T W E N T Y - O N E

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CALEB'S EYES SHONE with disbelief as he watched me shrug off his hand. I tightened my jaw and crossed my arms over my chest, standing my ground. "Rory-?!" He scoffed, eyes wide and clouded with confusion.

Rolling my shoulders back, I decided that now was the time to be strong. "You never loved me." I stated and watched as Caleb's brows furrowed.

I was beyond terrified because being with Caleb was all I had ever known. And now, I was going through a drastic change because I knew that I didn't need him anymore-I never did.

"I-Rory. I do!" My face morphed into a look of absolute distaste. I shook my head and a sour laugh escaped my lips. "That's a lie and you know it."

"If you loved me, you would never let your attention stray. If you loved me, you'd put me first. If you loved me, you'd be there for me. In the beginning of our relationships you were a dream come true. You changed, Caleb. And not for the better." I watched as a look of bafflement crossed his light features.

"Rory...you don't know what you're saying!" He exclaimed, taking a step towards me, to which I stepped back.

"I never thought myself to be good enough for you and not once did you assure me that I was. For too long I've accepted the kind of love you're willing to offer me. But I don't want it anymore. You treat me like sh*t! Because I bet that's what you think of me as." Anger seeped through me and I was only just getting started.

"I've never felt good enough for you and it's only now that I realise that I deserve so much better because I'm too good for you. You and Kate deserve each other and I'm happy to be the one to set you free. Go to her, Caleb, I'm sure she'll be very pleased." Caleb's eyes darkened and his expression fell.

"Rory, I'm sorry, please, baby, just, forgive me?" He took a step towards me and as I stared into his eyes, my own features softened. I was like putty in his hands again and I felt my confidence vanish all of a sudden.

Then, an image of Seth filled my vision and my features hardened. Pushing Caleb back with a little force, he stumbled and his features fell. "No!" I sternly stated, my hands fisting at my sides and grasping onto the material of my shirt.

"You can't always do that, Caleb; do the wrong thing and try to charm your way back into my good graces. Enough is enough." Caleb remained silent and I took the chance to continue.

"I don't love you. At some point, maybe I did, but I was never in love with you." Uttering those words relieved me. It felt as though a curse had been lifted and I was finally free. "I was always blinded by the idea of love and to think I put myself through utter misery astounds me." I shook my head and worded the disappointment I felt towards myself.

"Never again, though."

Caleb scoffed and this time, I met his blue eyes that swirled with an unapologetic look. "And what about Seth? Huh? You think he loves you?" His eyes squinted and it was my turn to smile.

"I know he does." At this, his grin faltered immediately. "Now, I have to go and do something." Turning to leave in the same direction that Seth had, I smiled and felt my chest become relieved of all the excess weight.

"If you leave, we're done!" Caleb called out to me, anger soaring through his tone. "I'm serious!" He shouted louder and I looked over my shoulder, shooting him a neutral look.

"Goodbye, Caleb." And then, I continued to walk, furthering myself away from a segment of my past that would finally be left there. And then I continued on, walking with my head held high, right in the direction of my future.



Throw the glass that was situated in the centre of the main doors, I spotted Seth throwing one leg over the seat of his bike and finally nestling down onto the leather curve.

I smiled and pushed against the metal bars, the doors now swinging open and allowing me access to the outside of the school.

"Seth!" I shouted and watched as he pulled the helmet down onto his head, which meant he probably didn't hear me. He revved his engine, but just before he set off, I ran in front of the bike and planked both hands onto the handle bars.

His eyes widened in fear as he swiftly pulled the break, and within seconds his helmet was off and his eyes were filled with rage.

"Are you stupid?! What the hell is wrong with you? Stepping in front of a bike like that-..." He continued to shout at me, but I didn't care, not one bit. All I could do was stare at him dotingly and smile in his direction.


"Don't ever do that again, you hear me! I swear to go-..."

"Seth!" I shouted once again, but he didn't listen.

"You're so f*cki-..." This time, I cut him off. Not with my words, but with an action that showed him exactly what I felt for him.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards me, kissing him full force, my grin widening as he responded instantly. Pulling away for breath, my heart soared.


"I love you too." I admitted, my cheeks tinted pink and my breath rising erratically. I couldn't help but grin at the way he stared at me in utter disbelief.

"Seth...say somethi-..." Copying my actions, he kissed me passionately, this time, stepping off his bike and throwing it to the side in order to close the space off between us.

Remembering what Seth said back in the hall, I caressed his cheek with tender fingers and smiled softly, staring into his lit eyes. "Sometimes thinks don't go as planned for a reason. Things didn't work out with Caleb because I deserved so much more than what he could ever give me. And you offered so much more to me. I was so stupid not to see it but I'm glad I finally have. It's you that I'm in love with. I swear to you, Seth, it's the truth. The moment you kissed me, I was sure of it, I just needed to sort out the everything else that became a mess. All my life, all I've ever wanted was for a guy to love me the way it's portrayed in poems and books. And you did it and for that, I owe you my everything." Seth smiled down at me and placed a chaste kiss on my forehead.

"You don't owe me anything, Rory." He grinned and brushed a stray strand of hair away from
my eyes. "I just want to be with you, that's all."

He held me in his arms for what felt like hours and at that very moment, I realised that this was quite possibly my most favourite place to be in the whole wide world. Just simply, in his arms.


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Final chapter is next guys, omg!!

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