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Follow The Spiders He Said

Harry's pov:

Once Hagrid discreetly said to follow the spiders and left I took off the cloak looking back at Ron. "Follow the spiders that's what we got to do, look there's a trail on his window heading outside! Let's go come on Fang"

We head outside finding the trail of spiders crawling from Hagrid's window to the dark forest."There! Let's go"

"What? They're headed to the dark forest!"

I rolled my eyes following the trail listening to Ron whine about the spiders, "Follow the spiders why can't it be follow the butterflies?"

I shook my head holding up the lantern I grabbed inside of Hagrid's home trying to see the spiders trail. Fang barked at the spiders whining at the small creatures that were paying no attention to him. Man, he really is a weak-hearted dog.

The trail of spiders led to a tunnel with more spiders crawling all around it. I can hear Ron let out little whines trying to shove himself past me to get out as fast as he could.

"Ron will you relax? They're not going to touch you"

"They will if we don't get out of here!"

I can't blame him for being scared I was too if anything if one of them decides to even boop me they're going to die faster than Ron eating pudding on Christmas Eve.

A dim light could be seen at the end of the tunnel exciting Ron, Fang stepped out first but started to whine as soon as he did. I came next looking around for anything that could've possibly scared Fang but there was nothing that could've scared him even a falling leaf. Ron came out sighing loudly thanking Merlin for letting him live.

We walked forward a bit stopping at a giant nest hole thing. I lifted the lantern just as I did a loud voice came from the inside of the pile of logs asking who we are.


I whispered to Ron the voice spoke again calling for Hagrid. I responded hoping that whatever I spoke to won't kill us.

"We're friends of Hagrid"

A giant leg came out of the hole followed by another leg and another. At that moment I could feel Ron ready to panic but thank Merlin he didn't. A giant spider came out resting at the entrance of the hole looking down at us.

"Y-You're Aragog aren't you?"

"Yes...Hagrid has never sent men in here before"

"He's in trouble up in the school there had been attacks and they think it was Hagrid they think he opened the Chamber of Secrets just like 50 years ago"

Aragog took large breaths sounding surprised or mad I couldn't tell I've never spoken to a spider before.

"That's a lie. Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets"

"Then you're not the monster"

Of course it's not Hagrid, he isn't the type to hurt anyone he cares about and Hogwarts is his home why would he ever risk something like that?

"No, the monster was born in the castle I came to Hagrid from a distant land in the pocket of a traveler"

Ron whined pulling my arm I shushed him going back to Aragog, "But if you're not the monster, then what did kill that girl 50 years ago?"

"We do not speak of it. It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others"

"But have you seen it?"

"I never saw any part of the castle but the box in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was discovered in a bathroom. When I was accused Hagrid brought me here"



I looked at Ron kind of annoyed at this point he whines pointing up slowly. I look up finding thousands of spider webs with large spiders either staring down at us or making it's way down.

I swallowed my scream turning back to Aragog, "Well, thank you... We'll just go"

Ron nods walking backwards pulling my shirt from behind. "Go? I think not my sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command but I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst goodbye friends of Hagrid"

"Can we panic now?"

Ron squeaks out semi screaming at the giant spider dropping behind us. I swing the lantern smacking it away but it got back up. I drop the lantern backing up to Ron looking around for a way out, "Know any spells?"

"One but it's not powerful enough for all of them"

"Where are the girls when we need them?"

Ron cries out, after this if we ever see the next day, unpetrify Hermione, and find (Y/n) I'm going to appreciate anything they tell me to do. A bright light came out of forest scaring away the spiders. It was the car! The same one we came flying in almost getting expelled. The car opened its doors staying still, shocked by what just happened we ran to the doors closing the door not before letting Fang in first.

I shouted at Ron to drive he reversed the car instantly driving out of the spiders home we took deep breathes looking at each other, "Glad we're out of there"

It was peaceful for a bit until a spider jumped in the window grabbing a hold of Ron's neck we screamed from the sudden moment I take out my wand pointing at the spider. Ron moves his head in time, "Arania Exumai!"

The spider flew off most likely dead from the spell Ron looked at me relief on his face, "Thanks for that"

"Don't mention it"

I look forward putting away my wand, I paused and squinted my eyes trying hard to believe what I'm hearing and seeing is wrong. Spider after spider crawled out lining up outside of their home catching sight of us.

"Get us out. Now!"

Ron quickly reversed the car swerving it. I screamed at Ron to hurry but I think my yelling is just making it worse but can you blame me?! We drove dodging the trees with the spiders right next to us at this rate they'll find a way to catch us.

"Get us in the air!"

"The flying gears jammed!"

I helped push the lever to get it up, it just wouldn't. Up ahead there's a bunch of spiders blocking the way with trees dropped in the path. We pushed together the lever moved forward going up. The car flew up high enough that the spiders couldn't reach us, once we made it out of the forest the car dropped right by Hagrids home.

I opened the door letting Fang out, Ron stepped out too yelling at me in anger, "Follow the spiders! Follow the spiders!! If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban, I'll kill him" the car started up again driving back into the dark forest.

"I mean what was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out?"

"We know one thing. Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets...he was innocent"

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