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THE BEST EXAMPLE of true love was the heartwarming story between my Mama Lucille and Papa Frederick. My mother's mother and father were the reason as to why I basked in the idea of love.

Their story was set during the war times. Mama Lucille was a seamstress and Papa Frederick was a blacksmith. Both of them lived in the buzzing town of London.

It was then that war broke out and the Nazi's began to take control under the reign of Adolf Hitler.

Papa Frederick's country needed him and like the loyal, brave young man he was, he stepped up to take over his duties.

The two of them had always been childhood sweethearts with keen eyes for each other, it was truly heartwarming. When she heard the news, Mama Lucille was heartbroken that her love had to go, but she understood.

The morning that he was to leave, Mama Lucille raced to where the crowds gathered to send off their boys and waving goodbye, a lacy handkerchief in hand, it blew away. The wind carried it to the exact spot in which Papa Frederick stood.

He picked it up and smiled and he knew that that handkerchief-a mere piece of cloth-was what was going to bring him home to his Lucille. It was a token of hope.

Not a day went by when the two of them hadn't longed for one another. They wrote to each other as much as they could, until one day, the letters had stopped.

Mama Lucille had grown to be a beautiful young women and it just so happened that she had suitors lined up from all over America. She was at the age in which a young lady should be married.

Every night she cried and cried for her Frederick to be alive and okay and for him to come home as soon as he could to sweep her into his arms and take her away.

Time fleeted and Mama Lucille was then engaged to a rich businessman from New York. She tried to postpone marriage as much as she possibly could, until her father put his foot down.

And then the war had ended and still, there was no news on her Frederick being alive.

The day of her wedding, she sat by the window and stared up into the sky and cried until she could no longer.

And then there was movement by the gates.

A flash of a familiar mop of blonde hair.

Her Frederick had returned. And in his hand was the very handkerchief which Mama Lucille had lost the day she ran to say goodbye.

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