble right over there and get (Y/n) to drink it she's right there she won't hurt you...I hope"

"What happened to her?"

"I'll explain after you get her to drink it"

Ginny listened to Harry crawling over to the bubble going to (Y/n). She growled at Ginny as she neared her. Ginny opens the bubble pinching (Y/n)'s nose which gets her to open her mouth. The gold essence pours in, (Y/n) began to slow down her movements until she was completely still.

Fawkes flies in stopping over Harry cocking its head side to side, "I did it but I'm probably too late" he whispers holding his wounded arm. Fawkes leans over Harry's arm dropping a few tears. Harry watched in amazement forgetting that Fawkes has healing powers.

Fawkes walks over to (Y/n) cooing and drops a few tears on her face. The black veins began to fade away leading to (Y/n) waking up. "Where are we?" She asked sitting up.

"In a chamber, where we almost died"

(Y/n) got up cracking her back groaning in pain. She saw the giant basilisk walking over to it, "I see you killed it, Harry" she kicked the monster yelling at it for holding her in its mouth.

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