Gilbert Chapter 1

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Inspiration - I hate you I love you (Gnash (feat. Olivia O'brien)

Gilbert bougainvillea - at the C.H postal office violet was working on a requested piece when Cattleya hurried in "violet." violet looked up from her type writer "yes?" "there is a women here she is looking for you." violet looked blankly at Cattleya "I don't understand is she a costumer" "I don't think, so she said she is here about-" she paused looking down "gilbert" violets eyes widen as she quickly stood "forgive me it will only take a moment." she said hurrying off she ran down the stairs hitting the first floor she slowed her steps as she came to eye contact with a woman she never seen before. the women held a stoic look on her face "violet" she whispered violet nodded "yes that is me" she said. the women clutched her hand tightly walking over she stood in front of violet she lifted her hand reaching out to her. "Violet" "yes" the women hand hesitated "what is the matter?" violet asked. the woman's eyes filled with tears as she wrapped her hand around the back of violet's neck. she pulled her in a hug "your violet" "yes I am who are you?" she questioned.

"(f/n), (f/n) Bougainvillea Gilbert was my husband" she said. violets eyes widen as she pulled away "n-no that's impossible" (f/n) tilted her head as her facial expressioned soften "he never mentioned me?" she shook her head "no I thought-" violet looked down "forgive me I thought the major had no love interest." she said "(f/n)" Claudia walked down the steps he looked at (f/n) and then violet "she was working with you the whole time and you never said anything" she said. "You don't understand I-" "Claudia!" (f/n) shouted Claudia flinched as he tilted his head downward like a frightened dog. "ma'am you shouldn't shout at Claudia in his establishment it isn't good for business" violet said (f/n) looked at violet "its okay violet me and (f/n) were like siblings" he said. "why don't the both of you come I think there is a lot of things you want to say (f/n)." "of course there is I have been waiting for this moment for a long time my heart aches so very much seeing you violet. I wasn't sure if I wanted to slap you but now I see you are just a child." she said "I don't understand why would you want to hurt me?" she asked "Gilbert last few letters always talked about you I was" "jealous" Claudia smirked. (f/n) face turned red as she looked away. "i thought since he had been away from me for so long that he fell out of love." she said violet looked at (f/n) there was that word again love "what does that mean..."

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