Chapter 5: Two Months Later...

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"Bye guys! Good luck in the military!" Samantha said waving to Joseph and Ava as they got into their car and drove away. "Good luck, Sammy!" Joseph yelled through the window. "Thanks, I'll need it." Samantha says as she walks away.

The next two months were hard for everyone. Samantha was working on her campaign to become queen, and the military training Joseph and Ava endured was hard work. One thousand pull ups, push ups, and 20 mile runs everyday, rain or shine, starting at six in the morning.

The day has come for Samantha to throw her hat in the ring. She arrives at the capital building where Peter Grave, the time anomaly brother of Melissa Grave, and time anomaly son of Tristan Grave. When Tristan Grave arrived on Dorian-5 a few years ago he helped the planet put of an economic crisis. The currency of Dorian-5 was lowering in value, which meant the king couldn't pay for anything unless he entered the war. Tristan Grave gave the king an alternative currency which saved the planet from entering a war with little to no money in hopes of stealing money from the other Dorian planets.

A business man, Roderick Orando, has already thrown his hat in the ring. Rick is running for re-election and Samantha just announced she was running. "I know many of you don't know me, but I promise all of you I can and will make our system a better place if I'm elected." Samantha says after she announces she's running. The audience gives applause, but Roderick and Rick got more.

"She better win." Joseph says as he and Ava watch the announcements. "You don't say." Ava says.

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