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They're lies

I walk down the stone steps with Harry and Ron close behind me. I walk around the last corner running into Percy...the one person I didn't want to see. "Hey what are you three doing?"

" are you doing here?"

"I happen to be a school prefect you, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at night"

"Percy, my dear old friend....buddy....pal...compadre-"

"Don't even start (Y/n). I can forgive you but I don't know these two"

Percy points at Harry and Ron asking for their names but before they could Malfoy pops up calling Crabbe and Goyle.

"Where have you been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?"

Malfoy walks up to Harry and Ron holding a plate of (Favorite/food)."(Y/n) I brought you (F/f) I noticed you didn't come to dinner so here"


"And what are you doing down here, Weasley?"

"Mind your attitude, Malfoy (Y/n) I need to talk to you about you know what"

I stayed with Percy watching Harry and Ron follow Malfoy behind turning to look at me nervously. I waved giving a thumbs up looking back to Percy.

"So um... What'd you want to talk about?"

"I think you should stop doing the whole violin werewolf serenade"

"Is it because of the attacks?"

Percy nods scratching his head frustrated he spilled out some words not making any sense pulling me into a hug. The sudden action caused me to drop my plate I awkwardly pat Percy's hearing him still stumble with his words.

"Tell me it's all lies"

"Uh, what is Percy?"

"We had a meeting, prefects and some professors, they're suspecting it's you who opened the chamber"

I pushed Percy away completely flabbergasted, "why would they think that?!" I shouted Percy shrugged holding my face looking me dead in the eyes, "Someone saw you sneaking out and told everyone about it they think you're up to no good"

"Percy I didn't open the chamber and even if I could've opened it I wouldn't risk anyone's life"

He sighed pulling me into a hug again thanking Merlin. "I'm sorry... I'm just scared...I'm scared that you could be lying to me"

"Okay... I'll stop...I'll need to send an owl to my mum I'm sure she'll understand"

"Thank you now go inside before anyone seeing you and don't mind the mess I'll clean it up goodnight"

"Night Percy"

I went to the entrance corridor whispering the password bumping into Ron and Harry who were changing back to their normal forms, "(Y/n)! We got the information we need come on!"

"Actually I'm not-uh...feeling well you guys go on without me tell me tomorrow, okay?"

"Uhh sure we'll tell you tomorrow feel better and we'll send Smoky to you"


"So what'd you guys find out?"

"Apparently the chamber was already opened 50 years ago and we found a book in the girl's bathroom," Harrys says walking beside me. I nod figuring that maybe the heir is related to the last person?

"I went into the book and discovered it was Hagrid who opened the chamber 50 years ago"

"Hagrid? Now that's stupid I don't believe he opened it 50 years ago for a second"

"Well, it's true unless you have proof it wasn't him" I raised my eyebrow at Harry's quick comment I just stayed quiet knowing I don't have any proof but still it's Hagrid for crying out loud.

"I'm with (Y/n) on this it can't be true"

"We don't even know this Tom Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch--"

"The monster had killed somebody, Ron what would any of us have done?"

I mean he has a point but still, I'm sticking to my words. I held my books close to my chest thinking about who this Tom Riddle guy is and why his book just appeared in the girl's bathroom.

"Mad and hairy? You wouldn't be talking about now would you?"


We turned around facing Hagrid who just popped out of nowhere awkwardly looking between each other. "What's that you've got, Hagrid?"

"It's Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent for the mandrakes you know now according to Professor Sprout, they've still got a bit of growing to do. But once their acne's cleared up, we'll chop them up and stew them for the people down in the Hospital Wing to unpetrify them"

"That sounds like a long process Hagrid" he nods telling us to look after ourselves and walked away. "Well we heard the man better stay safe"

Just then Neville sprinted towards us calling Harry's name, "Harry! I don't know who's done it but you have to come and see!"

We followed Neville to the Griffindor Tower and that's where I stopped, "I'm not supposed to be in there" Hermione stopped as well asking the Fat Lady in the painting if it was okay for me to go in. She nods smiling down at me.

"It's okay darling you can go in"

"Thank you alright let's go"

We ran to the boy's dorm room and all of Harry's stuff was trashed, "oh my God... What happened in here?" All of Harry's stuff was ripped up or thrown across the room, "Tom Riddles diary is gone"


"We'll see you at the match Harry (Y/n) and I are going to the library to search for clues" Hermione grabs my arm dragging me with her to the library. I would've preferred to go to the match with Ron but clues come first.

I waved to the boys matching with Hermione's pace. I didn't notice it at first but I saw a small bag hanging off her arm. "What's in the bag?"



We got to the library and Hermione took out a mirror and handed me one. She told me to follow and to look down. I did as she told me looking for a book and opened it quickly pointing at a page.

"I did a bit of thinking last night about the people who are petrified and it just came into my mind 'what has the ability to petrify a person?' And I came up with this"

A giant serpent was drawn on the page describing its abilities.

This basilisk can petrify any living or dead person. It's can also murder anyone who looks it in the eyes. This creature can live for hundreds of years without aging much of its years.

"So you think this basilisk is the reason for all these people getting petrified?" I ask she nods tapping her feet on the ground. "But it says here that it's huge how is it going around the school without anyone noticing?"

"I don't know but I think it might have to do with the pipes within the walls"

"Wait a minute I think you're right on the basilisk prediction Hermione. Harry and I have been hearing the voices within the walls and in the walls are pipes. No one else can hear it but us so that must be how the Basilisk is getting around"

Hermione gasped grabbing my hand and led me to a table she rips out the paper and began to write down our verdict. "Alright let's tell the boys what we found"

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