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I'm back!!
The trip was so amazing, Lenaea was the greatest experience of my life, to be honest. The show went great and we all had fun performing it. The judges were extremely nice and complimented on my clear voice!! o((*^▽^*))o
And the workshops were fantastic by far my favorite was the blonde male who sang 'I am Adolpho'
Please check out the song when you have the chance and now on with the story!!!

Quite the Game

The game has begun I tightly held my bat wacking the balls back at the two troublemakers.

I follow behind Malfoy shouting at him to dodge every now and then. Which might I say he's not the best at listening to quick commands. I hear a blunger close behind me as I turn to see how close it was it zipped past my head barely missing by an inch.

It didn't even go for Malfoy, it made a fast stop speeding right at me. I leaned back as in slow motion fly over me grazing my nose.

Getting back up I thought it over and the best option was to leave Malfoy on his own so I don't endanger him in the game or any other players for the matter. At this time I already knew that bludger was a rogue bludger. 'Who the hell tampered with the bludger?--Holy Crab!!!'

I dive down swerving every direction to throw it off its course but there was no use. I noticed the second bludger following Harry and Malfoy as they race for the Snitch.

Turning to the bludger that was near me I hit it across the field flying right behind the boys. The bludger was right in front of me chasing the boys not noticing I'm behind it.

In a split second, there was a blinding light that made me realize who it was. Colin snapped the photo dodging the bludger but crashed onto my broom lifting him up with me.

"Colin?! Why were you on the field?!--Hold on!!"

He latches onto me crying on my shoulder screaming that he would throw up. "Duck!!" He leans down to my broom barely dodging the rogue bludger. As quickly as I could I reach the Gryffindor side dropping Colin on Hagrid twisting around just in time to wack the bludger back.

I zipped over to the other side of the field finding Malfoy on the ground gasping for air. Not paying attention I failed to realize the upcoming bludger heading towards me.

The bludger crashed into my lower chest sending me off my broom and free fall to the ground. My bones cracked in my ribcage puncturing my lungs. Starring up at the sky I tried reaching out to the player's hands that tried to catch me but I wasn't able to catch their hands in time.

I feel a body collide with mine as we rolled onto the sand. I trembled giving short gasps for air clinging onto the person I fell on.

I felt them throw us around before finally stopping and placing me on my back. "(Y/n)! Are you okay?!"

I hear Hermione's voice feeling a cold hand placed on my cheek. My vision slowly fading in and out and the pain on my chest ached painfully.

"(Y/n), Harry got hit as well hold on okay we're taking you to the Hospital Wing"

I nod getting lifted onto a gurney and taken to the Hospital Wing. I starred at the ceiling until we got there and placed into a soft bed.

"Alright (L/n) I need you to eat this. It will mend your bones back together and knock you out"

I reach for the small piece of whatever medicine I was given by the hand and chewed it. The flavor was disgusting but I managed it through instantly falling asleep.


Harry pov:

I lay in the bed I was placed on since the end of the game, facing (Y/n) who was still sleeping after eating the medicine.

I sit up thinking over what I'm going to do. 'For Godric's sake, what are you doing Harry?"

I stand up walking towards her unconscious body watching her covered chest go up and down. Shuffling towards her more I take in how beautiful she was.

Not that I didn't realize it in the beginning but being so close to her now and the bright half moonlight glowing upon her soft looking skin, it was truly mesmerizing.

Her hair fanned out like a wildfire giving off an unusual look I've never seen before on a female. I lifted my unwrapped arm carefully placing it on her cold cheek, sighing, happy that she didn't wake up from the contact.

My fingers ran across her cheek grazing her bottom lip by accident. I quickly pull away finding for any reaction but found none.

"I see you like Ms. (L/n), Sir"

I twitch at the sudden voice turning around to find Dobby on my bed with a wide smile stretching on his face.

"Dobby! Don't do that, you almost gave me a heart attack"

I whispered shouted at him he apologizes beginning to talk again, "Most apologies Sir. But seeing those injuries you two have gotten, you should have listened to Dobby. You should have gone home when you missed the train"

"wait... It's was you! You stopped the barrier from letting us in. You got me and Ron almost Expelled"

"Most apologies Sir. But yes and I watched from a distance to make sure you don't come to Hogwarts. Dobby had to iron his fingers sir" he shows me his bandaged fingers wincing at the burns.

"Then that means... You were the one that cursed the Bludgers! That almost killed us Dobby!"

I shout at him he falls off the bed avoiding my murderous hand, "It was to protect you Sir and Ms. (L/n) it was to protect both of you"

" It almost killed us look what your Bludger did to (Y/n)! She's been sleeping since the accident"

I felt tears pouring down my cheeks as I chased Dobby around until I finally got his ugly rag shirt, "No Sir, never kill you, it was to protect you and her from here from He Who Must Not Be Named"

"Dobby at this point I don't care about him I just want to know my friend is okay and that something is roaming around the school--"

Dobby gasped covering his mouth with hands trying to free himself. "Dobby what do you know?"

"I know nothing, Sir. Absolutely nothing"

"No Dobby tell me. What is happening?"

"History is going to repeat itself Sir that's all I can say"

Harry Potter Various x Reader {Year 2}✔Where stories live. Discover now