Chapter 19: Bow to System Saver

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The peace talks seem to be working. Joseph and Ava are guarding the capital building. The Dorian armies aren't present because Samantha wants her capital to show she wants peace. "In order for peace to be established, Samantha, you'll have to step down." The Dorian-1 diplomat says smirking. "You are naive to the political field, not for to rule the most powerful Dorian." The Dorian-4 and 3 diplomat say. "And if I refuse?" Samantha says shocked. "Then all of us will attack." The Dorian-2 diplomat says. "I have a counter offer." Peter says shocking everyone. "What's that?" Everyone asks shocked. "I think, all of us, should bow to System Saver." Peter says giving Roderick the signal. Explosions are heard outside.

Samantha looks outside to find that the garden is destroyed, and the sky around the capital is covered in ash. Roderick walks in and starts a live feed to all five Dorian planets. He proceeds to shoot all the diplomats. "Hello, Samantha." Roderick says aiming the gun at her. "Roddy?" Samantha asks shocked, scared, and confused. "System Saver, my company, it's been pulling the strings behind this war for centuries! I'm not my ancestors, instead of pulling the strings I'm taking control. All five Dorian planets are now mine, and Dorian-5 will be my capital. Anyone who disagrees can die." Roderick says as the other four Dorian planets' capital buildings are blown up by System Saver employees.

The live feed ends by Roderick shooting the camera. "Peter, kill my girlfriend." Roderick says. Peter is shocked and surprised on what Roderick had done. "No." Peter says secretly contacting Dakota. "What?" Roderick asks angrily and slowly looking at him. "I said no. Oh, and the Planetary Alliance says hello." Peter says. Dakota hears it all and initiates the attack. Planetary Alliance ships appear in the sky and soldiers flood the streets. System Saver employees and Dorian soldiers that have sworn loyalty to Roderick surrender and drop any weapons or explosives. Joseph and Ava are hiding in the capital. System Saver soldiers are patrolling the building. "God dammit!" Roderick yells as he pushes Peter out the window. "No!" Samantha yells as she runs over to him and fails to catch him. "I'm sorry, Samantha. It's not you, it's my heritage." Roderick says about to kill her.

Dakota flies up in his ship with Peter on top of it. "Howdy, name's Dakota." Dakota says as he primes the minigun on his ship to fire at Roderick.

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