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Chapter 1


Ace Chemicals

Batman was walking around Ace Chemicals with Nightwing. Joker had kidnapped James Gordon, Gotham's commissioner. They were looking for Joker. "Why do you think he wanted to meet here?" Nightwing asked.

"Because this is where it all began." Batman replied. He was wearing a black suit with no cape. It covered his mouth unlike his old one and had a red Bat symbol. With his new suit, he had rocket boosters on his boots.

"Yes. Yes it is Batman" Joker said. His voice echoed though the old building. "Or should I say Bruce? Remember how you would always be in the dark and I'm in your position with a thug at my side." Joker jumped down and hopped on Nightwing.

Joker was hitting Nightwing with a crowbar. After a third swing Nightwing fell on the floor. Joker grabbed out a gun and pointed it at Nightwing's head. Joker opened the door right next to him. Commissioner Gordon was in a chair all tied up and bloody. Joker got another gun out and pointed it at the commissioner.

"I'm going to countdown from three, you choose who I don't shoot. If you don't, I choose." Joker said, "Three," Batman couldn't decide, "Two........ One." BOOM! Joker shot both of them!

"NOOOOOOO!" Batman yelled. Batman leaped on Joker. Batman started punching Joker. Joker blocked one of Batman's punches and sprayed his acid flower at Batman's mask.

Batman's mask burned off. Some of his face got scared. "Ah, there we go. We finally get meet face to face." Bruce had grey hair. Bruce picked up Joker and threw him into a wall.

Bruce grabbed a Batarang and launched it at Joker's eye. Blood ran down it. Joker blinked. The next thing he saw was Bruce coming at him with two Batarangs in has hands. He stabbed them into Joker's chest. Joker fell on the floor.

"Hehehe," Joker laughed. Batman punched his face. Blood swung out Joker's mouth.

"Why are you laughing clown, you lost." Bruce said.

"No I didn't, you did. I made you lose control. And they'll kill you for it." Joker said, "See you in Hell." Joker turned his neck and snapped it. Joker's arm fell next to his leg. There was a switch in his hand. He had a dead man's switch for bombs! Batman looked up. The bombs blew up the roof! The building was on fire!

Batman picked up Nightwing's and Commissioner Gordon's bodies. He ran towards the door. When he ran past Joker's dead body and spat at Joker's burning skull. The building blew up right after he got out with the bodies. All the chemicals mixed with the fire and blew up the building more.

Batman grabbed a spare mask out of his utility belt and put it on. "Bruce," A voice was calling him. It was Nightwing! "I'm still alive. He just shot my eye." Even though Nightwing probably would be blind in one eye, he would at least live.

Batman walked up to Gordon. Gordon was dead for sure. His forehead had a bullet in it. "Gordon," Batman said.

Police cars showed up. The police men saw Gordon's body and took off their hats Barbra Gordon was in one of the cars and saw her father's body. Tears ran down her cheeks. "Babs," Nightwing said. Nightwing hugged her. Tears were running down his cheeks too. Batman left the area and head to the Batcave.

Justice League Road to The Beyond PART 1: CRISIS ON MULITPLE EARTHSWhere stories live. Discover now