Authors Note

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You're probably wondering why it took me so long to update and I'm going to be honest with you all. I lost interest in this book I really did and for a while, I thought about sending it off with a final chapter...which was the previous chapter without telling you I was leaving.

But then I thought "Stop you're stressed it's okay"

And I was.

After graduating from high school I realized I don't know what I want to do with my life I figured if I go to college I'll figure it out there.

I was wrong

If anything I'm more confused than when I started. I'm so stressed from all that's happening around me that I didn't notice I was falling into depression. The deadlines, the expectations, the reality of it all.

It hurts.

It still does.

I miss the days where we were all carefree. Where we could just be happy in one place. But it all ends at some point, right?

I'm sorry I really am for making you wait for this pathetic answer im giving you, but it's the truth. And I promised myself to be as truthful as I can to anyone I've wronged.

I'm doing better now so don't worry about me, please. I've talked with my family, my significant other, and friends about my struggles. And let me say this if it weren't for them I wouldn't be here writing this message. I'm taking things at my own pace and I'm actually happier than when the first semester started.

I will upload at my pace.

I will finish this book when it's finally time to come to a close.

And if the time is right I might even start the 3rd year.

This is Author-chan sending you this message as a thank you for being patient and be safe at home.❤

Harry Potter Various x Reader {Year 2}✔Where stories live. Discover now