Chapter 14: Peacemaking

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"What's today's order of business?" Joseph asks. "Well, today, we got to attempt to bring diplomats from the other four Dorians and make peace with all of them." Samantha explains. "That's boring, what happened to blowing stuff up?" Ava asks rhetorically. "We can't fight four other planets, even if we have superior technology and strategy, their numbers are their advantage and it'll create tons of casualties on both sides of the conflict." Joseph explains. "What he said." Samantha said. "Is Roddy showing up today?" Ava asks teasingly. "Nope." Samantha says. "Why not?" Ava asks. "We have that diplomatic thing to do, as much as I don't want to say this, a business person would most likely just get in the way or be a nuisance and attempt to sell a product." Samantha says reluctantly. "Good thing Roderick didn't hear that." Joseph says. "Or Peter, isn't his sister a business person?" Ava says. "She is, but speaking of Peter, where is he?" Samantha asks. "I'm right here." Peter says wiping his nose as if he was sick and entering the room. "Welcome back, Peter." Samantha says noticing he was sick, even though he wasn't. "When does the meeting start?" Peter asks as he blows his nose. "About an hour from now." Ava answers.
"How was the wedding? Roderick asks as Melissa enters his apartment. "It was great." Melissa says thinking of Mr. George. "Who's the lucky man?" Roderick asks to make it look like he cares. "His name is Mr. George, I don't really know why he threw a 'Mr' in front of his name, but I still love him." Melissa says laughing. "Well, that's good. Peter went to work today, he's going to spy on Samantha today." Roderick says. "Alright, sounds good. Why is he spying instead of you though?" Melissa asks. "Well, there's a meeting today with all five Dorians, a business person won't be able to get anywhere near that meeting." Roderick explains. "Okay, makes sense." Melissa says.

~One hour later~

Samantha, Ava, Joseph, and Peter are representing Dorian-5. Four diplomats represent their respective Dorians. They meet in Samantha's office due to the little amount of people that are present. "Thanks for coming." Samantha says as the four diplomats take a seat on Samantha's office couch. "Don't spoil us with your hospitality, you're an angry warmonger that's sanctioned the deaths of thousands on multiple planets." The Dorian-2 diplomat says angrily. "If you continue to speak like that to the queen you can use that door behind you and to the left." Peter says not knowing where he was going with that. "How quaint." The Dorian-2 diplomat says. "Now, to our first and only order of business, peace between our planets." Samantha says. "The only way that could happen is if you call off your peacekeepers." The Dorian-4 diplomat says.

"Then that'll happen, what else are your conditions?" Samantha asks. "Well, we all want two million dollars." The Dorian-3 diplomat demands. "Alright, meeting adjourned?" Samantha asks. "Meeting adjourned." All diplomats say as they all shake hands with Samantha, Peter, Ava, and Joseph.

Peter returns to Roderick's apartment after his day of work. "How'd the meeting go?" Roderick asks. "You were right. All she wants is war." Peter lies. "Oh, good to know. Good night, then." Roderick says going to sleep. "Hey, sis." Peter says putting his stuff down. "Hi." Melissa says. "I need you to come outside with me real quick." Peter says. "Alright." Melissa says concerned. "Roderick's been lying to us, or Samantha had a sudden change of heart." Peter says. "What?" Melissa asks confused. "Samantha created peace between the Dorians." Peter explains.

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