Ch. 14

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I've already had this chapter done for a while might as well put it up too. ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ
It worked!

After Dumbledore dismissed us, we left his office going back down the staircase. "Well... That was interesting"

"We didn't do anything, so we shouldn't worry about that?" Harry said with a bit of confusion in his face. "Yeah... Let's just go to bed and talk about this in the morning"

He nods waving bye as he runs upstairs getting an instant hello from the fat lady in the painting. Smokey chirps quietly as he bounces on my head, "Let's go to bed"


"Hey... Wake up"


"Calm down your chicken before I curse it"

"Chicken?! How dare you insult my baby"

I sat up in my bed pointing at my roommate as she just rolled her eyes, "Whatever just shut it up" she growled walking out of the room. I turned to Smokey picking him up and cradled him like a baby. His constant screeching finally calmed down hooting quietly.

"What in the world was that Smokey?"

He screeches flying over to the door scratching the knob with his claws. So much for a normal morning. I got up opening the door watching Smokey fly out turning the corner. I raised my eyebrow curious as to why he's doing all of this.

I followed the sound of his flapping as he stopped right above Malfoy who was calmly reading a book. Without any warning, he swooped down attacking his face "What the--get off!!"

"SMOKEY!! What are you doing?!"

I rushed to Malfoy taking Smokey off his face, "WHY?!"

"I-I don't know he just... Attacked you"

I held Smokey close to my chest petting his head to try and calm him down, "Look Malfoy I'm so sorry I don't know what's gotten into him this morning he's usually friendly"

"If it was anyone else I would've told my father to get them kicked out of the school but because it's you......I won't"

I sighed thanking him I looked down at Smokey who was still screeching at him. "Smokey what's wrong?" I let him rest on my arm as he just threatened Malfoy with his screeches, "Smokey you can't just attack him like that you can get into serious trouble"

But he didn't listen instead he flew right into Malfoy's uniform taking out sheets of paper that were stuffed in his sweater shirt. "H-Hey! Give those back!"

Smokey dropped the papers on my head screeching at Malfoy I grabbed the paper realizing these where my homework sheets!

"What the hell is this?! Why do you have my homework Malfoy?!"

"I was going to give them back"

"When!? When we were turning them in?!"

"No! At breakfast hour"

Now I know why Smokey was going hysterical this morning. He must've noticed Malfoy sneaking out with my papers trying to alert us. So much anger built up inside of me that there aren't enough words in the world to describe my anger towards Malfoy.

"You know what you're lucky I'm not going to tell our professors about any of this"

"You're not?.... Why?"

"Because then you'll tell you Father about this"

I rolled my eyes walking away from Malfoy going back to the dorms to get ready for the day. Honestly, I couldn't believe he would go this low into trying to steal something from me.


Throughout the day I was in a pissed off mood but that didn't stop me from what we were going to be doing. I breathed away the anger focusing on our task at hand or well Harry's and Ron's task. Hermione already got what she needed. I stirred the cauldron slowly making sure it was ready for the boys when they come back.

I brought Hermione a pair of my clothes for her to dress in for when we were going to the Slytherin common room. "Alright after these three stirs the potion is ready...its a lot more disgusting than what I thought it would look"

"The nastier the better the potion goes", Hermione replied coming out of the bathroom stall already dressed, "Any way you seemed angry today, why?"

"Just a typical Malfoy doing something to piss me off"

"Which was what of many?"

"He tried to steal my homework while I was sleeping but Smokey caught him in the act and scratched him this morning"

Hermione gasped looking down at Smokey who was calmly playing with his bell in the sink next to the sink I was using to hold the cauldron."Smokey? That innocent baby bird scratched Malfoy? And Malfoy didn't kill him?"

"Smokey is far from innocent don't let the baby eyes fool you, he's out for blood"

We chuckled watching Smokey flutter around with his bell. The boys finally came in heaving heavily like they ran a marathon, "What took you guys so long?"

"Crabbe and Goyle are twice the weight they appear"

I hold the spoon pouring some of the potion into three cups handing one by one to them."Alright now add the hair"

"Ugh essence of Crabbe"

"Alright you guys have exactly one hour until the potion runs out if we did it right"

"Well whatever time we have should be enough to get the information we need," Harry says gagging at the scent of the potion. All three drank the potion flinching at the taste. I watch as Hermione and Ron run into the stall most likely to throw up. Harry stayed by the sinks watching his reflection change to Goyle's.

My eyes widen happily cheering, "Hermione it worked!"

"That great-uggh"

Ron or should I say Crabbe walked out of the stall looking at himself then to Harry."Alright, let's not waste any time Hermione come on we need to go!"

"I-I don't think I'm going to come after all go on without me hurry you're wasting time!"

"We'll meet you back here okay?"


I looked out the door checking for anyone insight it was night time so it's obvious not a lot of people would be out. "Alright Smokey you stay here with Hermione you two follow me"

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