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Harry slowly walks over to the snake hissing at it. The snake turns to the Hufflepuff boy hissing wildly at him. Quick into action, I jump over the stage blocking the snake from the student. I point my wand at it as it moves back then forward.

"Stay away"

It pulls back lowering its head sticking its tongue out, as any normal snake would do. It tilts its head then staying still, "Vipera Evanesca"

The spell was shot towards the snake descending it to dust. I put my wand away noticing the stares the students were giving me and Harry.

"What are you playing at? Both of you?"

"What? I just protected you from that venomous snake"

"That's not what I meant"

I turn to Hermione and Ron as they both had the same facial expressions. I looked down frustrated at how this turned out. So much for being a good person.

I exit the Great Hall hearing my name being called out over and over. "What? Are you going to lecture me for helping someone?"

Harry stood there shaking his head, "I know how you feel (Y/n) and he should have thanked you for protecting him"

Ron and Hermione ran up to us now surprised as they take deep breathes, " You're a Parselmouth? Why didn't you tell us? Both of you?"

"Wait, a what?"

"It means you can talk to snakes, Harry. Also, I don't know what you two are going on about I can't speak to snakes"

"Then what was that out there...Harry?"

"I mean I accidentally set a python on my cousin at the zoo once. Once, but so what? I bet loads of people here can do it"

I cross my arms over my chest looking between Ron to Hermione saying that what he said was false, that not many people here in Hogwarts can speak Parselmouth and that it's bad news.

"Certainly it's not that bad Hermione. That Hufflepuff boy is probably mentally thanking us"

"So you're admitting that you can speak snake--"

"Ron for the last time no I can't speak to snakes all I said was to 'stay away' that's it"

"No, you didn't you spoke Parselmouth, Harry, too!"

"I spoke a different language without realizing it... But how can I speak a language without knowing I can?" Harry turns to me then Hermione for some type of answer.

"I don't know, but it sounded like you both were egging the snake on or something. Harry (Y/n) listen to me there's a reason the symbol of Slytherin house is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes too."

"I already knew that my house representative wizard was a Parselmouth Hermione, but what does it have to do with him now?"

"It means the whole school will think either one of you is his great great great grandkid or something"

"But we can't be and Dumbledore confirmed that we aren't related or anything last year. Can we?"

"He lived a thousand years ago. For all we know, you can be distantly related very distantly related"



"Oh did I say that out loud?"


I decided to stay inside for today just cause would you react to someone dropping a 'you're a probably great great great grandkid of some old founder'?

Smoky was nice enough to fetch me my work for classes as the time went on. Sometimes I feel blessed to have met this small creature.

I crossed my feet on my bed writing down some notes that I've missed throughout the day. I scratched my head trying to understand the muggle essay instructions that were attached to my little bird.

'I want blood.....they all must die...kill....kill........kill............. time to kill'

"Nope. Not happening. I heard nothing"

I cupped my hands over my ears ignoring the words of whatever it was I was hearing. Smoky bounced on my knee hooting at me for attention. "I'm fine Smoky"

I smiled down at him petting his head to soothe his worried eyes. He flutters to the bedpost fluffing up at my words, " I really am Smoky I'm fine"

I jump off my bed showing him I'm fine he just chirps at me tilting his head. "Okay, what will it take to get you to believe me?"

His eyes sparkle flying over to the door sitting on the doorknob. "You want to go on a walk?"

He jumps on the doorknob flying over to me sitting on my shoulder. I gently smile at him placing on my slippers and out the door.

The night light lit up most of the castle which gave off a nice setting. Walking around the school I run into Harry who was walking further than me.

"Hey! Harry!"

He turns smiling up at me waving his hand back. Now by his side, we continue forward noticing he had a weird expression on his face.

"You alright Harry? You seem a little on edge tonight"

"Just...please tell me you heard it. I just heard it speak about killing someone again"

"I-I.....yes I did hear it but it was in my dorm"

We round a corner finding something we don't usually find every day. "Is that?"

It was the same Hufflepuff boy from earlier today laying on the ground paralyzed. And Nearly Headless Nick floating with his head hanging on his shoulder spinning slowly.

"What happened?"

"I don't know maybe it's the thing you were talking about. About the chamber of secrets"

We crouch down to the Hufflepuff touching his extremely dead cold hands. Smoky lands on his raised arm pecking at his fingers, "Smoky no"

"Caught in the act I see. I'll have you out this time, Potter (L/n) mark my words"

"No, Mr. Finch! You don't understand"

But it was too late Mr. Finch was already gone to tell someone. I hear a crawling sound next to me. I silently gasp calling Harry's attention. " Look...its a trail of spiders"

We follow them to the window trying to understand what they were doing, "That's rather peculiar, isn't it?"

Just then rushed footsteps gradually got louder until it stopped right behind us. Professor McGonagall gasped at the student's condition then to us, "Professor it wasn't us"

"This is out of my hands, Children"

She ordered us to follow her to Dumbledore's office. Once we were there she curled her fingers saying he's waiting for us. She then gestures to the golden statue Harry nods his head at me as we step in almost touching shoulders.

"Sherbet Lemon"

Harry Potter Various x Reader {Year 2}✔Where stories live. Discover now