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EVER SINCE I was a little girl, I'd dreamed of becoming a princess and finding my prince charming along the way. Sadly, as I grew, it came to my realisation that being a princess was simply unrealistic but finding prince charming? Possible.

I was nearing the end of my high school career and for around a year and a half of it, it consisted of stolen glances, sweet and enchanting kisses and endless amounts of affection; I'd found him.

And now, after this long year and a half, he was slipping from my grasps like a fish out of the water.

Interrupting my down-heartening thoughts, the one o'clock bell rang, signalling the end of class. With a sigh of relief, I sprung to my feet and grasped onto all of my belongings, then briskly shoved them into the bottom of my bag.

Just as I had anticipated, pools of people began to flood the halls: some entering and some exiting classrooms, but all of them eagerly cueing to get into the lunch hall.

Raising a thinking brow, I peered round for Caleb's mop of silky blonde hair. He was supposed to be meeting me for lunch and yet he was nowhere in sight.

"Rory! Over here!" Spinning on my heel, my eyes wandered across the crowd, searching for the owner of the voice.

My best friend, Olivia, stood by the entrance of the lunch hall doors, waving her arms around like a mad woman as she called out to me. Then again, she practically was a mad person. I grinned at my thoughts.

Shaking my head, a bemused expression spread across my features. "Coming." I smiled, weaving in and out as I sauntered towards her with bright eyes.

Once I was able to take a look at her properly, I let out a content breath.

Olivia stood before me and then she looped her arm around my own and steered me through the doors, towards the table which we always seemed to occupy, every lunchtime.

"I've got some news for you." She grinned, brushing away a strand of her dark obsidian hair. "Tyler called me last night." She squealed, the look in her eyes when she talked about him was enough to reveal that she really liked him.

Grinning at her words, I felt a smile tug at the edge of my lips. "That's amazing Liv! You guys would make such a cute couple!" Olivia blushed and the mane on her head bounced flamboyantly.

Then she nudged me slightly and wiggled her brows. "Not any cuter than you and Caleb." I held back a scoff. "You guys are the literal definition of a power couple!"

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