Chapter 9: Convincing Congress

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Samantha, Peter, Ava, and Joseph arrive at the congress building. It's made of white marble, styled like a futuristic white house from the planet Earth, it also has 75 stairs leading up to the entrance. "Why are there so many stairs?" Ava asks. "Quit your complaining." Samantha says. Ava shuts up and Joseph laughs. "Honestly, your highness, I don't really think this is going to work." Peter says. "No one asked for your insight." Samantha says offended. "Actually, it's my job to give insight into everything the ruler of the planet does. Whether you do anything with that doesn't matter to me, I'm here for the money." Peter explains. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." Samantha says sarcastically. Peter flips her off without anyone knowing.

"Hello, your highness, what brings you here?" A guard at the door asks. "We'd like to speak with congress." Samantha explains. "We can have them here in a few minutes." The guard explains as he opens the door for Samantha and co. The guard calls all the congressmen and women to assemble. A few minutes later, Samantha and Peter begin explaining Samantha's plan. "As you all know, our new queen, as naive as she is, wants to bring peace to our beloved Dorian system. She has an idea she'd like to propose, but of course the final decision is up to you." Peter says in front of the council and proceeding to give the floor to Samantha.

"My fellow humans of the Dorian system, I want to have my two friends, who've been in military training for a few months now, become my elite generals who lead our armies into battle to bring peace to the Dorian system. A fight to end all the fighting. They would value their soldiers' lives over their own which would lessen the casualties because they'd take as many bullets as possible for any soldier. I'm also planning on enlisting them into the besy strategy and leadership training courses we can offer. Of course, I would need your permission to send them into battle, so if you would agree I would be most thankful." Samantha says hoping the congress agrees.

"We..." A congressman says taking a long pause and converting with his peers. Unlike Earth, Congress on Dorian only has three members. Currently it's two men and a woman. "...agree to this proposal, but... you must have them fit for being the next elite generals by today next year. You have a four year term, so don't waste a whole year on training them. Should they not be ready, then we decline this proposal." The congressman finishes as he and his peers exit the building.

Over the next few months Ava and Joseph were put into the strategy and leadership courses. They had to be sped up because Samantha didn't want to waste a full year on training, so it took exactly three months. During that time she attempted to keep her approval ratings up, but failed due to not keeping her promise in a timely matter. Little did the public know that she was only getting ready for war. She assembled an army bigger than any army assembled in the history of Dorian. It had more firepower, technology, and numbers than the other Dorian planets. After the training, Samantha had Ava and Joseph get acquainted with their new soldiers. They spent another five months training the recruits and earning their trust.

Now was the time to bring peace. The two armies would be known as the peacekeepers, the most elite army in the Dorian system.

"Hello Peter." A woman says wearing high heels and a suit as she steps out of a ship. "Hey, sis." Peter says. "So, you've been here while I've been dealing with cultists, gods, and the death of our father?" Melissa Grave says a little upset. "I need your help." Peter says. "You expect me to help you?! You abandoned Reston in search of dad, and never bothered to return! Instead you've been on a planet we've been searching the cosmos for! And you want MY help?!" Melissa asks angrily. "I'm sorry, okay, I really am. This planet is in trouble, and dad loved it here. I promised him I'd protect it. I need you to help me, for dad." Peter explains. "With what?" Melissa asks reluctantly. "To kill the queen." Peter says.

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