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HIS WORDS CONSTANTLY replayed in my cluttered mind. I'd find myself busting away at a task, only to stop as Seth's words appeared fresh and taunting.

We accept the love that we think we deserve. . .

But that couldn't be me! I refused to believe so and yet here I was doubting everything I had with Caleb because when I was him I always doubted myself.

Tightening my grip on the rag of cloth, my fingers curled around the dirty material as I wrung the remaining water out of it.

I bit my lip and sighed. That became a habit of mine-an odd and unusual action which I'd always seemed to do when I was feeling any form of stress, wether it be humongous, or minuscule.

Seth's face flashed before my eyes and I blinked thrice, the image disappearing as my chest rose up and down. He was also on my mind a lot, lately.

He was like a fever that I couldn't shake off, no matter how hard or much I tried. It was as if we were magnets, always attracted to each other with nothing to split us apart.

Not even Caleb had managed to cut off the friendship of ours that I always knew I'd cherish because it was that special. Caleb was furious when he learnt I'd been to seen Seth's mother. He threw a tantrum like a child and that was enough to have me barking away at him, telling him that he couldn't decided who I could and couldn't be friends with.

Once I'd slammed the phone down, the heavy weight upon my chest had been lifted and I felt so free. It was as if I were a dog running against the wind with no leash to hold it back.

A few days had passed by and so many things troubled me. As usual, I brushed them all under the mat and pretended as if my life was just peachy. Although, that was far from the truth.

The weekend went by fast, as usual and somehow it was Sunday afternoon. The sun was out and the air was clear and fresh. The sky, blue, with a few fluffy clouds bobbing in the air like a buoy in the ocean.

Today, I was meeting Seth. For the first time since I'd seen his mother, I had been the one to reach out to him. To say he was surprised was an understatement. He asked if I was sure that I wanted to spend the day with him, to which I laughed and replied with a bubbly 'yes, of course!'

Sprawled across a park bench, I waited anxiously for Seth's arrival, my brown orbs flashing from one end of the bustling park to the other.

Then, I saw him and I felt my chest tighten. Again, he sported his effortless bad-boy look and if perfection could have a literal definition, then it would be Seth. His hair was slicked back, yet it fell in one single wave across his forehead, that was one of things I loved about his appearance.

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