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and that is final!

it rang through his mind in waves.

no more dan, and that is final!

that's what his father told him, and even though his mother told him that dan was still welcome whenever he pleased, it made phil's stomach churn.

"mr. lester, it is evident your mind is somewhere else." his english teacher, mr. bedford, scolded. "would you like a moment to get a drink and take a break from class?"

phil shook his head up and down. "yes, thank you, sir."

he was waved off by mr. bedford, continuing on his speech about how to write a proper thesis statement.

phil threw himself against the wall next to the water fountain, taking long straining breaths. the bruise on his cheek started to fade, leaving only a pinkish mark and a tender patch of skin.

it was only second period and phil was already more than prepared to go home. he felt like he'd been there for hours on end.

a couple people passed him in the halls, giving him weird stares that he wouldn't normally get. it made him worry, but then again, he was always worried. he tried his best to hide his emotions when he was in classes, it ruined his image. his image of being happy-go-lucky, image of being the uplifting one, his image of being a perfect little pink.

phil started to panic. what if michael had spread something about him during break? what if everyone knew he and dan were more than just two boys that passed each other everyday on their way to sixth period? what if he would be forced into not only explaining that he was indeed gay, but that he was in love with a rainbow?

there was something about dan that always fascinated phil. despite every hardship he took, he seemed to manage finding an upside quite well. even though he was interested in befriending dan, phil was never expecting himself to fall head-over-heels for dan. he never thought in a million years that he'd be wrapped around the finger of a boy with every colour on his sleeve. he never even thought he'd be wrapped around the finger of a boy at that. it didn't take long for phil to realize his infatuation, the first day after he had dragged dan to the park, he knew. he had an insatiable desire to be with dan and make dan forget what his colour was.

a shout broke phil out of his thoughts.

"phil!" the voice called out, and he turned to see an orange with his head peaking out of the english room's door. "get back in here!"

phil bobbed his head up and down, hurriedly scuttling his way down the hall and back into class. he took his place at his desk, and held back a panic attack as he waited for the bell to ring; skipping third period was always an option.

the bell rung, and he got his stuff together, waiting to run and hide away some place that he could cry in safety.

"woah, where do think you're going?" a voice sneered, and phil hoped to god that the voice was calling for someone else. "you, pinky, come here!"

phil turned around to see michael, and he was grabbed by the shoulders fiercely.

"where's your little boy toy?" he hissed, pushing phil backwards into the lockers.

"hey! leave him alone!" dan called, reaching out to shove michael away from phil.

"oh, romeo has come to save juliet, has he?"

dan took a swing for michael, but he missed and connected his fist into the lockers. he felt his knuckles pop, and he instantly shot his hand up to his mouth.

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