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FRIDAY CAME FAST and an excited buzz went around my whole year group because tonight was going to be the night in which the party of the century was to be held. Olivia couldn't stop talking my ear off about it and I wouldn't shared her joyous vibes too if it weren't for my own dilema.

The whole week, I'd found myself ignoring two bold presences that left my thoughts in complete jumbled like a deck of cards sprawled across the floor.

Chewing my lip nervously, I eyed the clock with wary eyes and didn't miss the burning look that was focused on the back of my head. I knew who the stars belonged to but after my chat was Olivia, I couldn't bare to face him.

I could sense Seth's worry from a miles away and from the way he'd look at me with longing in his eyes told me that he'd wanted to so badly step forwards and ask why I was avoiding him, but chose not to because he knew me well enough to know I'd slip from his grasps like a fish out of the water.

The bell had finally wrong and I knew that I'd had to rush if I wanted to put a good and lengthy distance between Seth and I. From the intensity of his stare, I could tell that today was the day that he was going to confront me about my actions, but I couldn't do it. I wasn't prepared for the questions, so like a coward I ran.

"Rory!" He called out to me. "Rory!" He called again and each time I sped up my stumbling strides, pushing against the ground and pretending as though the sound of his voice didn't enter my ears like an overbearing siren.

Pushing through the doors of the school, I spotted Olivia as she waved at me from her drivers seat and ushered for me to hurry up so she could drive us to my house to get ready. With a small smile that I had to force, I scurried towards her barely functioning car and slipped in, closing the door gently because any harder and it would fall off.

"God, Olivia, you can't drive this car forever!" I mumbled, clasping my hands around my bag as I eyed the fault contraption with scrutinising eyes. She rose her brows and placed a finger onto her lips. "Don't you say a word about Bobby." She patted the console gently and I scoffed, wondering how she could get away with being so weird.

But I loved that about her and the fact that she didn't seem to care about how weird she was, was both refreshing and admirable. I'd always thought if you weren't silly once in a while then it got boring very quickly, so I was glad to see that Olivia owned her strange attitude and wore it like it was a new pair of shoes.

Smiling at her and then shaking my head, I watched as she stared into the mirror and reversed out of the parking lot, putting the car into drive and rambling on about the possibilities of tonight. I too wondered what would be in store for me but I also knew that I was going to enjoy myself, I couldn't remember the last time I had, so I'd be damned if I let the opportunity pass by.


Glammed and dressed up from head to toe, Olivia and I were more ready than ever. I was far from self conceited but I was confident enough to know that I possessed promising features and with the help of some makeup and an outfit that screamed 'it's party time' those very features were put on display.

The vibrations of the music buzzed through my body from the tip of my toes to the hairs on top of my head. Olivia's arm was linked through my own and the both of us wore beaming smiles across our lips. Olivia was beyond pleased to know that tonight I actually wanted to have fun and she vowed to help me even though I shook off the gesture and told her to spend time with Tyler because I knew that that's what she really wanted.

But I was thankful that she offered to turn down such a thing in order to assist me in having the time of my life. Pushing her towards her boyfriend, I grinned from ear to ear and captured the teasing look she shot me as she wrapped her arms around his back.

Swirling on my heels, I sauntered towards the kitchen and loomed in and out of he seas of bodies that were clustered around the space of the house. The lights were dim but bright enough to make out who everyone was and what they were doing.

Some were busy in heated lip lock sessions to which I groaned and rolled my eyes at because to display such affection in public wasn't the most pleasant thing to do and others were simply chatting whilst feeling the buzzing sensation of alcohol to which the downed contently.

Rummaging through the ice bucket of selections, I reached for a beer and tugged it from its place, listening to the faint sound of ice grinding against each other. I searched for a bottle opener and rolled my eyes when the only one in sight was broken, discarded on the centre of the marble counter.

The pre drinks in which Olivia and I had downed before entering the house seemed to keep me going and with a sigh, I resorted to opening the bottle another way in which I'd learnt a while back from Caleb. At the thought of him, I closed my eyes and my fingers curled tighter around the circumference of the beer bottle.

My skin burned against the icy surface and drips of water slid down my hand slowly, leaving behind a wet trail. Placing the cap on the ledge of the marble counter, I rose my hand, when suddenly, a familiar voice spoke out to me.

"Need some help?" I looked over my shoulder and my eyes met with a familiar pain. I could feel my tightened features soften as I found myself smirking. Turning back to the bottle, my hand met with the edge of the lid and with a pop, the lid bounced off.

Raisins the beer at Seth, I grinned and sipped some, loosening my tensed body at the newfound relaxing sensation. Seth rose a brow and I could tell that he was impressed but by the other stern look that brewed in his eyes, I knew that he had bigger fish to fry, hence why he stood before me with pursed lips and lifeless eyes.

My chest tightened as I stared at him and I found that I didn't like the way he looked at me with no emotions swirling in those enticing eyes of his. It evoked a feeling of emptiness within and that alone was enough to make me wince. I didn't like seeing Seth like this. Not one bit.


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A/N :
Part two to this chapter will be posted soon, look out for it!

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