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Couldn't help but notice a few people saying they love my book.

( ˘ ³˘)♥
A kiss

Now on with the story!!!

Diagon Alley

(Y/n) pov:
I felt someone shaking me in my sleep, "no...leave", " come on love, you promised to keep on watch" I sighed getting up whining about it being extremely late at night. I took out my violin getting a confused look from the boys, "the song that I'm about to play will make sure they can't hear you when you leave"Fred smirked walking up to me, "can I help you?"

"have you been doing that to get out?" "No. My roommates are heavy sleepers theirs no point in that" I made my way out of the house and up to the roof I see the car pull out from the shed. I sit down on the edge waiting for the signal. I see Ron stick out his hand giving me a thumbs up I take out my violin out of its case placing it on my neck I take a deep breath playing the song.

I watched the boys leave into the sky slowly becoming a dot then disappearing to the night sky. I yawned putting my violin away, "time for bed"


"Ginny, can you feed Smoky for me?" I hand her a bag of little owl snack bits. She nods pulling out a few handing Smoky a bowl of owl bits, "have you seen my jumper?", "no sorry ask your mum I'm sure she knows" she gives a small okay rushing down the steps.

Smoky flutters up to my shoulder munching on his breakfast, "had a good nap Smoky?" he screeches stretching his wings. Flapping them around he screeches again pecking my hair, "careful now I just brushed my hair-hm??" the down slammed open then shut. Ginny looked pale shaking in her slippers, "whats wrong Ginny? What happened"

"H-Harry Potter is in my home", " really?!" I ran downstairs finding Harry sitting in a chair eating next to Ron. I quietly made my way down the steps standing behind Harry, I quickly placed my hands on his eyes holding him against my chest, "so, why haven't you been answering my letters?"

Harry stuttered trying to get out of my grasp."A house elf was taking them before they got to me" I stand by the counter right next to Mrs.Weasley.

"You got a visit by the house elf too?"

"Yeah something about grave danger heading my way"

Mrs.Weasley handed my plate thanking her as she serves the others. Ginny runs down asking something then booking it back up.

Smoky hoots on the counter stealing a bacon piece, "Hey you had your breakfast" I pull it away from him quickly eating it. Mr.Weasley came in greeting his family,"Morning Mr.Weasley" he says a small hello sitting down in his chair.

Mrs.Weasley told her husband about the whole morning event making me laugh in the back. "Did you really? Did it go alright? I--I mean that was wrong boys--very wrong indeed"

I roll my eyes knowing he really wanted to know how it went for the car. A screeching interrupted the boys talk making us all turn to the window,"Is that Errol?" A black spot in the distance sloppily flew towards the window. Just as it was at the window length in crashed in the closed window right next to it,"Percy please get the mail dear"

Percy got up getting the mail handing it to each kid even Harry. "Dumbledore must know you're here Harry. Nothing seems to get past that man"

"(Y/n) dear, did you get your letter?" Mrs.Weasley came up to me placing her hand on my shoulder,"yeah I have it in my suitcase" I go upstairs to get my list finding Ginny in her room,"Ginny you're going to have to come downstairs" she takes a shaky breath walking down the stairs. I shake my head laughing quietly,"young love"

Harry Potter Various x Reader {Year 2}✔Where stories live. Discover now