Gilbert pt 11

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(f/n) twisted her body as she turned slapping her brother in law "how can you say that, how dare you of all people say I was laying with the dogs. Gilbert your promised to love me and only me how can you tell another girl you love her!" she shouted as she kicked and screamed
"no violet you have the wrong idea I don't love you in that way I love you as a child I wanted when dietfried gave you to me you were like a mere child to me." he said "you didn't know how to write or read. you didn't have a name and I felt bad, my job is to save people and like them I wanted to save you. yes I grew attached to you but above all when my wife told me how we lost our daughter I used you to cope with that." Gilbert said "I'm sorry violet stories that you heard about me those were memories for me and my wife that I love." he said "I never meant to lead you on but I do care for you like a child" he said "your fourteen you were nothing more than the child I wanted" he said.
Violet looked at (f/n) "you are the cause of this if you weren't alive major gilbert wouldn't be saying these things." she said "if you weren't here! he wouldn't be saying these things!" she shouted gilbert held her back as dietfried tried dragging his sister in law out the house "come on" he said
"no fuck you!" (f/n) shouted as she slammed her head back into his face she wrangled herself free hurrying back into the house "YOU DONT KNOW SHIT!" she shouted "You don't know shit your a 14 year old girl with no feelings and no understanding of the real world" she shouted "you know nothing about love you cant differentiate the feeling of loving a friend and being in love. you no physical pain can feel the same way your heart aches when you are losing the one you love in front of you!" dietfried looked at his brother "that woman loves you but you need to choose your next step on your own" he said.

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