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"Hey guys I'm home!" Samantha said. "Hey Sammy!" Joseph and Ava said. "Hi hun!" Roderick said. "I got good news!" Samantha said happily. "What is it?" Joseph, Ava, and Roderick asked. "I'll tell you guys later in the living room! Right now I need to talk to Roddy!" Samantha said excited. "Ok. We'll see you later!" Joseph and Ava said as they walked out to the living room. "Ok so what do you need to tell me?" Roderick asked. "Does it feel better doing good instead of bad?" Samantha asked. "It does. Since I changed how my business works it's been getting better!" Roderick said. "That's great! Let's go to the living room so I can tell you and the others the news!" Samantha said.

"So when is Sammy coming to tell us the news?" Peter asked. "When she's done talking to Roddy." Joseph said. "Ah." Peter responded. Samantha and Roderick entered the room. Roderick sat down on the couch. "Ok guys I've gathered you all here so I can tell you some good news!" Samantha said. "We know." They all said. "Well the good news is that the entire Dorian System has joined the P.A.!" Samantha said happily. "The P.A.?" Joseph, Ava, and Roderick asked. "The Planetary Alliance! They are an intergalactic combo of multiple planetary governments!" Samantha said. "That's great! So we're now a part of this combo of governments?" Joseph asked. "Yep! We all work together to take down the bad in the galaxies!" Samantha said. "Well I'm happy all of the Dorian System joined in!" Ava said. "I am too!" Samantha said happily.

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