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JERKING MY HAND back, I flinched under Seth's eyes and turned my body completely to face the front. My chest was tight and I could feel the way my heart pounded profoundly against my chest. "I-.." Words wouldn't simply form and a wave of heat travelled across my features.

Seth pursed his lips, but he didn't remove his eyes from me. He turned around to face the front and ran a hand through his hair. I was thankful that he didn't speak, since I knew deep down I'd wither under such awkward circumstances.

"Let's go." I suddenly whispered, loud enough for him to hear, but certainly not the same volume as my speaking tone. Seth shifted his eyes and unclipped his belt. I took this as a sign of agreement as I mirrored his actions.

Swiftly climbing out of the car, my fingers fiddled with the fabric of my silky dress, my grip tightening as a breeze of cool wind brushed against my skin, raising the hairs upon my naked skin.

Seth met me, standing by my side. His body was mere centimetres away and I couldn't help but eye the minuscule distance between us, but again, I didn't say a word.

The first step I took into the school was all it took for nervous butterflies to frantically flutter in the depths of my stomach. The music from the hall buzzed through my body as mini vibrations pulsated throughout me.

As we neared the door, the volume increased and I found myself smiling at the decorated hall that was vibrantly filled with liveliness and more. Colours clashed in the best possible ways and the dance floor was swarmed with familiar faces.

The dresses were all elegant, differentiating from each other, with all the different colours and designs. To match the dazzling outfits, smiles were drawn across their lips and laughter rung around them in the air like a guard. It was as if nothing could dim the youthful spirits.

Clearing my throat, I looked up to meet Seth's eyes, my smile never faltering, and titled my head to the side. "You don't need to stay with me all night." I grinned as he too cracked a small smile that was hardly visible, but still apparent and stuffed his hands into his obsidian black trousers pockets.

"You want to be alone?" He'd asked me, a wondering look spreading across his features. At this I shook my head. "Nah, I just feel bad enough that you had to come here with me. Least I could do is let you enjoy yourself." Seth's next words surprised me a lot.

"I am enjoying myself, Rory. And I'm glad that I'm here with you. I don't think there's anyone else I'd rather be here with." It was then that my smile faltered as I stared into his eyes and saw nothing but sincerity.

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