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OLIVIA BABBLED ON about how amazing her date with Tyler was and I couldn't be happier about it.

Fresh into the relationship, Tyler and Olivia were experiencing the honeymoon stage.

Thinking back to when I was experiencing the pure bliss of that stage, a painful look etched onto my face.

Olivia's chatter came to an instant halt and I feared that she'd seen the brief moment that pain was literally visible among my features.

I was proven correct when sheer concern flooded within her eyes. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" She hounded me with questions and the fact that she was so concerned about me put a smile onto my face.

Nodding in response, a lie slipped from my tongue. "I'm fine." She narrowed her eyes at me almost to wait for me slip up in any way.

"It's period cramps, that's all." I lied again, placing a hand on my stomach as I groaned to make my words even more believable.

Olivia's furrowed brows loosened and a knowing look replaced the concerned one. "D'you want me to get you some painkillers?" She asked and a warm feeling buzzed within.

I truly loved Olivia and bless her soul for always being there for me no matter what the situation was.

Shaking my head, a content smile etched onto my lips. "I'm alright." Olivia smiled back and continued flicking through her magazine as well as resuming her rant about how sweet Tyler was on their first date.

Listening to each and every word, I ignored the way my heart yearned for what Olivia was experiencing.

I'd been deprived of such feelings for a long time because Caleb simply wasn't around me all that much, anymore. I didn't know if it was because life was getting too hectic seeing as high school was coming to an end very soon, or exams being right around the corner, or, as much as I hated to suggest it, but maybe Caleb had lost interest in me and didn't see the point in making an effort anymore.

I really didn't hope it was true because if it was? I didn't know what I'd do.

"..oh! That reminds me, I totally spaced and forgot to mention the bonfire down at the beach tonight, wanna go?" Olivia's eyes brightened and with the way she stared at me with a pleading look, I couldn't possibly find it in me to say no.

Laughing at the way she cheered before I could even give an answer, I rolled my eyes but nonetheless smiled.

Throwing myself backwards, I bounced a couple of times as soon as my body had hit the surface of the cushiony mattress.

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