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THE TRUTH WAS that Seth Hunters infatuated me and the more I seemed to think about him and the mysterious vibe that wafted from his leather clad form, the more that the curiosity within me had rose.

I wasn't a nosy person. Hell, I was always one to keep to myself when it came to matters that were none of my concern. And yet, I found myself wanting to unravel the mystery of Seth Hunters as if it were an intricately-wrapped present sitting idly under the Christmas tree.

Olivia and I were on a walk like we usually were every Wednesday evening. It was to clear our heads and get some fresh air because sitting at home, cooped up in a stuffy room was far from appealing. It was a stress relieving sort of thing.

Fresh into the relationship, Olivia was bright eyed and all smiles as once again she babbled on and on about how sweet Tyler was. I didn't mind.

"I think you should go out for dinner on the peer. Dates at a movie theatre just don't seem right in the beginning of a relationship because you wouldn't be talking to each other-communication is always key." I reminded her since she'd asked my opinion on wether the movies would be a good place to go.

She took my advice into consideration and then smiled, her striking eyes brightening. "You're probably right." I simply grinned.

By now, the sun was setting and a cool breeze had kicked in. Olivia eyed her watch and chewed on her lip. "I gotta head before mom freaks. I'll see you later." Waving goodbye, Olivia walked backwards and then turned, breaking out into a brisk stride, her curls bouncing with each step.

Breathing in a breath of air, I chose to continue walking.

There was a convenience store not that far away and right next to that was an ice cream shop. I could do with some ice cream. I thought.

As I walked down the street, I heard the sound of a roaring engine. It belonged to a motorcycle and that was the very moment in which my thoughts became invaded by one motorcycle-riding rule-breaker: Seth Hunters.

With skin that was marked with permanent ink and a back that was covered in worn out black leather-he instantly became the kind of boy that mothers prayed their innocent girls stayed far away from.

I'd like to think that people were wrong about him. That a good for nothing nuisance was what he wasn't.

Maybe I could be wrong. But I was always taught to never judge a book by its cover and so until I knew the real Seth Hunters, he would remain an unsolved mystery.

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