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the next few weeks could only be described to you as bittersweet for phil.

he had begun spending more time with dan, but everything at school for daniel had become increasingly worse.

name calling had always been a major part in dan's life, but recently phil has noticed a spike in physical torment as well.

it breaks his heart to see such an intelligent, well mannered, lovely boy be treated so out of turn. so wrongful. it was a shakespearean tragedy at its finest, yet most depressing state.

the though of dan being so mistreated and misunderstood made phil's blood boil. it tipped him over an edge he didn't think he previously had.

sneaking around his neighbourhood, being sure to not get caught, phil crept into his house and bolted up to his room.

he quickly changed from his black school clothes to his lounge attire.

"hey, sweetie," phil's mum beamed from the kitchen as her youngest son descended from the stairs.

"hey, mum, how was your day?"

his mother stopped stirring the pot of soup and walked over to hug phil.

"my day? busy but amazing as always, honey."

phil nodded and proceeded to help his mum finish making dinner.

"you've been coming home a lot later than usual, philip. what's up?"

phil sighed and decided in that moment that he wasn't giving up on this friendship now.

"i've got a new friend. and he's different than everyone else, so we hang out in the old park after school."

everyone in all of the united kingdom had heard about the infamous dan howell.

the gears started turning in mrs. lester's head.

"oh, philip, don't tell me it's who i think it is!" his mum scolded. "it's not that-that accursed howell boy, is it?"

"well, uh, mum you see-"

"philip michael!" she shouted, "that boy is going to ruin you! you're far too good for him!"

phil felt tears stinging warm in his eyes and his face slowly heating up.

"bloody everyone says that! you don't know him!" phil screamed as he stormed up the stairs. "and his name is daniel!"

after a solid twenty minutes of sobbing, and attempting to calm himself down, phil finally stopped crying and grabbed his phone.

as instagram loaded he instantly went to the search bar and searched for dan's user.

dan was the co-owner of a huge aesthetic account that he shared with someone from the americas. the account was called astrolost.

no one else other than dan, phil, and the other owner knew that dan indeed co-ran the account.

"dan..." phil typed.

it took some courage, but hesitantly, the raven haired boy pressed send.

as he flopped back down onto his pillows it was all overwhelming.

"yeah, phil. what do you need?" dan responded.

phil's mind raced. he'd never snuck out or disobeyed his mum's commands.

"do you think maybe i could come stay at your place for the night?"

phil would have to brew up a big ole lie to cover up this.

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